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I feel numb. This has now gone beyond football matters. I know people who (as it stands) are worried out of their skins tonight.


The situation now needs to be taken control of by fry - pinnacle have had enough time.


For the first time ever I fear for the future of this club.


Is it just us that attracts weirdos looking for publicity? Maybe takeovers at other clubs go more smoothly only because I'm not following them so closely.


I feel frustrated that we just never seem to have things go right.



Best word to describe how i feel. Over the last few years supporting Saints has deflated me, but this whole takeover has taken things to a new level. I just want it to all be over & done with but we don't appear to be getting any closer as each day passes.


Ever since Friday my head has told me that it wasn't going to happen with Pinnacle but my heart has kept hoping but even now the heart is starting to lose hope.

Best word to describe how i feel. Over the last few years supporting Saints has deflated me, but this whole takeover has taken things to a new level. I just want it to all be over & done with but we don't appear to be getting any closer as each day passes.


Ever since Friday my head has told me that it wasn't going to happen with Pinnacle but my heart has kept hoping but even now the heart is starting to lose hope.


sums my feelings getting to the point where i decide not to renew season ticket after holding one since they first issued terrace season tickets under East Stand in 19??


any one know when that was

sums my feelings getting to the point where i decide not to renew season ticket after holding one since they first issued terrace season tickets under East Stand in 19??


any one know when that was



1917 I recognise you from those first games.:smt119


Bored with the whole thing to be honest, You either buy this club or not whoever you are and whatever your worth.


MLT surly cant be that gullible to let this go so far....? can he???


deflated by the whole saga ,i was looking forward to happy days coming back to southampton but i think we all feel something needs to happen soon so we can all look forward and forget the past


Concerned but hopeful.


+ve - if this happens we will have a club


-ve - concerned that it won't happen


+ve - pleased we now know who is behind the bid. I can now put all new information into context.


-ve - disappointed that he might not be in the hundreds of millions net worth category


+ve - pleased that this man appears to be a "football" man - that is important


? concerned that Pinnacle may have been misleading us with the several hundred million worth comment - although I'm sure there is more to learn.

sums my feelings getting to the point where i decide not to renew season ticket after holding one since they first issued terrace season tickets under East Stand in 19??


any one know when that was


oh for the days of Lowe when we didn't have people staying away because they wanted a new owner


I think we all got our hopes up with the names being suggested as to the backer and raised expectations, the little information behind him suggests that he isn't one to draw attention to himself which fits the secrecy, tbh I am feeling a little let down


BUT we now know who is behind it all, Nothing has changed at all in the last few hours all we have done is replaced a question mark with a face, MLT is still involved and the enthusiasm, expectations drive of pinnacle is still there.


Once this is all sorted and a new manager is in place I think enthusiasm will return. I personally feel that if he is happy to reveal himself he is confident that this will all be sorted very soon!


Keep the faith for just a few more days


I am normally a ****eyed optimist who sees the upside in most situations, But I have NEVER felt so misrable as I do tonight. I have supported Saints for over 45 years and next to my family, SFC is the most important thing in my life.


It's going down the pan and getting worse each day. I simply can't see a way out now. Pinnacle will not complete this deal. By the time someone else is on board (and I'm no longer conviced it will happen) our season will be ruined. Davis wont hang around for more than a few days. All our best players will leave.


It's hopeless


Trying to sum up the whole sorry week of F5ing ever minute has just about done me in.


I thought I didn't care as much, but this last 10-days it's become an obsession. I tried to remember how I felt about the Luton situation, and why the football world isn't in uproar because of our predicament - then I remembered I couldn't care less about Luton, so the rest of the football world is justified in not giving a stuff about Saints!


There is no single word that truly sums up my mood - frustrated is one. I can't understand why the deal has not gone through yet after only having to dot i's and cross t's. I'm a bit gullable - aren't all football fans? - but I really want to believe everything Tony Lynam says, wish for MLT to get involved in the club, and be financed by someone who wants to see the club back in The Premiership. The Championship isn't that bad if you have a commited side. I'd even settrle for the play offs year on year!


As for the future - tomorrow I'm spending somerthing between 9/8-hours in a car with no access to a PC. Sure I can pull over and fire up the laptop but something tells me to stay away for a day and let things unflod. Nothing I can do will change anything - and more meaningless drivel on here will only wind me up more.


Is there truly a dawning of a new era?

Is there really hope?


All I really want is a club to follow in August - even with -25 points it would be something to fight for another year in Division 1 without being reelegated! Not the type of excitement I was ever expecting as a Saints fan - but a club in Div.2 is better than no club at all!


I would like to thank Tony Lynam for giving us hope...please just deliver before the weekend. I need a break from these pages and the rubbish some people post!


My user name speaks for me, I have felt this way for a few weeks now that is why I asked

Mr Ponty to change my name. :(:(

Perhaps I should ask for it to be changed again as my personal life has become a bit rocky as well. :(:(


I would like to thank Tony Lynam for giving us hope...please just deliver before the weekend. I need a break from these pages and the rubbish some people post!


+1. :confused:


Numb to it and wishing I could stop checking the OS/here/other sites for news, but I like all that frequent these pages care about the club and what its demise means to our home town. Please guys - lets do this and do it now - the 11th hour surely is upon us.


well to be honest I wish I could keep away from Sky News, The Echo, Solent, and here.

been quite happy to think MLT in charge and seriously considered buying season ticket for me and my daugther.

this evening though I'm firmly of the belief that the club has died. I now believe that the situation is being controlled to get SFC in admin and remove the argument on admin.

can't see any reason for anyone to invest to be honest, the ground is in an area thats not exactly prime, the football club yes has a proud history but there nothing there at this point in time on the playing to make me think the clubs luck is about to change.


so how do i feel ? despondant and just wish I didn't care as much, but only takes one comment at work and I'm defending the club.


i feel an injustice has been done by the FL trying to mix its rules with those of corporate law but also feel that we are already in pole postiton to be the first real casualty and in years to come we'll be mentioned just as acrington stanley were in the tv ad as just a distant memory


His time last week we were going to be purchased the following day and kk was due to be unveiled this. Tonight I am just hoping that the staff at the club get paid :(. The optimism has gone each statement from TL looks identical to the last. I can't simply seeing the optimism returning

My user name speaks for me, I have felt this way for a few weeks now that is why I asked

Mr Ponty to change my name. :(:(

Perhaps I should ask for it to be changed again as my personal life has become a bit rocky as well. :(:(


Keep your chin up mate....:p

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