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Are the Realists Really Realistic Really?


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I have said it before and I will say it again, while I'm a fan of the formation, we are desperately going to struggle to score enough goals.


We also need a plan B for times where our fluid football is just not possible. Sometimes you really do need to lump it.....but in the right way.

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Someone made the very good point in another thread that wanting to get on and play and being mentally fresh, does not necessarily mean they are physically fresh. That said, I personally don't think tiredness was as big an issue as our misplaced passing and had we kept possession better we would've been fresher and sharper, instead of having to close them down so much.


So you didn't connect the misplaced passing with our players' tiredness? When a player is tired, either physically or mentally, it can manifest itself in a lack of concentration and focus which seemed to me to be the cause of a lot of mistakes from players like Gillett who had previously been much better. It was funny going back in the car listening to JP's interview on the radio. He had mentioned the players' tiredness after playing three games in a week and I had commented to my son and an old friend that he hadn't mentioned after the Brum victory that the tiredness might be a problem on Saturday. He was very upbeat and said bring it on. And immediately after, Jimmy Case made exactly the same comment, but went on the discuss the effect of unreasonable expectations being placed on the shoulders of youngsters. From that perspective, it could be a good lesson for them to learn at an early stage of the season.

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So you didn't connect the misplaced passing with our players' tiredness? When a player is tired, either physically or mentally, it can manifest itself in a lack of concentration and focus which seemed to me to be the cause of a lot of mistakes from players like Gillett who had previously been much better. It was funny going back in the car listening to JP's interview on the radio. He had mentioned the players' tiredness after playing three games in a week and I had commented to my son and an old friend that he hadn't mentioned after the Brum victory that the tiredness might be a problem on Saturday. He was very upbeat and said bring it on. And immediately after, Jimmy Case made exactly the same comment, but went on the discuss the effect of unreasonable expectations being placed on the shoulders of youngsters. From that perspective, it could be a good lesson for them to learn at an early stage of the season.


Come on Wes just about every man and his dog are looking for an easy excuse for what was a poor performance. Lets just hold our hands up and say...must do better than this if we are to survive.

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Agree completely. I think we are the realisitc camp. I have no idea what spurs on all this foot-stamping when we express our doubts.



Pessimistic camp I would say. It is still way too early to make a call either way, but the signs are postive and that is good enough to me. We have won three competative matches remember, and are making good progress in the cup. This team can win football matches, something we stryuggled to do at the tail end of last season.


There is a long way to go, but three wins out of six should not mean that the wrist slitters should be sharpening their knives already.

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What I said after the Brum game:


I, for one, was glad Rupert Lowe came back as I didn't want him ousted in the first place. The whole "Lowe Out" whining was embarrassing and I just knew it would be thrown back in the fans' faces. (I judge Southampton to have the most fickle fans on the country).


He's done a good job in installing this manager but so many of you are getting far too carried away with this young club. I predict we will struggle but not go down. It is so soon to tell what will happen.


Of course I'm delighted with the way we've played in the last two games but, remember, we have already lost two in the league and played poorly against Exeter with the same group of players.


I am spot on all the time.

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Pessimistic camp I would say. It is still way too early to make a call either way, but the signs are postive and that is good enough to me. We have won three competative matches remember, and are making good progress in the cup. This team can win football matches, something we stryuggled to do at the tail end of last season.


There is a long way to go, but three wins out of six should not mean that the wrist slitters should be sharpening their knives already.


We beat :


Derby, who are about the shiitttiest team on the planet at the moment

Birmingham, who simply were not interested

Exter - who ?


We lost to :


Cardiff - playoff spot contenders

Birmingham - Champions contenders

Blackpool - mid-table to playoff spot contenders



IF we beat QPR next, I'll conceed you have a point. Until such time, your statistic means square-root-of-bugger-all.

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Birmingham, who simply were not interested




Birmingham - Champions contenders





How do you come to that conclusion? Is it because we won?The side put out tuesday was full of PL players. The game we lost Brum had 2 scrappy goals and had to put on all their big guns to get the result.
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How do you come to that conclusion? Is it because we won?The side put out tuesday was full of PL players. The game we lost Brum had 2 scrappy goals and had to put on all their big guns to get the result.


Wow, its like explaining colours to a blind man.....


Birmingham are focused on promotion, a cup run is a bonus, and they were probably complaicent haveing just beaten us.

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I see us improving as the season progresses.

I still think a play off place is a possibility.


For me, the shaky areas are defence - this is an area that I think we can expect to see improvement as Killer & CP begin to gel. AS is already improving and I think the RB postion will end up being owned by Cork.


Striker?? Another shaky area - we can boss midfield no problem, and put countless balls into the box.... but do we have the clinical finisher that we need? When we've seen Pekhart I think we'll have a better idea. DMc will score a few for us as will SJ but I don't think either of them will bag 20+ this season.


So yes, I am still positive. I have already seen improvement since pre-season. And I believe we will see more. Let's not forget that we still have over 40 league games to play, and if we continue to improve at the current rate then we should have smiles on our faces come April/May.

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alpine -I am avoiding the baiting thats going on at the moment as have been guilty of being dragged into it but that Birmingham comment is just wrong. They fielded a strong team and were up for it, their manager was going mad at the players, we beat them playing well.


Why do you suggest they were not interested?


I think this is the sort of thing you need to be aware of if not getting into these arguements as there is nothing to base that on and is just a negative comment against saints with no evidential basis. Ok you have different opinions than others -but how could you have the opinion that that was not a decent win

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We beat :


Derby, who are about the shiitttiest team on the planet at the moment

Birmingham, who simply were not interested

Exter - who ?


We lost to :


Cardiff - playoff spot contenders

Birmingham - Champions contenders

Blackpool - mid-table to playoff spot contenders



IF we beat QPR next, I'll conceed you have a point. Until such time, your statistic means square-root-of-bugger-all.


Blackpool play-off contenders, that is a joke. Before yesterday they hadn't won a game - even lost to Macclesfield. You could bet your house on them being in the bottom 6 this season.

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Blackpool play-off contenders, that is a joke. Before yesterday they hadn't won a game - even lost to Macclesfield. You could bet your house on them being in the bottom 6 this season.


Considering they could have put 7 past us with a bit of luck, where does that put us if you think they are bottom 6 ???

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In the long term it might be best to drop a division.


What possible good could that do for us. Less money low gates and hard to win promotion. Ask any Leeds fans if dropping into League 1 has been good for them.


We need to consolidate and build for the future with this talented crop of youngsters not take a further step backwards.

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In the long term it might be best to drop a division.


There is no possible way that could be the case.


If we drop a divison, all that will happen is the best players will be sold and we will in all likelyhood end up in administration with a points deduction.


Relegation will be about as good for the club as it was last time.


Here's a thought for you all: Leicester have 10 points from 4 games and won 4-0 away yesterday. It could so easily have been us in their situation and with the same manager. Would anybody swap places with them?


With money to spend and Nigel Pearson.


If it had been us relegated, I am sure Lowe would have gotten rid of Pearson anyway.

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year on year the side has less quality and over the course of the season that usually means less points. I don't rate Cardiff, Brum were simply terrible by their own standards in the first 30 minutes of the league game, Derby are suffering terribly and Blackpool are a very average side that nearly put 5 past us.


Its early days but I sstill think we will do well to survive this year.

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Bloody hell we've only had 4 games in a 46 GAME season for pete's sake...


And out of those first 3 games we should have won or got a draw out of at least 2 out of the four we lost.


At the end of the day we'll only be able to tell after 10 games or so where our season's panning out.


Come on keep the faith, we can beat QPR and Ipswich!!

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Bloody hell we've only had 4 games in a 46 GAME season for pete's sake...


And out of those first 3 games we should have won or got a draw out of at least 2 out of the four we lost.


At the end of the day we'll only be able to tell after 10 games or so where our season's panning out.


Come on keep the faith, we can beat QPR and Ipswich!!


Agree. We've had three good performances and one poor one from a very new and very young team. If the fans get behind them consistently this season we'll win as many as we lose. If the booers keep on all we'll see is performances drop and players wanting to leave in January. Then we really will be ****ed.

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I think you may have misunderstood the point of this thread.


I am not saying we are doomed because we lost today. I was simply pointing out that it is too early in the season to be making rash conclusions, such as relegation being an impossibility.


Like it or not, a fight against relegation was always on the cards this season and to say we were too good for that, after beating two crap teams and Brum in the cup, was a little hasty.


I repeat, a fight against relegation still looks likely, anything up to a run for the playoffs is possible.




Sorry, but I think strength in depth is the one thing we haven't got. Assuming todays starting line up was our first choice, what would our second choice be?




Hatch Cork Thomas Mills


Wotton Pulis?


Dyer Wright Phillips Skacel





Sorry, but that team isn't very good. There are a few good player in there and a couple that I'd have in the first team, but I wouldn't call that a strong side.


think that lot as cover looks OK.

Trouble is we are short at FB.

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Here's a thought for you all: Leicester have 10 points from 4 games and won 4-0 away yesterday. It could so easily have been us in their situation and with the same manager. Would anybody swap places with them?

I must admit that I did also check the Leics stats at 6pm yesterday and thought the same thing...

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Here's a thought for you all: Leicester have 10 points from 4 games and won 4-0 away yesterday. It could so easily have been us in their situation and with the same manager. Would anybody swap places with them?

i will see your league 1 team and raise you a CCC team..


nah thanks, cant say I would have prefered o have gone down and all that which would have gone with it..

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think that lot as cover looks OK.

Trouble is we are short at FB.


Sorry, it's just not.


The fullbacks are in no way good enough for this league. Surman and James are our first choice and they struggled to cope against one of the poorest teams in this league.


In midfield it remains to be seen whether Wotton and Pulis CDAJFU. I'll give them a chance, but I'm hardly excited by their signings.


Up front where are the goals coming from? I can't see beyond about 20 between them over the course of the season.

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