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That means the new owners won't necessarily have to put any of their own money in - at least not this season.


Although that does assume that they aren't financing the takeover through debt which will need to be repaid through whatever structure they set up. I think the chances someone buys the whole caboodle with no further debt in the SFC company structure is fairly low, even if it's just to structure their own purchase costs into a loan tied to the company.

they can't be worth that much then if they have driven from Switzerland to SMS???


I expect the car is of someone who is based in the UK, they've flown into London and met up with someone based here who owns the car. Which makes you wonder whether it's an international company involved somewhere along the lines.

I expect the car is of someone who is based in the UK, they've flown into London and met up with someone based here who owns the car. Which makes you wonder whether it's an international company involved somewhere along the lines.


But it had Swiss number plates, that is what got my attention in the first place.

At last! Gr8 point Steve, something everyone else seems to have overlooked.


For MLT to be involved and still supporting the bid and voicing his feelings on local TV and Radio there must be money behind the bid, enough to complete the deal and to return to a higher league




For me the money or amount of it has become a side show along with the league discussions.


What has to underly any relationship for it to be a success, personal or business, is trust. I simply don't trust Pinnacle and in particular their reporting of how they intend to finance the deal. We have gone from several major backers to one very wealthy allegedly multi millionaire backer and now MLT advises us that Fialka is one of many providing the funding or words to that effect.


Had these changes been communicated in advance then fair enough, situations change and we can understand that but Pinnacle have started to give me the impression they are bungling through this and IMO have used the league discussions as a smokescreen or worse actually believed the right to appeal was key to their bid and an appeal they would win.


What worries me even more was MLT's recent comment about Fialka's financial status and how Fialka's personal details should not be MLT's concern - again at least words to that effect.


We then have Tony Lynam posting long winded messages on this forum that initially were welcome but have simply become repetitive babble without meaningful content and like a donkey I have been trying to eat the dangling carrot but to no avail and as a result have lost interest.


I don't have any inside track unlike many on this forum but for the reasons above and many more mentioned elsewhere on this forum I don't have any faith, confidence or trust in Pinnacle and IMO I am hoping the Swiss come up with a better solution. From my position of ignorance to any aspects of the deal from the inside I personally don't think the Swiss will need to try to hard to win the bid provided they don't leave it to late. If Pinnacle conduct takeovers in this manner what are they going to do when they have control of the club?

of course you are correct BUT Mandaric bankrolled leicester to the tune of 10m last season to egt their way out.



Add to that the players that they already had and you can see a big difference between them and us.

But it had Swiss number plates, that is what got my attention in the first place.


If you're ever in London have a look around the 'city', I'm sure you'll see cars with Swiss plates on.



For me the money or amount of it has become a side show along with the league discussions.


What has to underly any relationship for it to be a success, personal or business, is trust. I simply don't trust Pinnacle and in particular their reporting of how they intend to finance the deal. We have gone from several major backers to one very wealthy allegedly multi millionaire backer and now MLT advises us that Fialka is one of many providing the funding or words to that effect.


Had these changes been communicated in advance then fair enough, situations change and we can understand that but Pinnacle have started to give me the impression they are bungling through this and IMO have used the league discussions as a smokescreen or worse actually believed the right to appeal was key to their bid and an appeal they would win.


What worries me even more was MLT's recent comment about Fialka's financial status and how Fialka's personal details should not be MLT's concern - again at least words to that effect.


We then have Tony Lynam posting long winded messages on this forum that initially were welcome but have simply become repetitive babble without meaningful content and like a donkey I have been trying to eat the dangling carrot but to no avail and as a result have lost interest.


I don't have any inside track unlike many on this forum but for the reasons above and many more mentioned elsewhere on this forum I don't have any faith, confidence or trust in Pinnacle and IMO I am hoping the Swiss come up with a better solution. From my position of ignorance to any aspects of the deal from the inside I personally don't think the Swiss will need to try to hard to win the bid provided they don't leave it to late. If Pinnacle conduct takeovers in this manner what are they going to do when they have control of the club?


I wouldn't expect MLT or the new owners to give a flying **** what YOU think of them.

If the swiss were serious why wait till now before making their move. I hope that whoever we end up with has a few bob to spend on players and management etcetera.


In a word...shrewd. A shrewd businessman and his money are not easily parted but when they make a commitment we know they are serious and in it because they can see the opportunity and have a plan to realise it.


Since administration has anyone in your opinion acted shewdly? Hopefully that is about to change.

I would rather drive over in a top of the range, Range Rover than sit next to some snotty nosed kid from New Milton.

Also the 3 men & 1 lady that got out of the car were all dressed in white suits, and looked classy as f*ck.


You sure they weren't White coats?! Seen dragging a man in a shiny grey suit out of St Mary's?!

of course you are correct BUT Mandaric bankrolled leicester to the tune of 10m last season to egt their way out.

Are you sure about that?


Soccerbase suggests they spent the princely sum of £475k in disclosed transfer fees and one undisclosed fee signing from Cambridge United.


Leicester had a squad that shouldn't have been relegated in the first place, and one that was clearly good enough to get promoted from League One without too many changes.


They've still got some high earners there - DJ Campbell "generously" agreed to halve his wages to just the £17k a week when they were relegated, and I'd imagine the likes of Oakley, Howard, Fryatt et al are on a fair wedge, but they got decent attendances for most of the season so they should have been covered.

Are you sure about that?


Soccerbase suggests they spent the princely sum of £475k in disclosed transfer fees and one undisclosed fee signing from Cambridge United.


Leicester had a squad that shouldn't have been relegated in the first place, and one that was clearly good enough to get promoted from League One without too many changes.


They've still got some high earners there - DJ Campbell "generously" agreed to halve his wages to just the £17k a week when they were relegated, and I'd imagine the likes of Oakley, Howard, Fryatt et al are on a fair wedge, but they got decent attendances for most of the season so they should have been covered.


They averaged just over 20k. I'm sure if we started getting some results then we'd have similar. I expect Norwich, Charlton and Leeds to battle for the title, leaves us and the rest of the bunch to try and get in the playoffs.

Not sure Leicester where bankrolled with £10 milllion and they seem to have a load of young guns on the pitch.


It cost Manderic £14 million last season, purely because the team were on Championship (even Premiership) wages, plus NP bought a few in.

It cost Manderic £14 million last season, purely because the team were on Championship (even Premiership) wages, plus NP bought a few in.


Though they did sell stearman and hume for good money and loaned the likes of dj campbell out.

Though they did sell stearman and hume for good money and loaned the likes of dj campbell out.


They did. But the problem is there is a huge drop in TV money etc.

Are you sure about that?


Soccerbase suggests they spent the princely sum of £475k in disclosed transfer fees and one undisclosed fee signing from Cambridge United.


Leicester had a squad that shouldn't have been relegated in the first place, and one that was clearly good enough to get promoted from League One without too many changes.


They've still got some high earners there - DJ Campbell "generously" agreed to halve his wages to just the £17k a week when they were relegated, and I'd imagine the likes of Oakley, Howard, Fryatt et al are on a fair wedge, but they got decent attendances for most of the season so they should have been covered.


I got corrected a while back on something similar. They replaced most of there team via loans and youth so there could have been a fair whack paid out on loan fee's.


They certainly didnt have the same team they went down with though.


Can anyone see the car or get the number plate? All registrations are listed in a type of phone directory over here thats publicly available. Give me the reg plate, I'll get you the owner (could be a hire car though).

Can anyone see the car or get the number plate? All registrations are listed in a type of phone directory over here thats publicly available. Give me the reg plate, I'll get you the owner (could be a hire car though).


Give it a few years when we'll all have access to "live google earth" and nothing that happens at SFC will be secret. I jest not.

can anyone see the car or get the number plate? All registrations are listed in a type of phone directory over here thats publicly available. Give me the reg plate, i'll get you the owner (could be a hire car though).



zh . 33

If the swiss were serious why wait till now before making their move. I hope that whoever we end up with has a few bob to spend on players and management etcetera.


Because they were beaten to the exclusivity period by Pinnacle (by a wisker we are told). As soon as Pinnacle failed to deliver, the Swiss moved in!

If you're ever in London have a look around the 'city', I'm sure you'll see cars with Swiss plates on.


You do indeed, plenty with plates on from places like Bahrain too, it's quite common. In all probability they were picked up from the airport by UK based Swiss associates.


I doubt they drove over, would take a couple of days, wouldn't be very efficient, they'd have flown if they mean business.

IKEA is Swedish - why do pople always mix Sweden with Swiss ? read on the Echo "forum" that ABBA the Swiss band should buy Saints : )


Sweden = Hot Blonds, Volvo cars, Always beat England in Footie (not U21 apperently) meatmalls, Abba and offcourse the Hives


Swiss = Chocolat, Coco Clocks and Cloggs


Spot the diffrent there

Is a coco clock one that goes off when its time for bed? If so thats cocoa

What has to underly any relationship for it to be a success, personal or business, is trust. I simply don't trust Pinnacle and in particular their reporting of how they intend to finance the deal.

Fortunately for SFC, the Pinnacle deal is not reliant on them having your trust. I think it is more relevant to people that matter, i.e. those involved in the deal. Given your support of Lowe and his lacky Wilde, your trust in Pinnacle is not really relevant.

LOL that made me laugh


Just read in the metro that MLT is on Countdown this week, he's in dictionary corner, just saw the picture LOL - Sorry couldnt start a new post :(


It has been mentioned already on one of the myriad of posts already on here so we definitely don't need another new thread lol Was generally agreed that the shows would have been recorded some weeks ago.


Yeah no more than we already know - hopes to sort it all out by tomorrow at latest. Hopes to get club back on firm financial footing first then progress up the leagues - Championship in 2 years


Sounded a lot more positive than has for a bit and body language appeared good, even managed quip about understanding fans feelings of frustration as he does too.

Can anyone see the car or get the number plate? All registrations are listed in a type of phone directory over here thats publicly available. Give me the reg plate, I'll get you the owner (could be a hire car though).


Reg is "BU11 541T".



Reg is "BU11 541T".




Think you may be right. No-one I know that works in the area has reported seeing the same, even after looking. Internet message boards do attract people who are largely ignored in regular social circles therefore resort to b*llsh*t to get some perverse thrill of leading up fans up the garden path! :axe:

IKEA is Swedish - why do pople always mix Sweden with Swiss ? read on the Echo "forum" that ABBA the Swiss band should buy Saints : )


Sweden = Hot Blonds, Volvo cars, Always beat England in Footie (not U21 apperently) meatmalls, Abba and offcourse the Hives


Swiss = Chocolat, Coco Clocks and Cloggs


Spot the diffrent there


Cuckoo clocks are from the Black Forest area of Germany and Clog(g)s are from Holland. Swizerland has money and gnomes.


ZH.33 is registered to


Art: Landw. Motorfahrzeug

Name: Imhof Gemüsekulturen AG

Strasse: Poststrasse 13

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