lenwilkins Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 ottery st mary said: I believe every word that GM utters, well at least til he puts his size 10 in his mouth..Not very often in the past to be honest Once again John, well done for being the big man you are. There is no way you are a... foul mouthed, multi posting, Rupert Luvver boyzz..with many sets of Rupes Pom Poms and Rupes Ra Ra skirts.....To say you are close to Rupert and his Lavender Hill Mob and you regularly go huntin and fishin with Rupes..well I am astounded at the temerity of sum posters.. Mind you I have seen you huntin and fishin on this forum on behalf of sumone but thought that was just to support Uncle jonah and the rest of the Adams family.. Your just a cuddly.. wuddly..Big teddy bear like Uncle Rupert...Football really does matter to us TRUE Saints supporter..eh! Uncle John....Regardless of who is running the show...As long as we can sit at the top table and have lots of freebies and build up each others EGOs...Sod the Lunatic Fringe........What did Unc Rupert mean when he was ranting and raving, when ever those naughty supporters found him out....To be honest when I look at you Uncle John and particularly Uncle jonah and a few of the Rupert Ra Ra troupe...I wonder if he meant we are The Lunatic Fringe.....Now where are my Red and White Pom Poms Uncle Rupert. Wellll dun Uncle John..You will always be my hero....especially when you find out so much info on all these wannabees...Don't forget I still have all that financial paperwork you gave me on those Retirement homes and all those Corporations that Uncle Rupes owns.. This is getting very incestuous isn't it. Two questions OSM: 1. Are you really Mary Corbett's nephew? 2. Do you really believe GM is a genuine social pal of Lowe's?
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 SFC Forever said: Has the Echo any journalists? Alas not. A couple of boys with laptops. They waved goodbye to their last serious sport journos when John May and Bob Brunskell abandoned ship. RIP Good Sports Journalism in Southampton.
Big Bad Bob Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 SFC Forever said: Has the Echo any journalists? Yes, it's called SaintsWeb
ottery st mary Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 (edited) lenwilkins said: This is getting very incestuous isn't it. Two questions OSM: 1. Are you really Mary Corbett's nephew? 2. Do you really believe GM is a genuine social pal of Lowe's? Uncle Len... Grandad always said you were a very good footballer Uncle Len....:smt060 Uncle GM and Uncle Rupert... not a clue about football and well finance..you have to laugh.....Uncle John is very good with visits to companies house and the like....wish he would disclose all about Rupes..He knows soooo much. Especially the two very BIG cheques Allegedly...My mum said whenever Uncle John came round..That he had a very dirty mouth and she would wash it out with soap one day. John is a BIG man in the financial world.:cool:..rather like uncle jonah.. But if all else fails and The swiss..Looking at a club in London and Jacko..Looking at a night club in Bourneouth...Uncle John and Uncle jonah could become financial advisers.:axe: Send me sum more crayons Uncle jonah...please.:grin: Edited 29 June, 2009 by ottery st mary spellin...useless ottery.
Johnny Bognor Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 INFLUENCED.COM said: Look back through and you'll find it was GM himself that highlighted those bits OK, fair enough, but that would mean reading the whole thread though? Why would I want to do that?
Fitzhugh Fella Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 eelpie said: Um..... hot day? beach? sunstroke? found another life?... Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park actually. But there is a reason I have withdrawn "from the fray" and when the time has come I will explain, but I think it best I lie low for another 36 hours.
Running Man Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Fitzhugh Fella said: Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park actually. But there is a reason I have withdrawn "from the fray" and when the time has come I will explain, but I think it best I lie low for another 36 hours. Research for ITN Part 2? Don't tell me you don't know the difference Between a lover and a fighter With my pen and my electric typewriter Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel
Big Bad Bob Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Fitzhugh Fella said: Bruce Springsteen in Hyde Park actually. But there is a reason I have withdrawn "from the fray" and when the time has come I will explain, but I think it best I lie low for another 36 hours. Interesting Snippet That One Noted Yesterday. Had One Linked Directly In Numerous Guesses About Great United New Thinking Or Your Own Understanding Rehashing Humble Epithets And Dangerous Takovers Outside Offices? But do tell us, why 36 hours??
Weston Super Saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Big Bad Bob said: But do tell us, why 36 hours?? Wet powder
Big Bad Bob Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Weston Super Saint said: Wet powder Oh, bets get it in the sun to dry quick
Running Man Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Big Bad Bob said: Interesting Snippet That One Noted Yesterday. Had One Linked Directly In Numerous Guesses About Great United New Thinking Or Your Own Understanding Rehashing Humble Epithets And Dangerous Takovers Outside Offices? But do tell us, why 36 hours?? Acronyms Rule OK
Big Bad Bob Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Running Man said: Acronyms Rule OK That should have bee AROK.... BTW that was bloody hard work that was
Weston Super Saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Running Man said: Acronyms Rule OK Are you Chinese
Guided Missile Posted 29 June, 2009 Author Posted 29 June, 2009 Weston Super Saint said: Are you Chinese ....of course, OK itself is an acronym, from: the Greek words "Ola Kala" meaning "everything's good" the acronym of the "comically misspelled" oll korrect the Choctaw word okeh the Wolof and Bantu word waw-kay or the Mande (aka "Mandinke" or "Mandingo") phrase o ke
obelisk Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Is that GM's assistant doing the acronym research or has the man himself allocated some time in his busy schedule to do a spot of googling? The heat is getting to me. Need to go to the pub. Cheers!
Lets B Avenue Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Big Bad Bob said: Interesting Snippet That One Noted Yesterday. Had One Linked Directly In Numerous Guesses About Great United New Thinking Or Your Own Understanding Rehashing Humble Epithets And Dangerous Takovers Outside Offices? But do tell us, why 36 hours?? Certain people getting litigious?
spain saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: Hope everyone likes Pinnacle!!! Likely you need a moneyman. He assures Saints a great united new age together. Many years healing enemies and debts. Good Man! I Said All Need A Time To Except New Takeovers! I Often Need Some Extra Evenings Kip! Imho No Good Takeovers Rely On Lying Low!
Guided Missile Posted 29 June, 2009 Author Posted 29 June, 2009 spain saint said: Good Man! I Said All Need A Time To Except New Takeovers! I Often Need Some Extra Evenings Kip! Imho No Good Takeovers Rely On Lying Low! SS, you're an inconsequential, sangria drinking ex-pat, exiled by a collapsed housing market, trapped in a lower-middle class hell, where the locals hate you and you are sentenced to a life of trying to recapture your lost life in God's country, by logging onto this website and insulting posters that have avoided your sad fate. Toodle pip, old man....and make sure you don't drink the water...
Weston Super Saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: SS, you're an inconsequential, sangria drinking ex-pat, exiled by a collapsed housing market, trapped in a lower-middle class hell, where the locals hate you and you are sentenced to a life of trying to recapture your lost life in God's country, by logging onto this website and insulting posters that have avoided your sad fate. Toodle pip, old man....and make sure you don't drink the water... I can't figure this one out
buctootim Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Weston Super Saint said: I can't figure this one out GM's being unnecessarily rude and uncannily accurate in the one post - again
scotty Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Running Man said: Research for ITN Part 2? Don't tell me you don't know the difference Between a lover and a fighter With my pen and my electric typewriter Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel I havent heard that song in years!! Costello rocked
spain saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: SS, you're an inconsequential, sangria drinking ex-pat, exiled by a collapsed housing market, trapped in a lower-middle class hell, where the locals hate you and you are sentenced to a life of trying to recapture your lost life in God's country, by logging onto this website and insulting posters that have avoided your sad fate. Toodle pip, old man....and make sure you don't drink the water... Did I forget to say "I love you"?
spain saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: SS, you're an incredible, sangria drinking ex-pat, exiled 6 years ago by the **** weather , thriving in your middle class area, where the locals think you rock and you are sentenced to a life of sun, sea and sex in a warmer country, then logging onto this website and insulting posters that haven't had the chance to join you yet. Toodle pip, young man....and make sure you don't drink the water... Thought I would amend your post! IMHO thats a much more accurate read! Toodle pip!
Smirking_Saint Posted 29 June, 2009 Posted 29 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: In all sincerity, I am very happy that it appears the the Pinnacle bid will go through following their acceptance of the Football League's position. I have had a number, a large number, of instances of being wrong in my life, largely due to the large size of my mouth and the small size of my brain, but, given my deep love for Southampton Football Club, my passion, on this occasion, swamped my judgement. That judgement seems to have been wrong and Mr. Fialka and his North London friends appear to have access to the £14M that will save our club, together with an investment plan that will help put the club back in the Premiership. I apologise, unreservedly to Mr. Lynam and Mr. Fialka for the abuse that I have posted and hope that by supporting the club when they take over, I will be able to make amends. Finally, I was made aware that I called Mr. Fialka a "dustbin lid". This deeply upset one of our posters who is married to a black lady and has mixed race children. He believes that that comment makes me the worst type of racist, one that didn't know he was one. I am very sorry to him and to Mr. Fialka if they found the term offensive and racist. Please forgive me in the future for any words I use that also rhyme with offensive terms. I hope that in the spirit of reconciliation, all those that thought Mr. Fialka and Mr. Lynam were "potless" join me in apologising.... If this was not such a tongue in cheek apology and you actually meant it (and didn't continually post contradicting your own words) i would have more respect for you. Considering you didn't mean it and continue with the massive campaign against a man that is attempting to save the club it has actually brought my respect even lower. What is your aims in all this one man tirade ?? I mean it is all you seem to be bothered about ??
gonzo Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Tony Lynam said: Hello John Your web/forum post has been pointed out to me and I feel compelled to reply. Firstly, I think you deserve praise for the apology for whatever it is you have been saying about myself, colleagues, clients and advisers. Forgive me, but I don't have the time to watch or contribute to the forum much. You, and your friends, will now know that we have made a decision, after seeking extensive legal opinion about the "10 point issue". It has never trully been about 10 points itself, more so the potential legal ramifications, according to our advice, in agreeing to various other conditions set out in an 8/9 page document drafted along the lines of the Football Leagues rules. I won't say any more on the subject as it's now pointless. I will however say one thing, which will perhaps win me no friends. I stand 100% behind my own stance, and that of those who I represent to date about this issue - which has perhaps contributed to our delay. I know only too well how desperate that everyone is for this to be concluded - and trust me, I share that desire. I do not however agree with making rash decisions, and despite the difficulties it has presented, we have had to keep a level head and let things pan out. The impact on staff to me has been the worst part of this to bear, and not the legal nonsense which will be sorted in the end. Ultimately, anyone can now trump us and steal this from under our feet. We don't believe that the vast majority of fans want that, and we firmly believe that we can really be what you all want as a new owner. But John, I am asking you man to man, in front of your friends, if you really feel the need to personally insult me or my colleagues, please have the decency to do it to my face (or contact me directly). That's the end of that as far as I am concerned, and come what may, I look forward to having a beer with you, and the rest of the fans at St Marys, hopefully to celebrate our first win (and hopefully with us in charge). Best wishes Tony What a load of waffle. I would like to meet you face to face and tell you what I think of you.
Arizona Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 I'm looking forward to GM's sequel, "The Egg on Face Thread"
gonzo Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 I did think at the time, if the apology wasn't tongue-in-cheek that it was a bit premature.
Guided Missile Posted 30 June, 2009 Author Posted 30 June, 2009 Arizona said: I'm looking forward to GM's sequel, "The Egg on Face Thread" SAN FRANCISCO MAN BECOMES FIRST AMERICAN TO GRASP SIGNIFICANCE OF IRONY - Jay Fullmer, 38, yesterday became the first American to get to grips with the concept of irony. "It was weird" Fullmer said. "I was in London and like, talking to this guy and it was raining and he pulled a face and said, "great weather, eh?" and I thought "wait a minute, no way is it great weather". Fullmer then realised that the other man's 'mistake' was in fact deliberate. Fullmer, who is 39 next month and married with two children, aged 8 and 3, plans to use irony himself in future. "I'm like using it all the time" he said. "Last weekend I was grilling steaks and I burned them to sh!t and I said "hey, great weather!".
Arizona Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 I meant an 'ironic' egg on face thread of course. And what have American's got to do with this?
Guided Missile Posted 30 June, 2009 Author Posted 30 June, 2009 Arizona said: I meant an 'ironic' egg on face thread of course. And what have American's got to do with this? They invented bullsh !t.... I know, my wife's American....
Raven on the wing Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 The business world is full of people who talk the talk, but they tend not to be the ones with the real clout who dont need to. I suppose we were all so delighted that MLT was going to be chairman, we didnot ask ourselves the question _ "Why the hell would a wealthy businessman put someone with no financial background in charge of £14m +++ of his money"
Guided Missile Posted 30 June, 2009 Author Posted 30 June, 2009 Tony Lynam said: Hello John ...I am asking you man to man, in front of your friends, if you really feel the need to personally insult me or my colleagues, please have the decency to do it to my face (or contact me directly). Best wishes Tony Dear Tony, My friends and I normally go to Banks in Bishops Waltham, on a Wednesday night at about 7:30PM. Since the unfortunate events of today, I feel badly let down by you and the moneyman behind the deal, Michael Fialka. I really feel the need to insult you and so that I can do the decent thing, rather than insulting you from behind a keyboard, I would love to insult you face-to-face. I am sure that I am not the only one and if you can make it to the restaurant tomorrow evening, myself and I'm sure, many of my friends from this forum, would love to see you there. Banks do a very reasonable two course special plus glass of wine for £15 if you are hungry afterwards. Regards, John
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: They invented bullsh !t.... I know, my wife's American.... So's mine and he's right. Unless she sees this in which case I have been edited and my post has been changed.
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: Dear Tony, make it to the restaurant tomorrow evening, myself and I'm sure, many of my friends from this forum, would love to see you there. Regards, John yes - me and his other friend will be there! :smt027
Lets B Avenue Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Saint Richard of Woolston said: So's mine and he's right. Unless she sees this in which case I have been edited and my post has been changed. After this, Rich, it wont be safe for you to walk in your house, let alone the streets.
lenwilkins Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: many of my friends from this forum More irony right?
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Lets B Avenue said: After this, Rich, it wont be safe for you to walk in your house, let alone the streets. It has never been that! But after all the bile of recent days, I have seen nothing to suggest that any Money Man watching all this would want to get involved at Saints. There is an incredible head of bad feeling built up around the Club and the chances of establishing a stable business around it is virtually nil. It falls into the 'why would you?' category, I am sad to say.
Beer Engine Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: Dear Tony .... Banks do a very reasonable two course special plus glass of wine for £15 if you are hungry afterwards. Regards, John Would that include some nice humble pie for afters or does one need to go a la carte for such delicacies?
Lets B Avenue Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Saint Richard of Woolston said: It has never been that! But after all the bile of recent days, I have seen nothing to suggest that any Money Man watching all this would want to get involved at Saints. There is an incredible head of bad feeling built up around the Club and the chances of establishing a stable business around it is virtually nil. It falls into the 'why would you?' category, I am sad to say. Dosen't the wife know a few Texan billionaires who might like the chance to put one over Hicks and Gillett?
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 30 June, 2009 Posted 30 June, 2009 Guided Missile said: Dear Tony, My friends and I I thought you were being sincere up to this point
Saint Richard of Woolston Posted 1 July, 2009 Posted 1 July, 2009 Lets B Avenue said: Dosen't the wife know a few Texan billionaires who might like the chance to put one over Hicks and Gillett? No. But her mother did get 4 numbers on the Texas State Lottery last week.
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