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Dyer not interested?


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I think some of the criticism of Dyer on here today is a bit misguided. When he came on for a while we looked quite effective, he drifted out of the game then for a little while, but he was more of a threat than many others. He does seem to lack a bit upstairs, too often he just seems to run straight into opponents, but all in all he was not the worst offender out there in my opinion.

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Don't think it was a lack of effort today.


I think he looked like BWP on a good day. Plenty of running at defenders and energetic build up play, but sometimes his runs went down blind alleys and his general passing and movement off the ball lacked intelligence.

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He tried for about 5mins as 2nd half started, he ran after the ball, i expect that from every player. But he gave the ball away so easily and falls over at the slightest thing, some of his passes are just woeful. He was poor and the fact his brief spell stood out shows how poor game was.

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Why is it that when we lose, people come on here saying some or all of the players weren't trying? Haven't they ever played football themselves? Sometimes you play flat out but make the wrong decision, sometimes the opposition are just too good for you on the day - it happens...


I wouldn't be critical of the effort put in by Dyer today but his control seemed to be missing - perhaps he was nervous for some reason or other?

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it gets more and more comical on here.He is rusty and hardlt played , he still caused problems and more than Jamie White



You are having a major laugh at our expense. Apart from the first run, after he came on, he was totally in-effective. He was trying to beat the same player twice, each time, and when he lost the ball, he walked around, totally dis-interested.........That is my opinion.

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I thought he did ok in some of his game today but cant believe that the old problems he has are still there and no-body has picked up on them and trained him to play to his strenghts.


when out on the wing a simple 1, 2 pass will see him at the by line with no defender in sight and a great chance to stick the ball in the box. But instead he runs into the defender and its pot luck on him getting past with the ball.


He did well when he came inside and linked other players and did very well to play McGoldrick in at the end which just makes his failings all the more frustrating.


his 1st touch let him down a few times but he has hardly played in the last year so can be excused due to rustyness.


Someone give me an hour with him on the training pitch and I think I could turn him into 1 of our most dangerous players!!!

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This thread tells me all I need to know about the football knowledge of some of the forum users. Laughable.


You wouldn't know White was on the pitch apart from giving the pen away. Dyer was much more effective down the line.




I felt sorry for white today. i think the occasion and being on TV got the better of him. maybe a few run outs from the bench to get his confidence up might be in order.

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Some of these comments are very harsh on Dyer and are clearly people just looking for a scapegoat. Firstly, he hasn't played for weeks, so to expect him to be match sharp is quite frankly naive.


Secondly, he is the type player we can't do without. People are criticising him saying all he has is pace, well it is exactly that which we would significantly lack if we didn't have him. He instantly put Camara on the back foot when he came on and was unlucky not to set up a goal.


Yes he lost the ball a couple of times, but give him longer than 15 minutes to get his touch back for christ sake.

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Don't think it was a lack of effort today.


I think he looked like BWP on a good day. Plenty of running at defenders and energetic build up play, but sometimes his runs went down blind alleys and his general passing and movement off the ball lacked interlligence.


Interlligence.... ha ha ha

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I think some of the criticism of Dyer on here today is a bit misguided. When he came on for a while we looked quite effective, he drifted out of the game then for a little while, but he was more of a threat than many others. He does seem to lack a bit upstairs, too often he just seems to run straight into opponents, but all in all he was not the worst offender out there in my opinion.

Totally disagree. He was like a headless chicken most of the time and continuosly gave the ball away. Waste of space,

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Totally disagree. He was like a headless chicken most of the time and continuosly gave the ball away. Waste of space,


I don't totally disagree. That was certainly the result of his efforts but I thought that when he came on he looked like he had something to prove and put in a good shift early on. His same old failings came back though as you listed above.

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This thread tells me all I need to know about the football knowledge of some of the forum users. Laughable.


You wouldn't know White was on the pitch apart from giving the pen away. Dyer was much more effective down the line.




So you're the football expert, and no-one else is to have an opinion, that differs from yours. I bow to your great wisdom on playing ability.




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Dyer has always been too lightweight for me, and ive never understood the excitement surrounding him. He's bullied off the ball too easily, and appeared pretty ineffective to me yesterday. Plus I think he's been affected by his thieving incident, for which I believe he and BWP should have been given their marching orders for. Dyer in my opinion= PISH!

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I must have been watching a different game to alot of people on here because i thought he looked a threat down the right in the 2nd half. He got to the byline quite a few times, gave their fullback a hard time resulting him getting booked. Dyer even cleared one of their efforts off the line. He was much more effective than alot of players yesterday. One major problem yesterday was that Holmes and Dyer crossed balls into the box and no one was there until John came on.

Unlike Dyer players who had a nightmare included Gillett (who i rate btw) White and Surman. Hopefully the youngsters will learn from the experience.

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I must have been watching a different game to alot of people on here because i thought he looked a threat down the right in the 2nd half. He got to the byline quite a few times, gave their fullback a hard time resulting him getting booked. Dyer even cleared one of their efforts off the line. He was much more effective than alot of players yesterday. One major problem yesterday was that Holmes and Dyer crossed balls into the box and no one was there until John came on.

Unlike Dyer players who had a nightmare included Gillett (who i rate btw) White and Surman. Hopefully the youngsters will learn from the experience.

I agree he was a threat.he hasnt played much and so a bit rusty.Stern had another good chance form a header and of course Lallanas chances.Whoever scored first today was going to win.We ddint take our chances to go 1 up and that proved costly.
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dyer came on and did ok...a million miles better than white...he kept camara actually at LB and not doubling up as a left winger....


he looked to get involved but you could tell he lacks match practice...which is why I thought he should have played in the week against brum..

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Dyer has always been too lightweight for me, and ive never understood the excitement surrounding him. He's bullied off the ball too easily, and appeared pretty ineffective to me yesterday. Plus I think he's been affected by his thieving incident, for which I believe he and BWP should have been given their marching orders for. Dyer in my opinion= PISH!


Must say I couldn't quite understand why we kept Dyer on, no-one wanted him enough to pay the compensation I suppose. I think if we could have rid ourselves of BWP that easily it would have been done, obviously wasn't an option.We shall see what happens come tuesday midnight but as I see it

we have a "squad" that is getting too big again.Must be pushing on 30 again now, thought JP wanted 25,I was very very optimistic for this season, nothing brilliant or flamboyant but I expected the squad to be seriously slimmed down

and better results against sides like Blackpool. I would have to say that my

expectations have somewhat diminished since 5pm yesterday. We still have the same old deadweight dross dragging us down ,crowds are poor to catastrophic and yesterday's result was a sickener, our defence looked so poor that I am seriously worried.

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Dyer has always been too lightweight for me, and ive never understood the excitement surrounding him. He's bullied off the ball too easily, and appeared pretty ineffective to me yesterday. Plus I think he's been affected by his thieving incident, for which I believe he and BWP should have been given their marching orders for. Dyer in my opinion= PISH!


I agree with every aspect of this post and feel that this convicted Burglar should never have been allowed to represent our club again.

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Totally disagree. He was like a headless chicken most of the time and continuosly gave the ball away. Waste of space,

Well you weren't watching the same game then. To call Dyer a waste of space is complete rubbish. When he first came on he changed things dramatically initially, we had been totally ineffective down the right in the 1st half. Dyer initially made some good runs, and caused Camara all sorts of problems. Eventually though, as I alluded to, he started to fall back into his old ways, by running at players instead of trying to go past them or play 1-2s to beat them. He clearly has pace to burn and showed plenty of effort, pushing to get the ball back when he had lost it. There is also the ******** other people spout that he does not track back, well sometimes that is true, however he must be doing something right if he clears the ball off of the line in one attack!! He was not great yesterday, but there are some small minded people on here who only have the handbag pilferer in their mind and will not see that Dyer is a talent that needs to be nurtured and encouraged like all the other youngsters in the team. You would do well to remember that he is one of the youngest players in this very young team, not yet 21, its just that he has been around the 1st team for longer than some. I have confidence that JP can make a much better player of ND, once he learns to look up more (he could also do with beefing up a bit, but in a good way, not in the Burley way).


By the way did anyone else notice how slim Hammill is this season. Evidence for all to see of the huge damage that Burley did with his "training" methods (or lack of them) last season. The little fat boy is fit again, and now looks like a decent player.

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What about wife beaters or drink drivers?


I personally would like all players that represent our club to be conviction free. I think many are overpaid and extremely lucky to enjoy the careers that they have. Just my opinion of course - to which we are all entitled. You picked up on this one aspect of my agreement with Windmill. I also think Dyer is lighweight, too easily muscled out and overrated.

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By the way did anyone else notice how slim Hammill is this season. Evidence for all to see of the huge damage that Burley did with his "training" methods (or lack of them) last season. The little fat boy is fit again, and now looks like a decent player.

I thought he was poor. He did look amazingly slim compared to his time here.Whilst I agree the clubs staff should have sorted him, he is a proffessional and should take some of his own responsibility.

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I personally would like all players that represent our club to be conviction free. I think many are overpaid and extremely lucky to enjoy the careers that they have. Just my opinion of course - to which we are all entitled. You picked up on this one aspect of my agreement with Windmill. I also think Dyer is lighweight, too easily muscled out and overrated.
Well if thatr is the case we would have been devoid of many of our star players in the past.
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His only asset is pace. Unfortunately he plays with his head down and often ends up blind alleys. Doesn't seem to have a football brain either and his first touch also lets him down.


Pretty much spot on. On the rare occasions he manages to control the ball well enough to actually go on a run he invariably plays the ball into the defenders shins and tries to run after it hoping that by some miracle both himself and the ball will come out the other side. It's not rustiness either - it was evident all last season. He needs to spend half an hour a day playing a football against a wall and running around cones. Basics.

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Well if thatr is the case we would have been devoid of many of our star players in the past.


Your tone implies that you would welcome a team of wife beaters, thieves, drunk drivers and other criminals just as long as we have star players and the team does well? Like Joey Barton? - Not for me. But as I said we are all entitled to our opinions.

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Your tone implies that you would welcome a team of wife beaters, thieves, drunk drivers and other criminals just as long as we have star players and the team does well? Like Joey Barton? - Not for me. But as I said we are all entitled to our opinions.

What a strange thing to think!!! I was pointing out that many of our players have done these things and we supported them.Is drunken driving not as bad as stealing?

In an ideal world we would like a team of Snow Whites but a football club is a slice of society.

100% though I abhore what he did but we are tied to the laws of the country and if he serves his time he is supposed to be free of that crime.Whether community service is right, now that is a different debate.

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Your tone implies that you would welcome a team of wife beaters, thieves, drunk drivers and other criminals just as long as we have star players and the team does well? Like Joey Barton? - Not for me. But as I said we are all entitled to our opinions.


I would have thought that the club must have looked at the situation with a view to getting rid of the apparently unwanted BWP, I would have thought that if they could have used the incident to offload 350K (reportedly)from the salary mass they would have done so.We can't reasonably expect to get anywhere near that sum for him.Dyer being in the same boat must have complicated the issue

as we couldn't give one the shove and keep the other with a view to obtaining

either tribunal compensation or a transfer fee.However perhaps the crime wasn't serious enough to act on.I don't know, you'd have to know minute contract details to really understand the situation.

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I thought he was poor. He did look amazingly slim compared to his time here.Whilst I agree the clubs staff should have sorted him, he is a proffessional and should take some of his own responsibility.

You thought he was poor yesterday, sheesh? He still tries to do too many tricks IMHO, but he put in so many excellent crosses to players in the box who were there to benefit from such balls it was unbelievable. The fact that the Blackpool players did not convert any of the excellent crosses says more about their ability than Hammills.


I was a very outspoken critic of Hammill last season, disappointed that a professional footballer would do so little to take care of himself despite the crass stupidity of our so-called manager and his training tactics, but yesterday I saw what we should have seen last season. Now that he is fit he is clearly able to show the talent that GB screwed up last year. I take my hat off to the lad for turning it around.

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You thought he was poor yesterday, sheesh? He still tries to do too many tricks IMHO, but he put in so many excellent crosses to players in the box who were there to benefit from such balls it was unbelievable. The fact that the Blackpool players did not convert any of the excellent crosses says more about their ability than Hammills.


I was a very outspoken critic of Hammill last season, disappointed that a professional footballer would do so little to take care of himself despite the crass stupidity of our so-called manager and his training tactics, but yesterday I saw what we should have seen last season. Now that he is fit he is clearly able to show the talent that GB screwed up last year. I take my hat off to the lad for turning it around.

Well I didnt see all those chances he set up.I do remember a pathetic attempt at a shot, being caught with the ball on many occasions and his crosses going to the other side of the pitch and going for a throw,apart from that he was world class and he wasnt even quick
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By the way did anyone else notice how slim Hammill is this season. Evidence for all to see of the huge damage that Burley did with his "training" methods (or lack of them) last season. The little fat boy is fit again, and now looks like a decent player.


I thought Hammill was poor yesterday loosing posession many times so would have to disagree that his weight loss has made him a decent player, it will take more than that.


Dyer, imo, needs variation to his game he seems fortunate in how after he attempts to go through the player where the loose ball lands giving him advantage, needs more games and more variation but agree with some that he does represent, at times, more of a threat just want to see more conviction

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