Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Explain how Pinnacle passed due dilligence and proved funds? It seems a reasonable enough question to me, and given GM's slating of TL, MF and the Pinnacle bid it strikes me as odd why he cannot substantiate his claims by teling us how Pinnacle could have conned their way through DD and proved funds they didn't have.
St Chalet Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Which one of the three threads would you like his answer?
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Which one of the three threads would you like his answer? He's quick enough to instruct others on what they should be thinking. GM is afterall the "man who knows" when it comes to these things. So it's reasonable to ask the oracle to explain how Pinnacle passed DD and proved funds if they are just an elaborate hoax.
Alain Perrin Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 .... it has never happened before... oh. "Sheard, who knew Morrison from his previous involvement with sportswear firm ASICS, persuaded him to take up the offer but the return funding never arrived. Sheard's involvement in bidding for control of Wednesday has been mired in controversy. In September, the Yorkshire Post revealed he had initially engaged the services of a convicted money launderer to produce a proof of funding letter from a non-operational bank in Dominica which had no account holders and no money. At the time, Sheard claimed that the fake proof of funding had simply been a means of "getting a foot in the door" to open negotiations with Wednesday. There is no evidence of a connection between the bank letter and the scheme to lever in millions of pounds from Switzerland. "
chrisobee Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 All I can say as yet another thread appears is it's Madness!!
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Why can't Guided Missile answer the question?? "I'm off to have a brandy and then about two hours of sex...." His response on another thread
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 how would GM know? GM is a hot shot businessman that knows everything there is to know about everything. Surely he'd know how DD and proof of funds could be fabricated and presumably they must have been fabricated. If they weren't fabricated where does it leave his campaign against TL, MF and Pinnacle?
shirleysfc Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Explain how Pinnacle passed due dilligence and proved funds? It seems a reasonable enough question to me, and given GM's slating of TL, MF and the Pinnacle bid it strikes me as odd why he cannot substantiate his claims by teling us how Pinnacle could have conned their way through DD and proved funds they didn't have. Because he's locked himself in the loo to massage his ego!
buctootim Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 .... it has never happened before... oh. "the Yorkshire Post revealed he had initially engaged the services of a convicted money launderer to produce a proof of funding letter from a non-operational bank in Dominica which had no account holders and no money. At the time, Sheard claimed that the fake proof of funding had simply been a means of "getting a foot in the door" to open negotiations with Wednesday. There is no evidence of a connection between the bank letter and the scheme to lever in millions of pounds from Switzerland. " Luckily we dont need the dodgy Pinnacle money because were going to lever in millions of pounds from Switzerland instead.....oh
Grim Reaper Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 But isnt it rumoured that the original business men that probably went through DD have taken a hike, maybee thats why they got through it !
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 But isnt it rumoured that the original business men that probably went through DD have taken a hike, maybee thats why they got through it ! Can this happen? I wouldn't think it could work like this. Maybe the oracle will answer this.
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 GM is a hot shot businessman that knows everything there is to know about everything. Surely he'd know how DD and proof of funds could be fabricated and presumably they must have been fabricated. If they weren't fabricated where does it leave his campaign against TL, MF and Pinnacle? You need to get over yourself GM's posts are out there, but for the most part make sense and are agreeable. You, on the other hand are argumentative and a bit of a mong
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 You need to get over yourself GM's posts are out there, but for the most part make sense and are agreeable. They make sense if you don't look outside the box and you are prepared to swallow GM's one sided assumptions. Surely GM has considered the question that i've posted and factored it into his stance against TL, MF and Pinnacle. If not then serious questions must be asked of his campaign. Balance is what is needed and GM seems only interested in providing the side of the story that suits his agenda.
docker-p Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 You need to get over yourself GM's posts are out there, but for the most part make sense and are agreeable. You, on the other hand are argumentative and a bit of a mong It's a fair question Mole has posed. Occasionally GM's posts make sense but are rarely agreeable. And most of the time he comes across as a right tossser
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Campaign? What campaign? You think he has a wall in his house with pics of TL and MF on and a big red marker pen tracking there every move? I am of the opinion he is just posting his (informed?) views (like the death on SSN thread) rather than anything more sensationalist. It seems to be you that is looking to hard into everything that is posted.
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 It's a fair question Mole has posed. Occasionally GM's posts make sense but are rarely agreeable. And most of the time he comes across as a right tossser maybe Moley is asking the right question but to the wrong person?
spain saint Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Campaign? What campaign? You think he has a wall in his house with pics of TL and MF on and a big red marker pen tracking there every move? I am of the opinion he is just posting his (informed?) views (like the death on SSN thread) rather than anything more sensationalist. It seems to be you that is looking to hard into everything that is posted. Wouldn´t be surprised to be honest, readign some of his vitriol tonight!
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Campaign? What campaign? You think he has a wall in his house with pics of TL and MF on and a big red marker pen tracking there every move? I am of the opinion he is just posting his (informed?) views (like the death on SSN thread) rather than anything more sensationalist. It seems to be you that is looking to hard into everything that is posted. The last 3 threads started by GM have been extremely anti TL, MF and Pinnacle. GM has led the anti TL/MF/Pinnacle witchhunt. Given his background in business, and in lieu of his voiciferous stance, it's reasonable to expect him to answer the question posed.
spain saint Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Maybe he has gone to sit on the naughty step and think very hard about what he has done!
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Can you blame the bloke? Expect there are a few of us on here who's posting this week has been anti Pinnacle TL/MF as they seem to be taking the p1ss and wasting valuable time. as i have said before in a number of different ways....Tyre Kickers
Alain Perrin Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 The last 3 threads started by GM have been extremely anti TL, MF and Pinnacle. GM has led the anti TL/MF/Pinnacle witchhunt. Given his background in business, and in lieu of his voiciferous stance, it's reasonable to expect him to answer the question posed. Jesus, let the obsession go man. It's called an opinion. You're as obsessed as Stanley was with Lowe. Speaking of which we haven't seen much of him recently have we?
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Can you blame the bloke? Why would he not want to answer the question? It's a simple enough question and surely he has the answer because the answer is fundamentally important to the case he's making. If he doesn't have the answer or if he hasn't considered the question then it blows an almighty hole in the case he's presenting against TL, MF and Pinnacle.
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 case he is presenting? is he lawyer in the case of SaintsWeb v Pinnacle?
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Jesus, let the obsession go man. It's called an opinion. You're as obsessed as Stanley was with Lowe. Speaking of which we haven't seen much of him recently have we? I'm obsessed with the truth of the matter - everyone wants to know the truth. GM has presented a one sided case against TL, MF and Pinnacle and i'm asking him to back up his stance. The question is genuine and i believe it is also very important. And i was Stanley but changed it to Mole with Admin consent. Unlike you i'm allowed to change my name.
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 case he is presenting? is he lawyer in the case of SaintsWeb v Pinnacle? Have you ever made an intelligent contribution?
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Have you ever made an intelligent contribution? Pot Kettle Black I'm just trying to figure out your obsession with GM
saintpat Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 But GM doesn't need to answer any questions. TL needs to answer the questions and his answers have been getting less informative each time he writes. They are now, I'm afraid simply bluster and hot air, there is nothing of substance to grab hold of. I applauded the initial stance of TL regarding the football league, however I am now of the opinion that is simply a very convenient smoke screen for far larger problems with Pinnacles bid. I have a very bad feeling that within a weeks time us fans will only have memories of our club.
gonzo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I seem to be in the minority, but I have found myself agreeing with a lot of the things GM has posted over the last couple of evenings. And his 'message from Tony Lynam' did make me chuckle a bit.
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 But GM doesn't need to answer any questions. Agreed, but failure to answer a simple question does undermine his argument against TL, MF and Pinnacle.
Leslie Charteris Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Hey, great thread. SFC is facing possible extinction within a week and some are still more concerned about scoring points off other posters. Perhaps people are just venting their frustration at being so powerless to do anything. Perhaps some just feel insecure and need to lash out. So here's my message - step back all you potless t*ssers and step forward all you minted angels and write a nice fat cheque to the ever-patient Mr. Fry so that Mr. Wotte or whoever can start getting on with pre-season training and all the staff can get paid.
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Speaking of simple messages Stanley, Inbox. I am not prepared to answer your question as to GM's identity.
ottery st mary Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 After winning the Euro millions tonight...I have now changed my mind about putting a bid in to buy The Mighty Saints......Someone would find skeletons in a cupboard at my place...AND I don't even have any cupboards. To be on the safe side I will spend my £6.40..Elsewhere. I really wish said top investigators had researched Rupes all those years ago.......Sorry about mentioning the old boy..
Leslie Charteris Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I am not prepared to answer your question as to GM's identity. GM's identity is hardly a state secret!
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I am not prepared to answer your question as to GM's identity. lol, idiot. just trying to understand your apparent fixation with the bloke
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 GM's identity is hardly a state secret! No, but Stevo is the only one who doesn't know and i'm not going to enlighten him.
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 No, but Stevo is the only one who doesn't know and i'm not going to enlighten him. I will struggle to sleep tonight now
ottery st mary Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 If I am not mistaken Young stevo is GMs older brother....where did I hear that..
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 If I am not mistaken Young stevo is GMs older brother....where did I hear that.. I wonder if he models himself on Spandau ballet.
St_Tel49 Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Can this happen? I wouldn't think it could work like this. Maybe the oracle will answer this. Mole/Stanley - its become increasingly clear that you -very sadly i have to say - have backed a bum steer. Live with it. Equally sadly so must the rest of us.
Saint Bones Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Sigh - and I thought all this sh1te would have stopped once Rupurt went. So much for not allowing someone to start a thread directly at another poster.
ottery st mary Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 Young Stevo? No relation i am afraid Sorry wrong peeps..... Suggest that you referee and Stanley and John meet Pinnacle peeps and Mr FRY...Then we could get sum of this argument/debate resolved....:smt060
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Mole/Stanley - its become increasingly clear that you -very sadly i have to say - have backed a bum steer. Live with it. Equally sadly so must the rest of us. I may well have done - but after consideration i'm not going to give up on Pinnacle just yet. Until we know that MF doesn't have a wealthy backer it'd be foolish to write him off.
Mole Posted 26 June, 2009 Author Posted 26 June, 2009 Sigh - and I thought all this sh1te would have stopped once Rupurt went. So much for not allowing someone to start a thread directly at another poster. Tony Lynam is a poster and GM has directed threads against him. My thread is not in the same league of those threads and is merely asking a question of the main instigator of the Pinnacle witchhunt. GM may well be on the mark, but given his voiciferous stance it's reasonable to press him to answer the question in the op.
ottery st mary Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I am staying positive on Pinnacle...Really don't believe The Swiss or Jacko are in it for real.......Pinnacle have to come through for us and for MLT.....(MLT still with it) I am gutted about the wages....I was hoping THE OLD BOARD WOULD CLUB TOGETHER AND PAY UP...Wishful thinking I know...
saint_stevo Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I think the Swiss are for real. More so that Pinnacle
Leslie Charteris Posted 26 June, 2009 Posted 26 June, 2009 I am gutted about the wages....I was hoping THE OLD BOARD WOULD CLUB TOGETHER AND PAY UP...Wishful thinking I know... Don't be silly, that would be an admission of responsibility! (Not something our previous great leader was particularly adept at.)
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