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Can someone please explain, if Tony Lynam was / is the fantasist that a number of people (Including credible posters) have claimed for some time, that he is, what did he ever stand to get out of it?

With costs getting somewhere close to a million, (Ok that has only come from TL) I can’t believe that Leon stumped up the whole amount, in fact I’d stake my house on it. Pure guess - he paid for the money required for the Ajax (Ted Bates Memorial game) Someone is out of pocket to the tune of half a million and you don’t do that for your 15 minutes of fame.

What ever way you dress this up, I just can’t see how there was ever anything to gain by playing Walter Mitty. They had chances to walk away with what would have been fairly credible reasons, a long time before now and on the Friday that the exclusivity ended Fry himself said the funds were in place and it was just down to the legal issues with FL. Additionally I can’t believe the FL would have entered such lengthy discussions without being satisfied, if resolved, that Pinnacle were good for the money

I’m not saying he isn’t the fantasist that others would have us believe, but if that is true - WHY?

  gonzo said:
Perhaps he just missed out on his chance to audition for the X-Factor. and thought he'd do this instead?



1/2 a million to audition - doesn't wash


Didn't the football league say one of the reason's behind their reluctance to issue the FL Share was the future viability of the club. Maybe this is because Pinnacle only had the money to buy it through a loan but not the money to support that loan over the medium/long term with out us getting back up at least one division, certainly not if we went down. Hence why Fry was happy as he got his asking price and why TL wanted to fight the point deduction. Maybe the FL wanted the moneyman to buy a stake or larger stake in the company.


Hopefully the facts will start to emerge.

  Fan The Flames said:
Didn't the football league say one of the reason's behind their reluctance to issue the FL Share was the future viability of the club. Maybe this is because Pinnacle only had the money to buy it through a loan but not the money to support that loan over the medium/long term with out us getting back up at least one division, certainly not if we went down. Hence why Fry was happy as he got his asking price and why TL wanted to fight the point deduction. Maybe the FL wanted the moneyman to buy a stake or larger stake in the company.


Hopefully the facts will start to emerge.


I don't remember the Football League saying bugger all, to anyone, publicly!!


They are a law unto themselves!! They p**s me off, big time.

  Gemmel said:
Can someone please explain, if Tony Lynam was / is the fantasist that a number of people (Including credible posters) have claimed for some time, that he is, what did he ever stand to get out of it?

With costs getting somewhere close to a million, (Ok that has only come from TL) I can’t believe that Leon stumped up the whole amount, in fact I’d stake my house on it. Pure guess - he paid for the money required for the Ajax (Ted Bates Memorial game) Someone is out of pocket to the tune of half a million and you don’t do that for your 15 minutes of fame.

What ever way you dress this up, I just can’t see how there was ever anything to gain by playing Walter Mitty. They had chances to walk away with what would have been fairly credible reasons, a long time before now and on the Friday that the exclusivity ended Fry himself said the funds were in place and it was just down to the legal issues with FL. Additionally I can’t believe the FL would have entered such lengthy discussions without being satisfied, if resolved, that Pinnacle were good for the money

I’m not saying he isn’t the fantasist that others would have us believe, but if that is true - WHY?


There are a lot of lunatics on the fringe of football attracted by the surplus of cash.


Here we go Marc Jackson, Jonathan Fulthorpe, Tommac, Tony Lynam - I could go on. Look at the publicity Wacko Jacko has generated - his photo all over the local media and tv etc. He is now a legend in his own mind and I daresay very satisfied with his involvement as is Tony "we will complete" Lynam. Just a shame that someone as great as MLT has been swept into the cesspit and is now digging himself a bigger hole by misplaced allegiance to Lynam.


The bit I don't get is how the hell did they manage to convince Fry and his "proof of funds" test. Was there a backer originally who pulled out - but as of Friday Fry was still claiming Pinnacle had the funds


Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but I can't find it!!

  Fitzhugh Fella said:
There are a lot of lunatics on the fringe of football attracted by the surplus of cash.


Here we go Marc Jackson, Jonathan Fulthorpe, Tommac, Tony Lynam - I could go on. Look at the publicity Wacko Jacko has generated - his photo all over the local media and tv etc. He is now a legend in his own mind and I daresay very satisfied with his involvement as is Tony "we will complete" Lynam. Just a shame that someone as great as MLT has been swept into the cesspit and is now digging himself a bigger hole by misplaced allegiance to Lynam.


FF, I hear everything you say and know you are far better placed than most on here to comment, but i still can't get my head around the money paid to date. Jackson, Fulthorpe, Tommac etc never parted with a penny.......... this lot did and a very significant amount at that.


As i said, i'm not saying you are wrong............. it just doesn't make any sense


Someone approached TL to buy the club and with the FL threatening to add extra points as a penalty for adminstration they decided to pull out when the FL would not budge.

TL has been left taking all the **** and now the club finds itself on the brink.


TL used MLT to give the whole thing a higher profile to get the supporters backing his bid.

Poor MLT has been stuck as the man in the middle and he should hold his head up high as nobody should blame him at all.


We've got three days to sort something as we are totally ****ed.

I know for a fact we will get some bargain hunters who will employ us a cheap, crap manager that will have **** all to spend with the out of sort pile of ****e that we already have to mount a near certain relegation battle to division 2.


What a pile of poo we are in and yes I will continue to be a grumpy bastard as saints is my life!

  Gemmel said:
FF, I hear everything you say and know you are far better placed than most on here to comment, but i still can't get my head around the money paid to date. Jackson, Fulthorpe, Tommac etc never parted with a penny.......... this lot did and a very significant amount at that.


As i said, i'm not saying you are wrong............. it just doesn't make any sense


There has been heavy hints that it was Leon Crouch who paid the money for Pinnacle's exclusivity period, which was basically topped up by Dyer's transfer fee to make the full £500k.


Yes, there would have been legal fees etc, but a man like Lynam in the property would have contacts in the legal profession as well, as there are all kinds of legal wranglings involved in developing property, so no doubt he would have got one of his legal mates involved as well.


TL was quoted as saying they'd spent over £1m just after the exclusivity period had expired, but I doubt this very much.


Anybody who does a good line in 'bovine scatology' (ie bulls**t), would have been able to rope in Crouch and Le Tissier for this. Crouch was wanting to have a place on the board, as he no doubt felt hard done by after RL and MW ousted him (he said as much himself shortly after the event), and Le Tiss is as much a supporter as the rest of us, and would have been desperate to see the club survive.


So rope in Crouch to stump up the cash (TL knew he would after he'd paid the wages previously), and get Le Tiss on board to give the bid credibility amongst the supporters. Genius, he gets his 15 minutes of fame, and is hardly out of pocket. Meanwhile, the club goes to the wall.


All IMHO, of course.

  Gemmel said:
Can someone please explain, if Tony Lynam was / is the fantasist that a number of people (Including credible posters) have claimed for some time, that he is, what did he ever stand to get out of it?

With costs getting somewhere close to a million, (Ok that has only come from TL) I can’t believe that Leon stumped up the whole amount, in fact I’d stake my house on it. Pure guess - he paid for the money required for the Ajax (Ted Bates Memorial game) Someone is out of pocket to the tune of half a million and you don’t do that for your 15 minutes of fame.

What ever way you dress this up, I just can’t see how there was ever anything to gain by playing Walter Mitty. They had chances to walk away with what would have been fairly credible reasons, a long time before now and on the Friday that the exclusivity ended Fry himself said the funds were in place and it was just down to the legal issues with FL. Additionally I can’t believe the FL would have entered such lengthy discussions without being satisfied, if resolved, that Pinnacle were good for the money

I’m not saying he isn’t the fantasist that others would have us believe, but if that is true - WHY?


Well I certainly never heard of pinnacle or tony lynham before all this and I suspect that goes for the majority of people on here,so I suppose they got some sort of exposure from it.


Who's to say that the FL were not satisfied with pinnacle,perhaps the league thought they were a bit dodgy and decided not to let them continue.


I think those who are dissing Tony Lynam would do well to listen to the MLT interview on BBC. Matt does not agree that TL is deserving of the flak he is getting, and quite honestly I can see very little that would convince me that TL is the chancer that some are portraying him as. If TL was duped then so was Matt.


The interview is on the following BBC page, about halfway down:



It is really beyond the realms of belief that a chancer would have got through due diligence with a professional administrator. Therefore if we are going to blame anyone, then Fry looks more culpible than Lynam. In the end though we would not be in this mess if it were not for 2 people, Lowe and Wilde. We must never forget that. We can blame Barclays, Mawhinney, Lynham, Fry, but it was Lowe and Wilde who forced us into Administration, either directly or indirectly.

  VectisSaint said:
I think those who are dissing Tony Lynam would do well to listen to the MLT interview on BBC. Matt does not agree that TL is deserving of the flak he is getting, and quite honestly I can see very little that would convince me that TL is the chancer that some are portraying him as. If TL was duped then so was Matt.


The interview is on the following BBC page, about halfway down:



It is really beyond the realms of belief that a chancer would have got through due diligence with a professional administrator. Therefore if we are going to blame anyone, then Fry looks more culpible than Lynam. In the end though we would not be in this mess if it were not for 2 people, Lowe and Wilde. We must never forget that. We can blame Barclays, Mawhinney, Lynham, Fry, but it was Lowe and Wilde who forced us into Administration, either directly or indirectly.


Couldn't agree more tbh.

  Isabel Healey said:
I don't remember the Football League saying bugger all, to anyone, publicly!!


They are a law unto themselves!! They p**s me off, big time.



From the BBC website A Football League statement read: "The Football League has the responsibility to ensure all League clubs start the season with certainty as regards the competition they compete in. "With that in mind, the Football League has responded directly to the Pinnacle Group and will continue to liaise with their representatives."


That reads as though the FL do not believe the bid was that financially viable.

  VectisSaint said:
I think those who are dissing Tony Lynam would do well to listen to the MLT interview on BBC. Matt does not agree that TL is deserving of the flak he is getting, and quite honestly I can see very little that would convince me that TL is the chancer that some are portraying him as. If TL was duped then so was Matt.


The interview is on the following BBC page, about halfway down:



It is really beyond the realms of belief that a chancer would have got through due diligence with a professional administrator. Therefore if we are going to blame anyone, then Fry looks more culpible than Lynam. In the end though we would not be in this mess if it were not for 2 people, Lowe and Wilde. We must never forget that. We can blame Barclays, Mawhinney, Lynham, Fry, but it was Lowe and Wilde who forced us into Administration, either directly or indirectly.


Until i see proof to the contray, that is my take on it


Agreed. It hasn't worked out but Lynam has tried to keep the fans informed as much as possible, something he also got slated for. Ultimately he was at the command of somebody else, and that somebody must have had a bit of money for them to get as far as they did.


Makes you wonder why these people allow their identities to be public at all.

  Gemmel said:

Originally Posted by Fitzhugh Fella viewpost.gif

There are a lot of lunatics on the fringe of football attracted by the surplus of cash.


Here we go Marc Jackson, Jonathan Fulthorpe, Tommac, Tony Lynam - I could go on. Look at the publicity Wacko Jacko has generated - his photo all over the local media and tv etc. He is now a legend in his own mind and I daresay very satisfied with his involvement as is Tony "we will complete" Lynam. Just a shame that someone as great as MLT has been swept into the cesspit and is now digging himself a bigger hole by misplaced allegiance to Lynam.

FF, I hear everything you say and know you are far better placed than most on here to comment, but i still can't get my head around the money paid to date. Jackson, Fulthorpe, Tommac etc never parted with a penny.......... this lot did and a very significant amount at that.


As i said, i'm not saying you are wrong............. it just doesn't make any sense


I can easily see how this came about and I firmly believe Tony started off with good intentions, then circumstances getting the better of him and acting upon hope or a promise as if it was nailed on. I have no doubt he has wasted a significant amount of his own money, along with that of Crouch.


But there came a point where he continued and made himself a right thwat and his attitude to this adversity labels him as deserving everything coming his way. Just as Wilde nailed everything upon a promise, you can easily envisage the same happening here and everything getting out of hand. As for MLT, we all knew his business acumen from the beginning and obviously from what FF has said, the pressure has definitely got to him. As for Crouch, his possible involvement can only be seen as detrimental if he facilitated the exclusion period for Pinnacle in some manner, at the cost of another party coming in. Maybe the Swiss would have had time to negotaiate an acceptable p/£ on the debts within that period but we do not know that. Either way it is a continual theme.


The best I can see coming out of this is renting the stadium, players and assets sold off and starting next season on -25 points. Possibility of the Swiss, but that has to be remote. I would even take that now, when I consider the alternative.

  Fan The Flames said:
Didn't the football league say one of the reason's behind their reluctance to issue the FL Share was the future viability of the club. Maybe this is because Pinnacle only had the money to buy it through a loan but not the money to support that loan over the medium/long term with out us getting back up at least one division, certainly not if we went down. Hence why Fry was happy as he got his asking price and why TL wanted to fight the point deduction. Maybe the FL wanted the moneyman to buy a stake or larger stake in the company.


Hopefully the facts will start to emerge.


I have no idea whether this is true, but it sounds very plausible. Especially if you consider the money men as lenders not backers.

  Gemmel said:
Can someone please explain, if Tony Lynam was / is the fantasist that a number of people (Including credible posters) have claimed for some time, that he is, what did he ever stand to get out of it?


With costs getting somewhere close to a million, (Ok that has only come from TL) I can’t believe that Leon stumped up the whole amount, in fact I’d stake my house on it. Pure guess - he paid for the money required for the Ajax (Ted Bates Memorial game) Someone is out of pocket to the tune of half a million and you don’t do that for your 15 minutes of fame.


What ever way you dress this up, I just can’t see how there was ever anything to gain by playing Walter Mitty. They had chances to walk away with what would have been fairly credible reasons, a long time before now and on the Friday that the exclusivity ended Fry himself said the funds were in place and it was just down to the legal issues with FL. Additionally I can’t believe the FL would have entered such lengthy discussions without being satisfied, if resolved, that Pinnacle were good for the money


I’m not saying he isn’t the fantasist that others would have us believe, but if that is true - WHY?


I think if the whole story comes out Pinnacle defined as Fialka and Lynam have not put any money into the club - I suspect it has been Leon Crouch. I do not have a clue why Fry went along with this and it may be a backer who actually had money pulled out somewhere along the line. I do accept however that Oinnacle have incurred large amounts in advisers fees as I do not think the accountants and lawyers would have worked on contingency for a risky deal like SFC. I wonder who will pay them as clearly Fialka and Lynam do not have that amount of cash.

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