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Dear All forum users, and fans alike


It's now the early hours of Tuesday morning, and before we sign off for the night, I thought you might appreciate some clarity, though appreciate that most of the fans who use this medium might not read this until tomorrow (by which time, this could well have been superseded).


Clearly the Football Leagues position as announced this evening is of disappointment. However, discussions are on-going seeking to resolve this as quickly as possible. The League have a duty and responsibility for all of its members, so they have a different opinion to my own concerning certain aspects of our license (I only care about Southampton Football Club, whilst respecting other members in the right manner). The Administrators have made their position clear in their statement this evening, and it is pleasing to see that their views (which are totally independent to our own) are along the same lines as ours.


I am still awaiting information from the League concerning their position and I should hope to have this without delay. This is not something I (nor my colleagues) can influence – rather one of those things which will happen as part of a normal process.


We are not at loggerheads with the League. I have made this clear via other mediums this evening - we are working together for an acceptable solution to an issue, so please treat the League with the respect that they deserve. I spoke with 3 officials from the League today and whilst the content of those discussions will always remain confidential, I can assure you that the League are working hard to find an acceptable solution to this issue. Finger pointing and blame culture isn't going to resolve this. Rationale thinking and adult debate will, and common sense, law and the rule book will ensure a mutually agreeable outcome.


I can only imagine too well how deeply frustrating this is for all of you - none more so than myself, but we remain totally committed and confident that our takeover will be concluded shortly, thus enabling us to get on with the important challenge ahead, putting Southampton Football Club back on the map for the right reasons. Please also spare a thought for all the staff at the Club who are working in difficult circumstances – they are top of our list of priorities, and so they should be.


Thank you for your continued support, and I truly hope that these final hurdles will be out of the way without further delay.


With kind regards



Dear Tony,


Thank you for the update. It is appreciated even if you are right in saying it's also very frustrating.


To my untutored eye on the one hand you point out that the FL have a duty to do the right thing on behalf of all their members and whilst you can appreciate that you say you only have Saint's interests at heart. The administrators I feel will support you or any other owner as they have an interest to maximise the return for the creditors and be seen in financial circles to have done a decent job in a competitve environment especially at the moment and therefore I draw little comfort from their support.


It seems you are relying more on hope under a recognition that you cannot influence the FL and even though they are working hard on the issue it's irrelevent if they don't resolve it to your satisfaction and decide to keep their other members happy whilst using Saints as a catalyst to change their rules.


Finger pointing and blame cultures are not going to solve this and neither is continued hope and discussion. We spent most of 2007 and early 2008 with hope and discussion on investment but talk and hope was all we ever got.


Spare a thought for all of us, the fans, the staff, the teams' prospects and yourself and rather than think about those priorities just take some positive action and accept the 10 point medicine and start managing the club to overcome what should be far from an insurmountable deficit given the right management structure and appropriate level of well chosen investment.


Finally, like many others I would welcome to hear the official line on a role or otherwise for Leon Crouch should you complete your purchase of SFC. Unity is of paramount importance and so is the need for us all to learn from our past mistakes.


I sense patience is regrettably wearing thin.





thanks a lot for the update Tony, your continued communication really is greatly appreciated. Let's hope now that the outstanding issues can be resolved asap, as it's obvious you and your colleagues are working tirelessly to complete the deal.


thanks a lot for the update Tony, your continued communication really is greatly appreciated. Let's hope now that the outstanding issues can be resolved asap, as it's obvious you and your colleagues are working tirelessly to complete the deal.

Posted (edited)

thanks a lot for the update Nineteen, your continued altercation really is greatly emaciated. Let's hope now that the outstanding mental issues can be resolved asap, as it's obvious you and your trolleagues are working aimlessly to disrupt morale.

Edited by lancelot link
thanks a lot for the update Nineteen, your continued altercation really is greatly emaciated. Let's hope now that the outstanding mental issues can be resolved asap, as it's obvious you and your trolleagues are working aimlessly to disrupt moral.


Indeed, my patience is wearing thin but this is due to misinformed, ill judged and ill advised comments made by people such as NC who seem intent as you say lancelot to disrupt moral. I'm happy to state that for the record I wholly support Pinnacle in their efforts to conclude this deal and appreciate that being rail roaded into accepting something which seems to be illegal is not something any reasonable person/entity would accept without exploring EVERY option available. Ultimately I believe we all want the same thing and until there is anything to suggest Pinnacle are not planning to proceed and throw away at least £500,000 in the process I'm prepared to let this take it's course. Buying into something like this is a massive deal, far greater than say buying a house which invariably takes months. If anyone knows anything about Company Law which dictates that a deal must proceed within the 21 day exclusivity period please feel free to enlighten me as I'm not aware of any such legislation. As I see it the 21 day period ensures that any group has time to try to conclude a takeover but given the complexity of the proposed takeover nobody in their right mind would conclude such a deal until all issues are resolved. The fact that the FL and Pinnacle are working together to resolve this suggests that this will be concluded soon. One final thought and that is if the FL were to deny us access would they actually gain from this ? I think it's clear that it would be a lose-lose situation denying access to a team who will only benefit League One with it's excellent stadium, large support and long history. Otherwise the options are to reduce the League by one team = 2 less games and less revenue or to promote another team from League 2 which apart from being very unfair would completely mess up the fixture list. So it is in no one's interest to prevent the takeover from happening and I'm sure the FL as well as Pinnacle are aware of this. So though I'm only online as I woke up with a splitting headache ( must be all this stress ;) ) I'm very appreciative of Tony posting a message at 1am in the morning when I'm sure he would much rather get some much needed sleep!

Indeed, my patience is wearing thin but this is due to misinformed, ill judged and ill advised comments made by people such as NC who seem intent as you say lancelot to disrupt moral. I'm happy to state that for the record I wholly support Pinnacle in their efforts to conclude this deal and appreciate that being rail roaded into accepting something which seems to be illegal is not something any reasonable person/entity would accept without exploring EVERY option available. Ultimately I believe we all want the same thing and until there is anything to suggest Pinnacle are not planning to proceed and throw away at least £500,000 in the process I'm prepared to let this take it's course. Buying into something like this is a massive deal, far greater than say buying a house which invariably takes months. If anyone knows anything about Company Law which dictates that a deal must proceed within the 21 day exclusivity period please feel free to enlighten me as I'm not aware of any such legislation. As I see it the 21 day period ensures that any group has time to try to conclude a takeover but given the complexity of the proposed takeover nobody in their right mind would conclude such a deal until all issues are resolved. The fact that the FL and Pinnacle are working together to resolve this suggests that this will be concluded soon. One final thought and that is if the FL were to deny us access would they actually gain from this ? I think it's clear that it would be a lose-lose situation denying access to a team who will only benefit League One with it's excellent stadium, large support and long history. Otherwise the options are to reduce the League by one team = 2 less games and less revenue or to promote another team from League 2 which apart from being very unfair would completely mess up the fixture list. So it is in no one's interest to prevent the takeover from happening and I'm sure the FL as well as Pinnacle are aware of this. So though I'm only online as I woke up with a splitting headache ( must be all this stress ;) ) I'm very appreciative of Tony posting a message at 1am in the morning when I'm sure he would much rather get some much needed sleep!


Good points, well made.


So Tony............I doubt you will troll through all these posts, but if you do, then please ignore any posts by NC, as he clearly has an agenda which is not compliant with a new beginning. He is Stewpert man through and through, and has a negative viewpoint with regards to this great club.

So Tony............I doubt you will troll through all these posts, but if you do, then please ignore any posts by NC, as he clearly has an agenda which is not compliant with a new beginning. He is Stewpert man through and through, and has a negative viewpoint with regards to this great club.


I Agree,


I havent read through all the posts on here, but when i watched the late local news at 10.30 ish last night the presenter said that TL had said that they will pay the money due this week.If that is confirmed it is worries over.


Think its about time we cut pinnacle and TL some slack... Whatever the outcome today or over the next few days, we simply cant fault the efforts made and the monies already committed. I hope like most they still feel the deal is worth completing even with the FLs position...we have to be honest and accept that they wont budge and therefore its now in the clubs best interests to accept the decison and try and conclude the purchase.


Its always frustrtaing, but these things DO take time - those alledged takeovers which appear quick and easy are usually where a single owner or majjority shareholder simlpy sells his/her shares to another individual - quick and easy. Othere s that appear quick have usually ahd months of secret negotiations and planning before being leaked and then quickly announced. In our case the whole thing has been played out in public from day 1 and so the time frame SEENMS long but in reality is the norm... as frsutrating as it may seem.


The difficulty for us is that we have had so much false hope, and have been led up the gard path by various chancers laying false rumour, or playing on our desperation that we have run out of goodwill and tend not to be as supportive as we should - we simpy struggle to believe and will do until its all resolved... there is also the fear factor - IF Pinnacle decide not to continue we have that worry about MJ and even the unknown Swiss group seems a better option...


So I know its hard, but lets not get too down beat, TL has stated they will go ahead as did MLT on SSN, so its surely a question of sooner rather than later.


Good luck to those involved and here's to a speedy resolution.


Just wondering if five 'Stickies' on the same subject is enough?


If the Admins could make it, say about 10 we could totally ignore the rest of the forum down below the bottom of the screen. :)

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