pedg Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: Redknapp shows frustration with prosecution: "Do you think that me + Mr Mandaric are going to have 2 different stories? Are we that stupid?" Problem for Harry is that its clear from the tape interviews with the police that they did have 2 different stories at that point so either he has to change his story to agree with Mandy and admit he lied in the police interview on tape or carry on with what he said on tape which is very different to what Mandy has said.
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 dronskisaint said: I imagine that as an account 'manager' Roesy is not allowed to do anything more important than make telesales calls to the toyshops on a daily list. Things like finance would not be covered by the Barbie remit:( On another subject completely I hear a well known toy and tax dodging conglomerate plan a 'P*mpey Ken' complete with authentic chequered hat, clown outfit, chav tattoos and a litre bottle of nauseating, body-odour scented 'perfume'. Various accessories will include scruffy caravans, P45 and signing on documents, maimed children (detachable legs) and an succession of empty boxes denoting Al Mirage, the invisible, missing bestest supporters and the P*mpey bank account. A further accessory will be a fat ice cream salesman but no van (no money to buy one) and a 'paint your own' underwater casino with it's own comedy recordings. A fat female MP is also planned spouting drivel and a lego football ground with loose fitting bricks and a bottle of authentic nottarF kraP scented toilet water.
sussexsaint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: David Brown @DavidhBrown #Redknapp: "Do you think two people who committed a crime could not get same story? Do you think we are stupid?" That is f*cking priceless The prosecution should have turned to the scribe at that point and said ' read that back to me please' then with a flourish pronounced - no further questions your honour
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 (edited) pedg said: Problem for Harry is that its clear from the tape interviews with the police that they did have 2 different stories at that point so either he has to change his story to agree with Mandy and admit he lied in the police interview on tape or carry on with what he said on tape which is very different to what Mandy has said. ... Edited 2 February, 2012 by trousers mis-read
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 James Pearce @Pearcesport Redknapp listens as tape played to Court of his recorded conversation with News of the World reporter Rob Beasley On tape - Redknapp "It was bonus". Beasley: Mandaric says investment". R "Investment? If that's what said he's wrong but what's difference?" So, 'Arry, if there's "no difference" what's the point in not telling the truth to the NotW?
dubai_phil Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: James Pearce @Pearcesport Redknapp listens as tape played to Court of his recorded conversation with News of the World reporter Rob Beasley On tape - Redknapp "It was bonus". Beasley: Mandaric says investment". R "Investment? If that's what said he's wrong but what's difference?" So, 'Arry, if there's "no difference" what's the point in not telling the truth to the NotW? Their entire defence can't surely be based on "We're two normal likeable geezers how we s'posed to know we done nothing wrong..." The summing up is going to be priceless as the Defence & Prosecution put the various Tweets in different orders as they make it read how they want to make their cases.
Super Bock 1898 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Thanks guys would never have known the email address if it wasnt for you, heres my correspondance. Dear Mr Cameron, I am writing to express my thanks on yourself and Ms Mordaunt support in trying to bring together some sort of communication between the HMRC and Portsmouth FC. As you probably know Portsmouth FC has been run in to its existing state by a number of utterly deficient 'owners' who generally would not even qualify for a household mortgage, but have been deemed more than adequate for the Premier and Football leagues 'Fit and Proper Testing' procedure. I know that you have had numerous emails today on this subject many questioning why you are placing such importance on this issue, I know this as a fact as I have been on various Southampton FC forums and witnessed our neighbours trying to start a campaign to give you a hard time on taking this up, even to the point of claiming they are just 'neutral' non football supporting taxpayers. I think this vindictiveness just goes along with your theory that we could never just pop up the road to support their team. I do not think that they realise that all you have agreed to do today, is to help get everyone at the table, look at our situation and sort this out, not to avoid paying what we owe. We are just trying to stop a community lose one of its most important features, of which the community has had no input up to now in its demise other than its unwavering support. I would again like to thank you for highlighting this issue. Thank you from a Pompey Fan who is now a Tory Pompey Fan Had to stop myself spoiling it by calling you s(um
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 James Pearce @Pearcesport Redknapp on Monaco account name : "Rosie was my dog. I loved Rosie to bits." Prosecution: "I'm sure you did" Redknapp says account was named Rosie47 as bank already had account called Rosie. Redknapp said other Rosie might have been someone's wife Redknapp said the other Rosie "might have been someone's wife. If she was as nice as Rosie (dog) then they had a good wife"
St Jim Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 (edited) looks like the HMRC husband & HMRC internal emails question has been put to the not so honourable member for P********h North on her facebook page. Well done that sir! Edited 2 February, 2012 by St Jim missing words
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 David Brown @DavidhBrown #Redknapp says "coincidence" he opened Monaco bank account 4 days after confronting #Mandaric over Crouch bonus #Redknapp advised to alter code word for his UK accounts aftr telling court yesterday it was his mother's maiden name
Weston Super Saint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: Thanks guys would never have known the email address if it wasnt for you, heres my correspondance. Dear Mr Cameron, I am writing to express my thanks on yourself and Ms Mordaunt support in trying to bring together some sort of communication between the HMRC and Portsmouth FC. As you probably know Portsmouth FC has been run in to its existing state by a number of utterly deficient 'owners' who generally would not even qualify for a household mortgage, but have been deemed more than adequate for the Premier and Football leagues 'Fit and Proper Testing' procedure. I know that you have had numerous emails today on this subject many questioning why you are placing such importance on this issue, I know this as a fact as I have been on various Southampton FC forums and witnessed our neighbours trying to start a campaign to give you a hard time on taking this up, even to the point of claiming they are just 'neutral' non football supporting taxpayers. I think this vindictiveness just goes along with your theory that we could never just pop up the road to support their team. I do not think that they realise that all you have agreed to do today, is to help get everyone at the table, look at our situation and sort this out, not to avoid paying what we owe. We are just trying to stop a community lose one of its most important features, of which the community has had no input up to now in its demise other than its unwavering support. I would again like to thank you for highlighting this issue. Thank you from a Pompey Fan who is now a Tory Pompey Fan Had to stop myself spoiling it by calling you s(um If this was a Pompey website, you'd now be b-anned! Luckily, we're far more tolerant on here of our fishy friends Might I make a suggestion for the next time you email one of the leaders of our country? Perhaps you might like to include a proper sentence structure. Maybe even add a few paragraphs. It would make the reading of your prose a lot easier and maybe won't be confined to the 'trash' bin? Just a suggestion though Anyway, welcome aboard this epic tale. Can you confirm that you are also convinced that Pompey 'will be fine' and there's 'nothing to worry about at all, no siree' in the same way as the corpse and PFC123?
dronskisaint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: Thanks guys would never have known the email address if it wasnt for you, heres my correspondance. Dear Mr Cameron, I am writing to express my thanks on yourself and Ms Mordaunt support in trying to bring together some sort of communication between the HMRC and Portsmouth FC. As you probably know Portsmouth FC has been run in to its existing state by a number of utterly deficient 'owners' who generally would not even qualify for a household mortgage, but have been deemed more than adequate for the Premier and Football leagues 'Fit and Proper Testing' procedure. I know that you have had numerous emails today on this subject many questioning why you are placing such importance on this issue, I know this as a fact as I have been on various Southampton FC forums and witnessed our neighbours trying to start a campaign to give you a hard time on taking this up, even to the point of claiming they are just 'neutral' non football supporting taxpayers. I think this vindictiveness just goes along with your theory that we could never just pop up the road to support their team. I do not think that they realise that all you have agreed to do today, is to help get everyone at the table, look at our situation and sort this out, not to avoid paying what we owe. We are just trying to stop a community lose one of its most important features, of which the community has had no input up to now in its demise other than its unwavering support. I would again like to thank you for highlighting this issue. Thank you from a Pompey Fan who is now a Tory Pompey Fan Had to stop myself spoiling it by calling you s(um As you obviously lack education perhaps you could get a teacher to read you some more from this thread?
benjii Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: Thanks guys would never have known the email address if it wasnt for you, heres my correspondance. Dear Mr Cameron, I am writing to express my thanks on yourself and Ms Mordaunt support in trying to bring together some sort of communication between the HMRC and Portsmouth FC. As you probably know Portsmouth FC has been run in to its existing state by a number of utterly deficient 'owners' who generally would not even qualify for a household mortgage, but have been deemed more than adequate for the Premier and Football leagues 'Fit and Proper Testing' procedure. I know that you have had numerous emails today on this subject many questioning why you are placing such importance on this issue, I know this as a fact as I have been on various Southampton FC forums and witnessed our neighbours trying to start a campaign to give you a hard time on taking this up, even to the point of claiming they are just 'neutral' non football supporting taxpayers. I think this vindictiveness just goes along with your theory that we could never just pop up the road to support their team. I do not think that they realise that all you have agreed to do today, is to help get everyone at the table, look at our situation and sort this out, not to avoid paying what we owe. We are just trying to stop a community lose one of its most important features, of which the community has had no input up to now in its demise other than its unwavering support. I would again like to thank you for highlighting this issue. Thank you from a Pompey Fan who is now a Tory Pompey Fan Had to stop myself spoiling it by calling you s(um "Unwavering support" Good one.
stev2001 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: Thanks guys would never have known the email address if it wasnt for you, heres my correspondance. Dear Mr Cameron, I am writing to express my thanks on yourself and Ms Mordaunt support in trying to bring together some sort of communication between the HMRC and Portsmouth FC. As you probably know Portsmouth FC has been run in to its existing state by a number of utterly deficient 'owners' who generally would not even qualify for a household mortgage, but have been deemed more than adequate for the Premier and Football leagues 'Fit and Proper Testing' procedure. I know that you have had numerous emails today on this subject many questioning why you are placing such importance on this issue, I know this as a fact as I have been on various Southampton FC forums and witnessed our neighbours trying to start a campaign to give you a hard time on taking this up, even to the point of claiming they are just 'neutral' non football supporting taxpayers. I think this vindictiveness just goes along with your theory that we could never just pop up the road to support their team. I do not think that they realise that all you have agreed to do today, is to help get everyone at the table, look at our situation and sort this out, not to avoid paying what we owe. We are just trying to stop a community lose one of its most important features, of which the community has had no input up to now in its demise other than its unwavering support. I would again like to thank you for highlighting this issue. Thank you from a Pompey Fan who is now a Tory Pompey Fan Had to stop myself spoiling it by calling you s(um If pompey did sit around the table with HMRC what would be discussed. Can you pay your tax bill?! Are you trading insolvantly and racking up more debt like last time...yes! OK you're liquidated! Waste of time in my opinion!
ZebadeeRust Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Pompey have had about 3 years to 'get round the table with HMRC'. Paying tax is not an option. It's all a bit late in the day isn't it? Pompey are screwing everyone, most of all their own fans. Despite this they keep defending the club. Is this a weird case of Stockholm syndrome or something?
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Weston Super Saint said: Might I make a suggestion for the next time you email one of the leaders of our country? Perhaps you might like to include a proper sentence structure. Maybe even add a few paragraphs. It would make the reading of your prose a lot easier and maybe won't be confined to the 'trash' bin? Just a suggestion though Come on, be least he/she has been more articulate on here than they were on one of Ipswich's messageboards last week:
jjsaint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 The Viking said: The supermarket analogy is complete crap. If the taxman correctly shuts the current club down, its supporters are not compelled to watch Saints, but are free to set up and own a new club associated with the city(and thereby be the owners she says they want to be). They just have no right to keep the status of the old one. Exactly. What about AFC Pompey, if they want to 'keept he rivalray going'... I've also heard rumours that not all Man U supporters are from Greater Manchester, so maybe there's a thought...
dubai_phil Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 stev2001 said: If pompey did sit around the table with HMRC what would be discussed. Can you pay your tax bill?! Are you trading insolvantly and racking up more debt like last time...yes! OK you're liquidated! Waste of time in my opinion! No that is completely unfair. You missed off "So what steps are you taking to bring in the funds to pay the bill?... Did you liquidate some of your assets to cover this shortfall? You know, like normal people have to? Did you sell your car? Have you put your house on the market? Have you booked a table at the Car Boot Sale on Sunday? Well, obviously you sold some of your expensively paid players to bring in the money, didn't you? Oh, so what exactly IS your plan to pay off this debt? Ah, I see, you want to find somebody to LEND you the money? Ah, of course, my bad, I didn't realise you were Greek. Of course you don't have to pay any taxes, here, have some more loans.
stev2001 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Actually I really like the idea of Pompey being a community club owned by the fans as Penny is promoting. Then they might understand the concept of spending beyond your means when it starts effecting their own pockets. They could have a Pompey tax for the city where every man women and child (including MPs) have to pay a few hundred a year to allow them to carry on as they have been the last few years. Do you think they will still think its a great community club then or will the Penny finally drop?
Channon's Sideburns Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 More priceless stuff from Harry... James Pearce Redknapp says if money was bonus "I've gained nothing. Portsmouth would have saved some tax. I'm not interested in saving Portsmouth money" Oh the irony.... Welcome to our new pet Skate - can't wait for all your Tory love-ins to end if Pompey go bust - you really think Mordaunt wants to help you? REALLY????? It's a cheap vote winner - end of.
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 London Gazette said: Notice is hereby given by Andrew Andronikou of UHY Hacker Young LLP, Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, that a Meeting of the Creditors of Convers Sports Initiatives plc, is to be held at Quadrant House, 4 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW on 2 February 2012 at 11.00 am. The meeting is an initial creditors’ meeting under paragraph 51 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986. CSI creditors meeting taking place as we speak. I wonder how it's going?
Super Bock 1898 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 That sounds like my alcohol fuelled alter ego. Couldnt use that language on the leader of the country especially when hes doing everything he can to help my football club out.
View From The Top Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 I'm still waiting Steve to tell us about this bit of land that pompey own that Tescos is willing to give them £20million for, especially as that land doesn't show up in any of the UHY paperwork as an asset.
Gingeletiss Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 (edited) Corporate Ho said: Err, maybe because when we won the cup we hadn't had a succession of dodgy owners. The procession (Fahim, Al Faraj, Chainrai, Antonov) all came afterwards. HTH By the way, ref the tax bill, have you all complained to your MP about the amount Vodafone are getting away with not paying or are you all a complete bunch of hypocrites? Just asking Did your 'local' MP', oops! no! she chose a vote winning cause.......your crappy club! Edited 2 February, 2012 by Gingeletiss
Super Bock 1898 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 View From The Top said: I'm still waiting Steve to tell us about this bit of land that pompey own that Tescos is willing to give them £20million for, especially as that land doesn't show up in any of the UHY paperwork as an asset.
Saint Lindford Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 View From The Top said: I'm still waiting Steve to tell us about this bit of land that pompey own that Tescos is willing to give them £20million for, especially as that land doesn't show up in any of the UHY paperwork as an asset. I would not hold your breath, I asked the same question ages ago and have had no response.
Weston Super Saint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: I think you misunderstood the question! The question was : "tell us about this bit of land that pompey own that Tescos is willing to give them £20million for" Nothing in that link says that Fratton dump is worth £20m - quite the opposite in fact, as that article alludes to the council issuing a compulsory purchase order, something that the council has since stated it is not prepared to do as it doesn't have the cash! (probably something to do with missing millions of pounds worth of taxes ) Any other patches of land that PFC own that Tesco's would be willing to shell out £20m for?
Pancake Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Gingeletiss said: Did your 'local' MP, oops! no! she chose a vote winning cause.......your crappy club! I though Ho lived in Berks or Oxon?
stev2001 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: What if Pompey are liquidated? In the event of Portsmouth Football Club (2010) Limited being liquidated, Fratton Park would be seen as part of the assets of the liquidated company and as such would be available to willing buyers.This is where the fans and the local council could step in to purchase the land and safeguard it for a reborn PFC. Does this mean if a phoenix club did emerge it would instantly have tax payers money to help buy a ground for it. Talk about a fresh start! Then maybe they could spend much more money than they get coming in and quickly get back to the prem while not paying tax along the way!
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 David Brown @DavidhBrown#Redknapp: "(The Monaco bank account) was so secret that all the boys at Portsmouth knew about it." #Redknapp said while signing bank document he was concentrating on marking David Beckham, who went on to score a hattrick.
Gingeletiss Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Pancake said: I though Ho lived in Berks or Oxon? As in Poopey MP, I haven't got a clue where the toyman lives, I haven't stalked him enougth!
Saint Lindford Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Weston Super Saint said: I think you misunderstood the question! The question was : "tell us about this bit of land that pompey own that Tescos is willing to give them £20million for" Nothing in that link says that Fratton dump is worth £20m - quite the opposite in fact, as that article alludes to the council issuing a compulsory purchase order, something that the council has since stated it is not prepared to do as it doesn't have the cash! (probably something to do with missing millions of pounds worth of taxes ) Any other patches of land that PFC own that Tesco's would be willing to shell out £20m for? It also confirms that the club does not own any of the land around the ground. The Portsmouth Plan includes all the land around the ground, who owns this? Most of the land was acquired during Milan Mandaric's tenure at the club. This has since been transferred to the ownership of another former owner Alexandre Gaydamak. He currently owns the land behind the Fratton End and right round to the old ticket office and Megastore on Rodney Road and the land directly behind the North Stand. The rest of the land along Rodney Road, which is included in the development area as identified in the Portsmouth Plan is owned by the businesses which occupy the south side of Rodney Road. What will happen to this land surrounding the ground? The only way Portsmouth FC can ever establish itself as a sustainable football club for a city the size of Portsmouth and to play regularly at the highest level is for the club to have a 21st century stadium and catch up with most other English clubs who have the infrastructure expected of the modern game. It is vital to the future of the club that the land around the ground is reunited with the club to enable a comprehensive redevelopment of the area including enabling development to pay for the stadium in accordance with the objectives of the Portsmouth Plan. So just where is this peice of real estate worth £20m pounds that the club owns that Tesco wants.?
Channon's Sideburns Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: David Brown @DavidhBrown#Redknapp: "(The Monaco bank account) was so secret that all the boys at Portsmouth knew about it." #Redknapp said while signing bank document he was concentrating on marking David Beckham, who went on to score a hattrick. Oh dear. Old Arry keeps on about a Monaco account that he knew nothing about - yet his 'boys' at Portsmouth all knew about it? Keep digging Arry...
St Jim Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: David Brown @DavidhBrown#Redknapp: "(The Monaco bank account) was so secret that all the boys at Portsmouth knew about it." #Redknapp said while signing bank document he was concentrating on marking David Beckham, who went on to score a hattrick. am I missing something but I thought Bagpuss mentioned earlier in the trial that he didn't know about the account and that MM opened if for him.
Gingeletiss Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 PennyMordauntMP Penny Mordaunt MP Interviewing the chairman of the press complaints commission at privacy and injunctions cmte. 8 minutes ago Oh the irony!!
Joey-deacons-left-nut Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 How come the bank account was opened several years after the last Pompey team played against David Beckham? Why was he thinking about Marking David Beckham?
Kingsland Red Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 The 'Arry trial is like a good Python sketch with 'Arry contradicting himself at every turn. Has he no immediate memory as he starts the every new day with a new/different set of 'facts'. Pure theatre, and I'm only seeing the tweets.
stevegrant Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Joey-deacons-left-nut said: How come the bank account was opened several years after the last Pompey team played against David Beckham? Why was he thinking about Marking David Beckham? I'm also struggling to remember Beckham ever scoring a hat-trick. Edit: oh, and Beckham left Man United in the summer of 2003. Remind me, when did Pompey get promoted?
holepuncture Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: Oh Ho dear Super Bock, lets use some images to provide an illustration of pompeys land ownership: I chuffin love that picture, "the scruffy piece of land that holds the key for portsmouth" it really shows what a state you are in. Pompey, or the local council own nothing. All of that land is controlled by Chanrai and Gadymack, every last square ft of it and they will only sell for a very pretty penny indeed... best get your collection buckets out. You can stop with your deluded dreams of: and start to be more realistic;
trousers Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Can someone quickly help me out here.....I'm continuing the debate with my work colleagues re: administration differences between Southampton and Portsmouth. They are asking when Saints paid up their CVA but I'm struggling to convince them that Saints never had a CVA (that's right, isn't it?) and therefore it's a moot point. I know he club istelf never went into administration but was there ever a SLH CVA? If not, why not? Cheers!
Lazlo78 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Amazing that two "loose ends" are being tied up at the same time, effortlessly woven into this masterpiece of a thread. 'Arry and Pompey rose together and new they'll pick up the tab together...
Pancake Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 stevegrant said: I'm also struggling to remember Beckham ever scoring a hat-trick. Edit: oh, and Beckham left Man United in the summer of 2003. Remind me, when did Pompey get promoted? Must be FIFA '08, 'Arry was playing as Bouremouth.
Pancake Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: CSI creditors meeting taking place as we speak. I wonder how it's going? Wonder who the creditors of CSi are?
Hatch Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 It's just usual old 'Arry tricks of throwing in names of famous people to try and make him look important and impress the jury. He will be claiming he fought for Queen and Country some time this afternoon.
Appy Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 stevegrant said: I'm also struggling to remember Beckham ever scoring a hat-trick. Edit: oh, and Beckham left Man United in the summer of 2003. Remind me, when did Pompey get promoted? 2003. I am 99% sure Beckham has never scored a hat trick. Didn't Pompey play Manure in the FA cup at Old Trafford?
Appy Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 No Beckham hat trick.
Lazlo78 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: Can someone quickly help me out here.....I'm continuing the debate with my work colleagues re: administration differences between Southampton and Portsmouth. They are asking when Saints paid up their CVA but I'm struggling to convince them that Saints never had a CVA (that's right, isn't it?) and therefore it's a moot point. I know he club istelf never went into administration but was there ever a SLH CVA? If not, why not? Cheers! Didn't Liebherr pay the debts in full, so there was no need af a CVA? If true, then we legally nor morally owe anyone anything as compared to Pompey who ran from the bill with their last CVA (where the V really isn't very V, if you ask me)...
View From The Top Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 trousers said: Can someone quickly help me out here.....I'm continuing the debate with my work colleagues re: administration differences between Southampton and Portsmouth. They are asking when Saints paid up their CVA but I'm struggling to convince them that Saints never had a CVA (that's right, isn't it?) and therefore it's a moot point. I know he club istelf never went into administration but was there ever a SLH CVA? If not, why not? Cheers! We didn't need a CVA as debts were cleared in full.
dronskisaint Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 Super Bock 1898 said: That sounds like my alcohol fuelled alter ego. Couldnt use that language on the leader of the country especially when hes doing everything he can to help my football club out. Can't use apostrophes, hyphens etc in your 'non alter-ego' mode either apparently. Tell me - is it a requirement to support your 'team' that you have an IQ in single figures? Does the same apply to your MP?
Lazlo78 Posted 2 February, 2012 Posted 2 February, 2012 View From The Top said: We didn't need a CVA as debts were cleared in full. Seems a good time to pause and give thanks to the late Markus for pulling that off. Makes a world of difference Oh and props to Don Cortese for convincing Markus to go for Saints in the first place - let's not forget his role! I'm sure the Pompey fans are craning their necks to spot an investor like Liebherr...
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