Trader Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Sorry guys - saw this posted elsewhere this morning and thought it was current.
Gingeletiss Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012!/SneakyFC/status/165386999199580160 Turns out the CSI investment into PFC is actually £17.2m, not the £10.8m previously stated... Ummm! it talks of a meeting between the joint administrators, and the FA...........transparency is the key word down there..not!
St Jim Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 There's that magical, mythical £17m cropping up again! Tell me, how much did Gayboy 'sell' PFC to Chinny for? And how much did Chinny 'win' when he 'sued' Gayboy? Oh, that's right, £17m! Funny how everything to do with Pompey owners always comes back to the same amount of money! and it's now 17 days to HMRC day.
dubai_phil Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Is it 2008 again?
ooh it's a corner Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Let's do the tax dodge again, Let's do the tax dodge again. It's just a dodge to the left, It's just a dodge to the right, With your face in your palm, Hope and pray you'll be alright, But its the high court judge, they really drive you insane... Let's do the tax dodge again... Let's do the tax dodge again..
St Jim Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Let's do the tax dodge again, Let's do the tax dodge again. It's just a dodge to the left, It's just a dodge to the right, With your face in your palm, Hope and pray you'll be alright, But its the high court judge, they really drive you insane... Let's do the tax dodge again... Let's do the tax dodge again..
dubai_phil Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Let's do the tax dodge again, Let's do the tax dodge again. It's just a dodge to the left, It's just a dodge to the right, With your face in your palm, Hope and pray you'll be alright, But its the high court judge, they really drive you insane... Let's do the tax dodge again... Let's do the tax dodge again.. Lol can almost hear that being sung against them at SMS Except they won't last that long
ooh it's a corner Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Lol can almost hear that being sung against them at SMS Except they won't last that long here's hoping....
Waterside.saint Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 [/url] No wonder Vlad is ****ed if he owes Chiiny £17m and Taurus £13m, based on the net worth of CSI as **** all. So, did he use Taurus money to buy PFC? If I've understood correctly, I think the problem is that they didn't *buy* anything, at least not outright. They had it from Chinnie on some kind of HP agreement & couldn't keep up the repayments so now Chinnie is trying to foreclose on them
Seaford Saint Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Still think its sad that any club is only ever judged by the 'worst' of its fans - same as we are elsewhere - the Ted Bates booing was about 2 or 3 idiots out of around 3000, amde worse by the Saints fans then booing teh pompey idiots..and the whistle went. Those things , whilst always emotive, are sadly a part of life, ideiots are everywhere and Portsmouth does not have a monopoly on them. As mentioned before, for me its more that they illustrate ALL that is wrong with football, and made worse by the fact they 'never learn'. They have forgoten (as indeed does the RH Penny) that teh 'dodgy' is not just aout arms dealers and fake sheiks, but about gainiing league status and cup success by building a debt mountain that was always going to be unsustainable... and no one was complaining about such dodgy owners when at at Wembley. I know some genuine fans that gave up tehir STs several years back, as they became disillusioned with the shameful way their club was behaving. I do feel sorry for them. They were in the crowd that day the Ted was booed and have told me they were ashamed of the arseholes who caused that simply did not get it. They had alledgedly 200,000 'fans' celebrating their cup win, a tenner each and the tax man is paid with some to spare... let them keep teh club alive if they really want it. Let them apologiose for the cheating, let them give the cup back, let them say they will pay the charities, and I would bung the phonix a tenner and wish them good luck.... but I dont see them frantically recallibrating the radar at Eastliegh air traffic control for to ID aerial porcine objects any time soon.... Great post...I would have written something similar on here but I thought by doing do that I would merely irritate people.
holepuncture Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012!/SneakyFC/status/165386999199580160 Turns out the CSI investment into PFC is actually £17.2m, not the £10.8m previously stated... That mysterious £17m figure again, why? The Lithuanian and Latvian public must be f*cking livid seeing their life savings and pensions being blown on this lot - absolutely sickening.
Gemmel Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 android has this uncanny knack of turning debt into more debt. What was it last time 58 million (The amount they declared in court) suddenly became 120 odd million and now csi has turned from 10 million into 17. Oh well, i guess that's another 10,000 lithuaian pensioners screwed
JackFrost Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 android has this uncanny knack of turning debt into more debt. What was it last time 58 million (The amount they declared in court) suddenly became 120 odd million and now csi has turned from 10 million into 17. Oh well, i guess that's another 10,000 lithuaian pensioners screwed So are they gearing up for admin and to ensure HMRC's debt is under a certain percentage again?
Gingeletiss Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 So are they gearing up for admin and to ensure HMRC's debt is under a certain percentage again? Again is the operative word here imo.
Weston Super Saint Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 android has this uncanny knack of turning debt into more debt. What was it last time 58 million (The amount they declared in court) suddenly became 120 odd million and now csi has turned from 10 million into 17. Oh well, i guess that's another 10,000 lithuaian pensioners screwed Fortunately this time, that £17m is stated as the amount they paid for the shares - 100% of PFC shares owned by CSI. I guess that means that no matter how much AA inflates this debt - perhaps he's doing so, so that chinny can write it off against tax for his profitable businesses? - it won't mean a thing when compared with HMRCs debt, so even if admin was sought, HMRC would be the major creditor and would have control over what happens next. Unlike last time when they mysteriously ended up with less than 25% of the total debt so couldn't vote against the CVA. Just ask Rupes what happens to the value of the shares when admin is declared
Gruffalo Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 They'd need permission from the courts to enter administration (again). And for that to happen, they'd need to demonstrate that there was a business worth protecting. Unless a White Knight comes galloping over Portsdown Hill clutching bagfuls of cash, then it seems to me more likely than not that the courts would deny them the rabbithole of another spell in administration.. Takeover or liquidation, I reckon - and the ticking is getting louder..
COMEONYOUREDS Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I take it if AFC pompey started up that all the trophies in the past Pompey have won (cheated to win) will be wiped from history? Cus with Wimbledon and MK dons I'm confused who claims ownership to their FA cup win back in the day Neither of them do. MK dons agreed to hand it back to be accepted into the Football League. The honours have officially belonged to the London Borough of Merton since that happened
trousers Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 (edited) James Pearce @Pearcesport Different court room today. This one's slightly bigger which means more football fans have been able to fit in public gallery today Prosecution closing arguments. Ask jury for a "cold, clinical analysis of the issues you need to determine" Prosecution say Redknapp "knows perfectly well that his club had a responsibility for deducting tax at source" Prosecution say key question about Monaco money is: "Did it arise from employment income? Was it a bonus?" If bonus, should have been taxed Prosecution "Was it simply coincidence that the £100,000 was not that far from the 5% (Crouch) that Redknapp had lost?" Prosecution tell jury News of World tape in which Redknapp repeatedly says payment was a bonus is "extremely important" Prosecution say way Redknapp answers News of World questions is "extremely telling" + "will assist you enormously in determining the truth" Prosecution say that on the tape Redknapp "couldn't have made it plainer" that money was a bonus. "The words come from Mr Redknapp's mouth" Prosecution say Redknapp has "many qualities you'll have little doubt about, but fact is this - bonus paid to bank in Monaco + no tax paid" Edited 3 February, 2012 by trousers
St Jim Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 So are they gearing up for admin and to ensure HMRC's debt is under a certain percentage again? The HMRC percentage only becomes an issue if they apply for a CVA and to do that they need an owner. One major problem is that no one is willing to buy the club. They may enter admin but it will become abundantly clear they are operating insolvent to the tune of at lease 800k per month, then we have the CVA repayments on top and the fact they can't liquidate their assets, so without a buyer the admin isn't going to last long and the HMRC's percentage becomes completely irrelevant.
St Jim Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 right off to bed now - look forward to logging on tomorrow for the morning's updates of the day's events in Old Blighty. COYHMRC!!!!
100%Red&White Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Unless a White Knight comes galloping over Portsdown Hill clutching bagfuls of cash Enter Fred Dinenage!
saint si Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 So are they gearing up for admin and to ensure HMRC's debt is under a certain percentage again? Isn't the 17.2 a secured creditor (to Portpin/Chainrai) and so does not get factored in to the CVA vote? In my view the Baker Tilly (old co, existing CVA) debt will have the greatest impact on any CVA. If they ever get that far...
pedg Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Enter Fred Dinenage! That's one Kung Fu classic remake I definitely don't want to watch.
hutch Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I could be wrong, but I don't think Baker Tilley would be entitled to vote until after the first scheduled payment was missed.
SuperMikey Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Just heard on the radio that a similar operation will be carried out by Hampshire police where the Skates will be bubbled by the Police for the return fixture at SMS in April. They'll get a maximum of 3100 tickets. Probably knew this already, but not heard it on the radio before or seen it on this forum... tbh I haven't looked very hard!
trousers Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Adam Blackmore @bigadamsport #pompey tell me they're cautiously expecting the game v hull to go ahead- no inspection today, although I think they'll need one in morning
Hatch Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Just heard on the radio that a similar operation will be carried out by Hampshire police where the Skates will be bubbled by the Police for the return fixture at SMS in April. They'll get a maximum of 3100 tickets. Probably knew this already, but not heard it on the radio before or seen it on this forum... tbh I haven't looked very hard! That should cost a few bob.
Torres Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I could be wrong, but I don't think Baker Tilley would be entitled to vote until after the first scheduled payment was missed. Future payments due under contract to players were included in the last CVA votes, so who knows...
trousers Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Guy Thomas @InsolvencyGuy @InsolvencyGuy[/url] Hmm just checked RCJ website & rang Court re Validation Order Applic for #Pompey #Pcfc Nothing found! #WonderWhatshappened
trousers Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Earlobe alert! Tony Liddell @TonyDogTrainer David Dein at Fratton Park?? Any one confirm or deny rumours? #Pompey @pn_neil_allen
kipstryker Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Just heard on the radio that a similar operation will be carried out by Hampshire police where the Skates will be bubbled by the Police for the return fixture at SMS in April. They'll get a maximum of 3100 tickets. Probably knew this already, but not heard it on the radio before or seen it on this forum... tbh I haven't looked very hard! I sincerely hope NC demands payment upfront for the tickets.
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I could be wrong, but I don't think Baker Tilley would be entitled to vote until after the first scheduled payment was missed. I doubt it. Any party with a liability would get a vote, even if that liability wasn't past due.
Winchester Red Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Never going to get the accounts unfrozen so didn't even bother applying I'd suspect Rivers of bull**** flowing out of there at the moment
anothersaintinsouthsea Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Earlobe alert! Tony Liddell @TonyDogTrainer David Dein at Fratton Park?? Any one confirm or deny rumours? #Pompey @pn_neil_allen FFS Dein's name was mentioned weeks ago in some of the crap rumours that came to nothing. Pompey fans are getting so desperate for new interest that they have begun to recycle the crap rumours.
Winchester Red Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 FFS Dein's name was mentioned weeks ago in some of the crap rumours that came to nothing. Pompey fans are getting so desperate for new interest that they have begun to recycle the crap rumours. David Dein is a very intelligent and astute guy. There's no way he'd get involved down there. He's not going to pour his and his associates money down a black hole
Torres Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Can't say I'd be surprised if they hadn't even bothered applying for a validation order.
pedg Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Can't say I'd be surprised if they hadn't even bothered applying for a validation order. I hear its the 'valid' part they are stumbling over.
Hockey_saint Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I hear the latest rumour down Krap Nottarf is that storrieteller is soon to make a re-appearence!...apparently he's been spotted in the car park!
stevegrant Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I hear the latest rumour down Krap Nottarf is that storrieteller is soon to make a re-appearence!...apparently he's been spotted in the car park! You're 'avin' a larf, mush!
Gemmel Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Anybody fancy nominating David lumpitt for this? I first realised his potential when he announced the club were breaking even. Now admittedly he needed; Advanced parachute money To pretend TBH wasn't really an employee 10 million of lithuanian money Not pay HMRC Not to pay any wages Not to pay the creditors under 2.5k any money Defer the CVA by a year so that no unsecured creditors have received a penny Chalk up a couple of CCJ's Etc. But the above is just noise. He has single handedly turned the ship around and they are back on a steady footing. Hell, there was even enough left over to sign a few players. The man is a commercial genius and his efforts should be recognised. Intrestingly enough if you total that little list up, it's not far of the amount St Mary's cost.
Petersfield Saint Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Anybody fancy nominating David lumpitt for this? I first realised his potential when he announced the club were breaking even. Now admittedly he needed; Advanced parachute money To pretend TBH wasn't really an employee 10 million of lithuanian money Not pay HMRC Not to pay any wages Not to pay the creditors under 2.5k any money Defer the CVA by a year so that no unsecured creditors have received a penny Chalk up a couple of CCJ's Etc. But the above is just noise. He has single handedly turned the ship around and they are back on a steady footing. Hell, there was even enough left over to sign a few players. The man is a commercial genius and his efforts should be recognised. Intrestingly enough if you total that little list up, it's not far of the amount St Mary's cost. Like Signor Schettino?
Ken Tone Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 You're 'avin' a larf, mush! Well look .. he made a packet there (it was said that he too got a percentage of transfer fees!!!) and has presumably no chance of being employed anywhere else, so obviously he's going to see if there's any more blood in the stone. Or maybe he just left a good biro in the office
Monk Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Storrie, what a complete and utter tosser. So is his son.
Ken Tone Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Anybody fancy nominating David lumpitt for this? I first realised his potential when he announced the club were breaking even. Now admittedly he needed; Advanced parachute money To pretend TBH wasn't really an employee 10 million of lithuanian money Not pay HMRC Not to pay any wages Not to pay the creditors under 2.5k any money Defer the CVA by a year so that no unsecured creditors have received a penny Chalk up a couple of CCJ's Etc. But the above is just noise. He has single handedly turned the ship around and they are back on a steady footing. Hell, there was even enough left over to sign a few players. The man is a commercial genius and his efforts should be recognised. Intrestingly enough if you total that little list up, it's not far of the amount St Mary's cost. It's Lampitt that really puzzles me. I thought he was brought in from the FA to provide some stabiity, and above all some probity and common sense. Instead of which, under his leadership as CEO, they have just returned to all their old ways ---- and just what the hell is he actually doing now?
rooney Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 James Pearce @Pearcesport Prosecution say Redknapp has "many qualities you'll have little doubt about, but fact is this - bonus paid to bank in Monaco + no tax paid" I do not recall seeing report that Pros asked Mandaric why he put money in Rednapp's Monaco Bank Account when he already had an account with HSBC in the UK. Seems they may have missed a trick here.
stevegrant Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Well look .. he made a packet there (it was said that he too got a percentage of transfer fees!!!) and has presumably no chance of being employed anywhere else, so obviously he's going to see if there's any more blood in the stone. Or maybe he just left a good biro in the office *whoosh* Observe...
stevegrant Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 It's Lampitt that really puzzles me. I thought he was brought in from the FA to provide some stabiity, and above all some probity and common sense. Instead of which, under his leadership as CEO, they have just returned to all their old ways ---- and just what the hell is he actually doing now? I'm led to believe that, despite all the logic that suggests otherwise, Lampitt was NOT parachuted in by the FA to keep an eye on things. He genuinely saw it as a career opportunity down there, with a massive pay-rise to boot.
Channon's Sideburns Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 Deja Vu.....
JRM Posted 3 February, 2012 Posted 3 February, 2012 I sincerely hope NC demands payment upfront for the tickets. i think this is a very important point and should be given some consideration. Saints fans had to pay for match and coach ticket to skates away game, but we obviously paid Southampton Football Club who in turn would have paid the coach company and Portsmouth football club. For the fixture at st marys who is going to check what Pompey do with the money? will the bus company be happy supplying without upfront payment? and what will saints do to ensure we get paid?
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