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Antonov is charged with misappropriation and forging documents to cover up his theft, the court heard.


Baranauskas is accused of misappropriation, false accounting, abuse of an official position and forgery.


They could face up to 10 years in prison in Lithuania if they are convicted of stealing the money, the court was told.



10 years for stealing £1.3 billion, probably serve between 4 and 6 years. Hmm, quite tempting imo.


I do find it a little strange. He has to pay a security of £75,000 when as much $1.3 billion has disappeared. Hmmmm. Now just suppose he has got all of it squirrelled away (which I am sure he hasn't ;) well not until the court case says so), 10 years in prison or find your way to a country wit no extradition and kiss good by to £75k while enjoying $1.3bn. That's before his "wealth" of, what was it, £300m.

I do find it a little strange. He has to pay a security of £75,000 when as much $1.3 billion has disappeared. Hmmmm. Now just suppose he has got all of it squirrelled away (which I am sure he hasn't ;) well not until the court case says so), 10 years in prison or find your way to a country wit no extradition and kiss good by to £75k while enjoying $1.3bn. That's before his "wealth" of, what was it, £300m.


That'll be the Poopey excuse me card being played again, they use them for all sorts of illegal things!



Antonov is charged with misappropriation and forging documents to cover up his theft, the court heard.


Baranauskas is accused of misappropriation, false accounting, abuse of an official position and forgery.


They could face up to 10 years in prison in Lithuania if they are convicted of stealing the money, the court was told.


The pair, who were dressed in dark blue suits over open-necked shirts, both said they did not consent to being extradited to Lithuania.


The court heard that both men had arranged that they would voluntarily be arrested by the Metropolitan Police on November 30 in connection with the Lithuanian authorities’ investigation, and were taken by surprise when City of London Police held them yesterday.


Rachel Scott, defending Antonov, said the Russian businessman had longstanding ties to Britain.


He was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK in 2005 and his wife and two young children live with him in Notting Hill.


“He strenuously denies dishonesty in any of his dealings as regards the bank,” Ms Scott said.


District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted both men conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov’s wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.


Earlier, Pompey co-owner Roman Dubov spoke briefly to The News outside the City of Westminster magistrates court, saying: ‘I am trying to save the business and help a lot of people in employment.’


He appeared to be referring to, but did not specifically name, Convers Sports Initiatives, which bought Pompey earlier this year.


Later, he told a journalist from a Lithuanian paper: ‘Antonov’s arrest - we are all very much affected and are trying to save the business.’


Antonov was arrested in London yesterday after a European arrest warrant was issued by the Lithuanian authorities after the collapse of the Snoras bank, in which he is a major shareholder.


Mervo a long Lady boys, nufink 2 c ear, Nicky boy, Whats cooking!:uhoh::smug:

I do find it a little strange. He has to pay a security of £75,000 when as much $1.3 billion has disappeared. Hmmmm. Now just suppose he has got all of it squirrelled away (which I am sure he hasn't ;) well not until the court case says so), 10 years in prison or find your way to a country wit no extradition and kiss good by to £75k while enjoying $1.3bn. That's before his "wealth" of, what was it, £300m.


Especially if you've borrowed the 300k from the assets that they are trying to seize ;-)



Antonov is charged with misappropriation and forging documents to cover up his theft, the court heard.


Baranauskas is accused of misappropriation, false accounting, abuse of an official position and forgery.


They could face up to 10 years in prison in Lithuania if they are convicted of stealing the money, the court was told.


The pair, who were dressed in dark blue suits over open-necked shirts, both said they did not consent to being extradited to Lithuania.


The court heard that both men had arranged that they would voluntarily be arrested by the Metropolitan Police on November 30 in connection with the Lithuanian authorities’ investigation, and were taken by surprise when City of London Police held them yesterday.


Rachel Scott, defending Antonov, said the Russian businessman had longstanding ties to Britain.


He was granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK in 2005 and his wife and two young children live with him in Notting Hill.


“He strenuously denies dishonesty in any of his dealings as regards the bank,” Ms Scott said.


District Judge Caroline Tubbs granted both men conditional bail.


Antonov must pay a security of £75,000, surrender his passport, live and sleep at his London home, and report to Notting Hill police station between 8am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


Baranauskas was released on condition that Antonov’s wife puts up surety of £250,000 for him and that he surrenders his passport, lives at the address in Kent and reports to Bromley police station daily between 8am and 10am.


The next hearing will be at the same court on December 16.


Earlier, Pompey co-owner Roman Dubov spoke briefly to The News outside the City of Westminster magistrates court, saying: ‘I am trying to save the business and help a lot of people in employment.’


He appeared to be referring to, but did not specifically name, Convers Sports Initiatives, which bought Pompey earlier this year.


Later, he told a journalist from a Lithuanian paper: ‘Antonov’s arrest - we are all very much affected and are trying to save the business.’


Antonov was arrested in London yesterday after a European arrest warrant was issued by the Lithuanian authorities after the collapse of the Snoras bank, in which he is a major shareholder.


Mervo along Laddie boys, Nufink 2 c on ear, A Nicky boy,,,,,Whats coooking,:scared:


Blimey, I go away for a couple of days, and come back to the thread which is now longer than a Stephen King novel (and more scary - for the few). I'm glad I'm not attending a funeral in the foreseeable future - it would be hard to keep a straight face while my thoughts keep going back to the plight of the Cheats.


Anyway, to any skates reading this thread, don't despair. You may have lost Vladimir Aintgotapenny, but at least you've still got Roman Dubious.




He certainly looks much more honest than Vlad. I know I wouldn't hesitate to buy a used car from him. :D


But seriously, I never understood why they would not have one, but two dodgy owners. But now I do. It was so they could have a spare one in case the other got nicked. You have to admire their foresight.


Ah, well I'm back. so yep as promised I got the entire bar to Toast poopey.


And completely randomly


1) I did not sing The Buggles at karaoke tonight - got called up for The Monkees Day Dream Believer

2) I managed to stay in key all the way through

3) Last night Michael Bolton was in Concert here in Dubai

4) he made an appearance (you are KIDDING ME - not) and sang How am I supposed to live without poopey (almost)

5) He came third behind yours truly


I don't think anything in amongst all of that is any less remarkable any longer after the past couple of days.


Next mission - To create "poopey thread the movie"




meh tomorrow when I can see the keyboard properly


DP 1 Michael Bolton 0 - that's even fracking funnier than poopey thread 3 skates 0


Solentsport have tweeted that Eastleigh are having a Board Meeting to discuss offers of Investment


Perhaps the few have decided to jump ship early and do an MKD on our friends up the road

Mervo a long Lady boys, nufink 2 c ear, Nicky boy, Whats cooking!:uhoh::smug:
I tell what maybe cooking Mack, Pompey.

Yet again though Pompey got away with it, as your top man got bail!!!! I notice in the report that they are trying the 'my family are settled here' angle and then the more subliminal message of 'i have a lot of ties here' perhaps a warning to some people in high places

I tell what maybe cooking Mack, Pompey.

Yet again though Pompey got away with it, as your top man got bail!!!! I notice in the report that they are trying the 'my family are settled here' angle and then the more subliminal message of 'i have a lot of ties here' perhaps a warning to some people in high places


I wouldnt say anyone has got away with anything on this one. Getting bail is nothing to get worked up over. The alledged crime is not one that puts the public at risk and I bet its a legal mine field figuring out if he should be extradited and so on so it makes sense to keep tabs on him for the time being. If the decission is to boot him out of the country then at least he has paid his own way while here.


It all seems pretty serious though so wouldnt be surprised if he ends up in the pooh. mean while pompey get dragged through the ringer again and continue to be a car crash which for us will continue this thread forever by the looks of it.

I wouldnt say anyone has got away with anything on this one. Getting bail is nothing to get worked up over. The alledged crime is not one that puts the public at risk and I bet its a legal mine field figuring out if he should be extradited and so on so it makes sense to keep tabs on him for the time being. If the decission is to boot him out of the country then at least he has paid his own way while here.


It all seems pretty serious though so wouldnt be surprised if he ends up in the pooh. mean while pompey get dragged through the ringer again and continue to be a car crash which for us will continue this thread forever by the looks of it.


Like Phil said yesterday, it's turning out to be more of a punishment watching them glide downwards like a chicken with one wing clipped.


The blue phew get what seems to be a lifeline, only for each one to be identified afterwards as a brick around their ankles.


It will be a slow, but painful retribution - almost as if the football authorities could claim to have done everything they could for plucky old Pompey...whilst overseeing that their decline was complete without the publicity of turning off the lights directly.


Ok, another conspiracy theory but....

I tell what maybe cooking Mack, Pompey.

Yet again though Pompey got away with it, as your top man got bail!!!! I notice in the report that they are trying the 'my family are settled here' angle and then the more subliminal message of 'i have a lot of ties here' perhaps a warning to some people in high places


Only thing cooking down East are the Books.


Meanwhile, didn't we find one of those Windows Movie Maker Cartoon experts a few years ago? I remember seeing one about Norwich & Ipswich.


Surely we have a lot of the material from here to use as background, the storyline is pretty nailed on, sountracks have been identified just need an expert to give it a go and make the movie


thought the people here would appreciate this joke,


The run up to Christmas has seen players and staff from Portsmouth FC visiting a local children's hospital.


"It's nice to put a smile on the faces of those who are worse off than we are and who are facing a long uphill struggle," said David Wilson aged 6.

thought the people here would appreciate this joke,


The run up to Christmas has seen players and staff from Portsmouth FC visiting a local children's hospital.


"It's nice to put a smile on the faces of those who are worse off than we are and who are facing a long uphill struggle," said David Wilson aged 6.


Henry invests in P*mpey

thought the people here would appreciate this joke,


The run up to Christmas has seen players and staff from Portsmouth FC visiting a local children's hospital.


"It's nice to put a smile on the faces of those who are worse off than we are and who are facing a long uphill struggle," said David Wilson aged 6.


That's what I love about this time of year, that you can wheel out the same old jokes once again... and then Christmas is just round the corner so those jokes can be wheeled out as well!! :D

Only thing cooking down East are the Books.


Meanwhile, didn't we find one of those Windows Movie Maker Cartoon experts a few years ago? I remember seeing one about Norwich & Ipswich.


Surely we have a lot of the material from here to use as background, the storyline is pretty nailed on, sountracks have been identified just need an expert to give it a go and make the movie


It is easy, the sound track is the key. Then add pictures to match the script / song to the time line. Stretch them to match the plot/ music , add comments, titles, credits, Any one could do it..Sadly I am not in the same place as my windows PC..

I wouldnt say anyone has got away with anything on this one. Getting bail is nothing to get worked up over. The alledged crime is not one that puts the public at risk and I bet its a legal mine field figuring out if he should be extradited and so on so it makes sense to keep tabs on him for the time being. If the decission is to boot him out of the country then at least he has paid his own way while here.


Well if he does get that decision it will take at least a few more years as he will have to drag it through the European court of Human rights as deporting him will prevent him having a family life in this country, and knowing this country we will fall for it

Well if he does get that decision it will take at least a few more years as he will have to drag it through the European court of Human rights as deporting him will prevent him having a family life in this country, and knowing this country we will fall for it


Posted the links earlier.


That defence won't wash, it's been tried by all sorts of people who've been banged up after extradition for everything from Speeding Tickets upwards. The EAW system is different from the International version


Relax, the longer it all takes, the longer it will take to clear his name, the longer the stain will hang over the club, and the more fans will do the lonely walk to the bus station to go watch Havant


With him in Limbo Chinny won't be able to make any claims either we're living in a Lambo Wonderland, they're gonna be living in a Limbo Horrorland



Normal service about to be resumed (well, in 3 to 5 years)...


Just for old times sake thought I'd have a quick look at page 1 July 2009 of this monumental thread and lo and behold there is Alps being as pessemistic as ever ;)


3 - 5 years my ar5e ...... :D


Who would have thought we'd be where we are now compared to when this fred started :smug:


Who would honestly thought we'd be we where are now when this fred started.




[TABLE=width: 457]


[TD=class: xl3914758]14


[TD=class: xl4814758, align: left]Portsmouth


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[TD=class: team]Southampton




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20 points and counting .... mind the gap please.

Perhaps he should buy a cat. That may stop him being extradited.


He's already bought a pig a poke when he was sold a pup, does that count?


Radio Solent interviewed an expert in these matters this afternoon and I believe he said Pompey were due to pay £2m to the administrators in April - under the present circumstances he suspected that they would have to pay this (and their general running costs) out of their own income; he thought that if they failed to pay then they would be in serious trouble.


Jordan Cross said on the live Pompey match feed that he believed that PFC had used Snoras Bank to gaurantee funds with the FL! Also there is every chance Chanrai would come back for a 3rd time to protect his investment! ooh dear.

Jordan Cross said on the live Pompey match feed that he believed that PFC had used Snoras Bank to gaurantee funds with the FL! Also there is every chance Chanrai would come back for a 3rd time to protect his investment! ooh dear.



Radio Solent interviewed an expert in these matters this afternoon and I believe he said Pompey were due to pay £2m to the administrators in April - under the present circumstances he suspected that they would have to pay this (and their general running costs) out of their own income; he thought that if they failed to pay then they would be in serious trouble.


You are right, an insolvency expert who said that if there is no money in the kitty now to pay their way they are in trouble because they have insufficient income to keep going without outside funds and will be in real trouble come April when this £2m is due.


The good thing about the piece on Solent was also that they made it perfectly clear that Antonov had 75% ownership of CSI, and therefore 75% of Poopey. Not only that but he's Chairman apparently.


Solent really did lay it on thick (even played a recording of when Lembit was asked by Loz Herdman at their Forum whether CSI were the 'real deal' or not) - no doubts about it, they know the sh1t's hitting the fan next week...


Where is the Ho? He should be here, reassuring us Pony Boys that everything is alright in the People's Republic of Turd Town. That he has been reassured by his 'kosher' contact within the club, who he meets socially every couple of weeks or so. That this will all blow over, that we really are clutching at straws and that Messrs Dubious and Ripitov are really good, upstanding, all round eggs and it's all been a misunderstanding.




no doubts about it' date=' they know the sh1t's hitting the fan next week...[/quote']


To be fair they do have a few more than just one fan.

You are right, an insolvency expert who said that if there is no money in the kitty now to pay their way they are in trouble because they have insufficient income to keep going without outside funds and will be in real trouble come April when this £2m is due.


if this is so are Pompey not once again trading whilst insolvent?


14,391 at Nottarf Krap.... at £20 per pop (ok, we know that's unlikely) that would only generate £287,820.




Henderson - £3k

Ward - £2k

Rocha - £5k

Pearce - £5k

Halford - £10k

Mattock - portion of chips?

Mullins - £15k

Huseklepp - £10k

Norris - £15k

Thorne - portion of chips?

Kitson - £20k


Starting eleven today? That's £85k per week. Oh, add on Ben Haim (on the bench) £30k, Mokoena £20k, Benjani £10k, Ashdown £5k, Kanu £20k??


£170k per week (just a guess) - £680k per month.


There's the line in the sand.


Yeah...course they're breaking even..... :lol: :lol:

Yeah...course they're breaking even..... :lol: :lol:


When talking about pompey I think the only way you can use the term "Breaking even" is when it is immediately followed by "more rules"

14,391 at Nottarf Krap.... at £20 per pop (ok, we know that's unlikely) that would only generate £287,820.




Henderson - £3k

Ward - £2k

Rocha - £5k

Pearce - £5k

Halford - £10k

Mattock - portion of chips?

Mullins - £15k

Huseklepp - £10k

Norris - £15k

Thorne - portion of chips?

Kitson - £20k


Starting eleven today? That's £85k per week. Oh, add on Ben Haim (on the bench) £30k, Mokoena £20k, Benjani £10k, Ashdown £5k, Kanu £20k??


£170k per week (just a guess) - £680k per month.


There's the line in the sand.


Yeah...course they're breaking even..... :lol: :lol:


Not to mention thier new highly paid manager, Mr Appleton.... oh maybe not then - two portions on chips perhaps...!!! :lol:


Seriously though - when you look at the figures (even though they are 'finger in the air' good guesses), it does look pretty bleak for them trying to run solvently. Not even considered other running costs such as non-playing staff, match costs, policing and the like.


Personally I think they will be fine this season, look at Birmingham - thier owner is in the clink and it hasn't derailed them at all. Come next season though - the fat lady might start limbering up again.

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