Arizona Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Tony: When will the deal be sorted? Fry: I'm sorry, I don't know. Tony: Can't you at least make a guess? Fry: Well, not for another 4 days. Tony: You can't make a guess for another 4 days?
SaintBobby Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Lives at home with his parents - apparently Doesn't have a pot to **** in - apparently Can someone please explain why it's a fake bid? Who has anything to gain from a hoax? It just doesn't add up or am I just being simple? I doubt it's been a hoax, but I think the wheels have seriously come off and they are now in "last throw of the dice" territory. The big backer may have pulled out. Perhaps Leon stumped up the £500K in return for a remunerated place on the board if the deal went through etc etc. I'd agree that it would be a huge surprise if the whole thing was an elaborate and expensive prank.
Johnny Bognor Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Don't put down to guile, what you can put down to incompetence
LostBoys Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 It seems to me we are left with two sets of jokers who have no money, the Swiss and this other British consortia and a week to do the deal and another week before the players can walk. How the Echo can find these things out about this tosser Fialka overnight that the Administrator did not check in three weeks? Shock horror Echo headline next week 'Pinnacle pull out due to Football League' with no mention of them not having the proverbial pot to wee in. What a fiasco - we are a laughing stock again.
saint_stevo Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 ****fosters?!
FairWeather Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 That article just shows what a terrible newspaper the echo is. Other than the headline, there is no indication of what he's saying at all, no direct quotes, nothing. Terrible reporting.
John B Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 That article just shows what a terrible newspaper the echo is. Other than the headline, there is no indication of what he's saying at all, no direct quotes, nothing. Terrible reporting. It is probably in the Newspaper itself
um pahars Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 I doubt it's been a hoax, but I think the wheels have seriously come off and they are now in "last throw of the dice" territory. The big backer may have pulled out. Perhaps Leon stumped up the £500K in return for a remunerated place on the board if the deal went through etc etc. I'd agree that it would be a huge surprise if the whole thing was an elaborate and expensive prank. I too don't think it's a hoax, instead a combination of wishful thinking, people not wanting to lose face and most of all people shtting themselves when confronted with the real task at hand with regards ££££'s and melting away to be replaced by the reserves (or even the youth team)!!! From day one I have been really concerned that our financial position combined with such a dire recession will mean we will be really up against it with regards finding a buyer. The current impasse with wages going unpaid and the Club about to unravel may be the start of something very bad!!!!!!
moon monkey Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 When I think of Michael Fialka, this instantly springs to mind
CHAPEL END CHARLIE Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Now here's a prominent member of North London's Jewish community with loads of cash and very interesting earlobes : Does he know our prospective new owner by any chance ?
derry Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Now here's a prominent member of North London's Jewish community with loads of cash and very interesting earlobes : Does he know our prospective new owner by any chance ? Interesting you should say that. I asked a good friend of his this morning if he might be interested, he said no way as he likes publicity and would be doing it himself if he was. I mentioned Danny Feinstein who has left Arsenal I believe but he didn't know.
Mole Posted 27 June, 2009 Author Posted 27 June, 2009 Do we know any rich Jews who may be looking for an apprentice?
macca155 Posted 27 June, 2009 Posted 27 June, 2009 Hi Derry Do you mean Daniel Fiszman? He was or is on the Arsenal board but he's sold a bunch of shares recently I think. Worth over 200 million a serious recluse hates publicity and lives in Switzerland! Ha ha what a coincidence. North London jewish community connection maybe...... Nah couldn't be could it
Alain Perrin Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 The only thing that worries me (assuming MF has the money) is that this guy seems a bit of a football hobbyist. I hope that he doesn't interfere with team affairs. Every time I see the photo of Mark Fialka I know it is only a matter of time before: - a training top with initials gets ordered - he goes running in the New Forest with the squad.
maxi_sopez Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 I am Jewish ( well half jewish) and i live in North London, this clearly makes me likely to be involved....also am i the only Jewish-ish poster on the saints web, not many yids support saints do they?!
Mole Posted 28 June, 2009 Author Posted 28 June, 2009 The only thing that worries me (assuming MF has the money) is that this guy seems a bit of a football hobbyist. I hope that he doesn't interfere with team affairs. Every time I see the photo of Mark Fialka I know it is only a matter of time before: - a training top with initials gets ordered - he goes running in the New Forest with the squad. He wouldn't look as big a dickhead as Lowe did in the RL training top.
shurlock Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 I am Jewish ( well half jewish) and i live in North London, this clearly makes me likely to be involved....also am i the only Jewish-ish poster on the saints web, not many yids support saints do they?! Not claiming to be ITK or anything but I have connections with the 'Community' -sounds like the Sopranos or something. I've contacted some pretty prominent people -footballing and financially- and you know how quickly loshon hora spreads, knowledge is out in the open soon enough. Possibly they are keeping mouths shut but they confess to knowing nothing - and their tone suggests the latter. I was down yesterday, picked up a little bit with MLT's words and now realism has set back in. The silver lining is that Pinnacle is inadvertently setting the bar so low, I might now be pleased with any kind of deal should one go through.
Faz Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Not claiming to be ITK or anything but I have connections with the 'Community' -sounds like the Sopranos or something. I've contacted some pretty prominent people -footballing and financially- and you know how quickly loshon hora spreads, knowledge is out in the open soon enough. Possibly they are keeping mouths shut but they confess to knowing nothing - and their tone suggests the latter. I was down yesterday, picked up a little bit with MLT's words and now realism has set back in. The silver lining is that Pinnacle is inadvertently setting the bar so low, I might now be pleased with any kind of deal should one go through. Who said his money was coming from the "community"?
maxi_sopez Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 I can confirm that i saw no Saints shirts in Golders Green only half an hour ago when i got a Subway.....I wore my Saints shirt and got no reaction from anyone, well apart from the normal why the hell is someone wearing a saints shirt how weird!
shurlock Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Who said his money was coming from the "community"? The only concrete statement has been Fry's "he from a substantially wealthy family". Taken literally, we would dig up the guy's family tree and answers would be there. I would be surprised if his colleagues were not either fellow property people or part of the Jewish community (check out his facebook entry). Either way, its the case that when a Jewish person does something national or prominent, its talked about in the 'Community' - hence the JC story. If you have a strong footballing, financial or community background, you may know something.
Mole Posted 28 June, 2009 Author Posted 28 June, 2009 Here is an interesting article on Michael Fialka...
Mole Posted 28 June, 2009 Author Posted 28 June, 2009 My Czech is a little patchy, but i've done my best to translate it for you. 27.06.2009 - Around jihoanglického Southampton circles as lickerish supy four potential candidates. Mezi nimi i bývalý hráč klubu Le Tisser, realitní makléř, podnikatel a životní zkrachovalec Fialka, dva neúspěšní investoři a jedna raději nejmenovaná švýcarská finanční skupina. Among them, the former player and club Le Tisser, real estate broker, and entrepreneur living zkrachovalec Fialka, two failed and one investors prefer not listed Swiss financial group. „Jsme přesvědčení, že problémy s Football League vyřešíme v pondělí,“ řekl Le Tisser. "We believe that problems with the Football League on Monday, solve," said Le Tisser. „Trest jsme připraveni přijmout. "We are ready to accept punishment. Pinnacle Group má stoprocentní zájem.“ Pinnacle Group has a hundred percent interest. " Převzetí Saints se mělo konat už 19. Taking over the Saints had already held on the 19th června, jenomže nedošlo k dohodám obou stran. June, but there is no agreements of both parties. Převzetí klubu se tak musí uskutečnit co nejrychleji, šibeničním termínem je podle vedení klubu příští pátek. Taking over the club it must take place as quickly as possible, šibeničním deadline is keeping the club next Friday. „Na konci příštího týdne musí být jasno,“ řekl Mark Fry po deník Daily Echo. "At the end of next week should be clear," said Mark Fry the Daily Echo. „Je to opravdu poslední termín, došlo k velké prodlevě. "It's really the last term, there was a delay. Už se to musí vyřešit.“ He is to be solved. " Majoritním vlastníkem klubu se podle všeho měl stát Michael Fialka, dvaatřicetiletý realitní makléř, jenž se vložil společně s Pinnacle Group do koupi klubu. The majority owner of the club appears to be the Michael Fialka, dvaatřicetiletý estate broker, who put together with the Pinnacle Group to purchase the club. Odmítl odpovídat na dotazy fanoušků a novin jak chce situaci řešit. He refused to answer the questions fans and newspapers as to address the situation. Mark Fry se údajně upínal k Fialkovi jako k hlavní záchraně. Mark Fry allegedly upínal to Fialka as the main rescue. Matt Le Tissier společně s Tonym Lynamem neměli úplně stejné noty jako Fry, a tak musel dát jeden z nejvýše postavených mužů u Saints možnost jiným nabídkám. Matt Le Tissier, together with Tony Lynamem not the same as Fry notes, and so had to give one more than the Saints built men offers another possibility. Díky tomu se Fry začal pohybovat v začarovaném kruhu a nikam se nedostal. This is Fry began to move in a vicious circle and is getting nowhere. „Jsme tam, kde jsme byli před měsícem. "We are where we were a month ago. Chod klubu závisí jen na dobré vůli zaměstnanců. Chod club depends only on the good will of staff. Pokud do týdnu neobdržíme konkrétní a závaznou nabídku, budeme to muset řešit s představenstvem.“ If we receive a specific week in a binding offer, we need to address the board. " Aby toho nebylo málo, kromě Pinnacle se do situace vložily další dvě skupiny. In order that were not enough, in addition to Pinnacle to put the situation of the other two groups. Businessmani Marc Jackson a Stuart Green, jenž už se pokusili koupit Bournemouth a také jedna nejmenovaná švýcarská firma. Businessman Marc Jackson and Stuart Green, who already tried to buy Bournemouth and also one not listed Swiss company. Regionální deníky však businessmanům a švýcarské firmě dávají ty nejmenší šance, naopak se jim měl Mark Fry přiznat, že největší šance dává Fialkovi. Local newspapers, however, a Swiss company businessmanům's the smallest chance, but they had Mark Fry acknowledged that gives the greatest chance Fialka. „Viděl jsem profily všech zájemců a on by byl nejlepší volba,“ řekl pro deník Daily Echo. "I have seen profiles on all candidates and would be the best option," said the Daily Echo. Situace okolo Fialky na chvíli ustála, než se objevily opravdové informace o jeho kuriózním charakteru. The situation around for a while Fialky stable than were the real information about his kuriózním nature. Fialka měl být prý jen jakási loutka a každému hned bylo jasné, že on tím investorem nebude. Fialka said to be only a kind of puppet, and every now it was clear that on the investor does not. O to pozoruhodnější pak je Fryovo prohlášení. It is remarkable then Fryovo statement. Kdo je tedy Michael Fialka? Who is Michael Fialka? Třiadvacetiletý realitní makléř, který žije už třináct let se svými rodiči v londýnském domě (otec taxikář, matka prodavačka), vlastní dvě společnosti, jedna s obratem ročním 50 tisíc liber a kombinovanými zisky 60 tisíc liber (nesdílejí se). Třiadvacetiletý estate broker, who lived thirteen years with his parents in London house (the taxi driver father, mother sales), own two companies, one with an annual turnover of 50 thousand pounds and the combined profits of 60 thousand pounds (the share). Kdysi hrál amatérský fotbal za Wingate & Finchley, ale nyní působí jako střední záložník u London Macabi Lions B team, celku z Jewish Chronicle Macabi Southern Football League. Once, he played amateur football for Wingate & Finchley, but now acts as a reservist in Central London Macabich Lions B team, a whole of Jewish Chronicle Macabich Southern Football League. Fanoušci Svatých si v současné chvíli pokládají jedinou otázku: Is this someone´s idea of a joke? Saints fans have at the present moment, consider only the question: Is this someone's idea of a joke?
NickG Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Here is an interesting article on Michael Fialka... does answer few of the things posted on here quite clearly and directly.
shurlock Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Fanoušci Svatých si v současné chvíli pokládají jedinou otázku: Is this someone´s idea of a joke? nothing lost in translation there - couldn't have put it any better myself
Guided Missile Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Who said his money was coming from the "community"? Tony Lynam suggested as much, as reported in the Times: Tony Lynam, the Pinnacle bid leader, had suggested that a single backer was funding the deal and named Michael Fialka, a North London businessman, on Thursday. Doubts were expressed about Fialka's access to sufficient funds yesterday, which Fry dismissed as based on “cursory” investigations, but Lynam still changed his story, saying that Fialka “has prominent people supporting his efforts” and “important connections in his [North London Jewish] community”.
supersaint316 Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Would people not agree that deleting these threads would be a good idea and start fresh with MF? lets hope by Tuesday all of the last few weeks have been forgotten and we can concentrate on who we would like to see playing for the Saints?
Faz Posted 28 June, 2009 Posted 28 June, 2009 Tony Lynam suggested as much, as reported in the Times: Fair enough
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