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I'm off to Golf and pretend that I'm any good...


Right, but when I get back I want to hear this club has been foooking sold....I've done very little work this week and I've got reports to write for clients...


SOLD down the river

I'm off to Golf and pretend that I'm any good...


Right, but when I get back I want to hear this club has been foooking sold....I've done very little work this week and I've got reports to write for clients...


You don't work for the same load of administrators do you :D

May I humbly suggest that just for today you do NOT use a PINNACLE ball. As you know the perfect golf swing is all about timing and rythm. If you keep looking down and seeing Pinnacle I worry that you may just (like some of us) want to thrash the cover off the ball, and of course, it will end up going nowhere


I have always had trouble with Pinnacle balls, especially Pinnacle Gold!! On one particularly day, I threw 8 brand new balls in the lake! I played much better after that!

I have always had trouble with Pinnacle balls, especially Pinnacle Gold!! On one particularly day, I threw 8 brand new balls in the lake! I played much better after that!


Now I'm no Butch Harmon but you might find hitting them with your bats works a little better

If I felt that you merited an apology....you would have had a pm by now..........no don't look, your inbox is empty.


I do like you Stevo.......but not your views;)


Christ i have pulled



I must say that I agree with NickG's thoughts and when Fry made his next Friday deadline statement I believe that bids by the Swiss and other mystery Consortium were nearing completion. I believe that today is when he expects to confirm the buyer who'll have been working to tie up the loose ends.


:cool: Elsewhere, I was priviledge last night to a text received by HM Customs expressing great interest in AWAC reports and close up shots of Harry and Sandra Redknapp's luxury yacht "BUNG". "BUNG" has been spotted returning up the English Channel from their Mediterranean cruise off Malta, Sicily and Lampedusa!!


When "BUNG" sailed out of Sandbanks 3 weeks ago, there were only 4 very pale colored catering staff and the Redknapps aboard. Yet recent AWAC aerial photos very clearly show 22 extremely dark suntanned deck staff sunbathing in the high speed outboard engined equipped life rafts. The mind boggles as to what can be behind this latest Redknapp money earning scheme. Obviously it will be football related and definitely will outshine Harry's overnight scouting trips to Europe to pick up the post. I wonder what it could all mean?


Begbies traynor led by Mark Fry recently (April 09) helped Varshavsky take over some big company in admin. he is a coal/steel/oil Russian dude, probably loaded. Maybe Fry kept hold of his number and has now tapped him up to have a look at taking us over - lol

Begbies traynor led by Mark Fry recently (April 09) helped Varshavsky take over some big company in admin. he is a coal/steel/oil Russian dude, probably loaded. Maybe Fry kept hold of his number and has now tapped him up to have a look at taking us over - lol

July 08


Before I write what I want to say - just a quick pat on the back for myself - I knew the Pinnacle withdrawal was a bluff. See below...I did however get the motive for the bluff wrong!




Anyway, I think we can all agree, no matter what we think of Pinnacle, Michael Fialka or Tony Lynam, what we need more than anything is someone to unite the club and Matt Le Tissier at the helm of the club is the person to do that. Although, its worried me that some posters in recent days have even turned against him - it really does make me wonder about some people.


Matt Le Tissier running Southampton Football Club is the thing we need most right now. No, he probably doesnt have much business acumen, but he's a common sense guy and he'll know that, and to mitigate it, he'll surround himself with guys who do know their way around the books. What he will bring is someone who understands what the fans want, someone who, unreservedly wants unconditional success for Southampton football club, and someone who will inspire players, managers, coaches, staff, and fans alike.


As fans, we will all have opinions over which players we should buy, which manager we should appoint etc etc. Whatever decisions MLT would take as Chairman, regardless of whether I had a different opinion or not, I would support him, and support his choices.


Say what you like about him, the guy stuck by Southampton year after year when any other player would have gone on to a bigger club. He made the club, single handedly, what it was a few years ago, and you could tell, week after week on Soccr Saturday what it was doing to him watching his club fall down the league, out of the top flight and then out of the Championship.


Pinnacle buying Saints would give us MLT at the helm of the club and for that reason, I hope beyond hope that they tie up a deal.

Before I write what I want to say - just a quick pat on the back for myself - I knew the Pinnacle withdrawal was a bluff


Sorry, have I missed something? I thought Fry had confirmed Pinnacle weren't back at the table?


Pinnacle buying Saints would give us MLT at the helm of the club and for that reason, I hope beyond hope that they tie up a deal.



I don't. I'm not at all impressed with what I've seen of them so far. I would put them on a par with Jacko.


I suspect they have more than a passing interest in the property assets that the company has.


Personally I hope that we see an investor who clearly has direct access to the funds we need to grow the club, not a mystery consortium with no clear indication of funds.


Anyone other than Pinnacle would be a start in my book.

Before I write what I want to say - just a quick pat on the back for myself - I knew the Pinnacle withdrawal was a bluff. See below...I did however get the motive for the bluff wrong!




Anyway, I think we can all agree, no matter what we think of Pinnacle, Michael Fialka or Tony Lynam, what we need more than anything is someone to unite the club and Matt Le Tissier at the helm of the club is the person to do that. Although, its worried me that some posters in recent days have even turned against him - it really does make me wonder about some people.


Matt Le Tissier running Southampton Football Club is the thing we need most right now. No, he probably doesnt have much business acumen, but he's a common sense guy and he'll know that, and to mitigate it, he'll surround himself with guys who do know their way around the books. What he will bring is someone who understands what the fans want, someone who, unreservedly wants unconditional success for Southampton football club, and someone who will inspire players, managers, coaches, staff, and fans alike.


As fans, we will all have opinions over which players we should buy, which manager we should appoint etc etc. Whatever decisions MLT would take as Chairman, regardless of whether I had a different opinion or not, I would support him, and support his choices.


Say what you like about him, the guy stuck by Southampton year after year when any other player would have gone on to a bigger club. He made the club, single handedly, what it was a few years ago, and you could tell, week after week on Soccr Saturday what it was doing to him watching his club fall down the league, out of the top flight and then out of the Championship.


Pinnacle buying Saints would give us MLT at the helm of the club and for that reason, I hope beyond hope that they tie up a deal.


They can install mother theresa for all i care as chairmen/chairperson,but if they don't have a pot to **** in it isn't going to make a blind bit of difference.

All IMO.


I'd still like to see MLT have a part to play on the board - we are a football club and need someone with a footballing brain on the board. I firmly beleive the day Ted passed away was the real beginning of the slippery slope for us.

Before I write what I want to say - just a quick pat on the back for myself - I knew the Pinnacle withdrawal was a bluff. See below...I did however get the motive for the bluff wrong!




Anyway, I think we can all agree, no matter what we think of Pinnacle, Michael Fialka or Tony Lynam, what we need more than anything is someone to unite the club and Matt Le Tissier at the helm of the club is the person to do that. Although, its worried me that some posters in recent days have even turned against him - it really does make me wonder about some people.


Matt Le Tissier running Southampton Football Club is the thing we need most right now. No, he probably doesnt have much business acumen, but he's a common sense guy and he'll know that, and to mitigate it, he'll surround himself with guys who do know their way around the books. What he will bring is someone who understands what the fans want, someone who, unreservedly wants unconditional success for Southampton football club, and someone who will inspire players, managers, coaches, staff, and fans alike.


As fans, we will all have opinions over which players we should buy, which manager we should appoint etc etc. Whatever decisions MLT would take as Chairman, regardless of whether I had a different opinion or not, I would support him, and support his choices.


Say what you like about him, the guy stuck by Southampton year after year when any other player would have gone on to a bigger club. He made the club, single handedly, what it was a few years ago, and you could tell, week after week on Soccr Saturday what it was doing to him watching his club fall down the league, out of the top flight and then out of the Championship.


Pinnacle buying Saints would give us MLT at the helm of the club and for that reason, I hope beyond hope that they tie up a deal.


Dude, keep patting your back, nursey will be along soon :D

Before I write what I want to say - just a quick pat on the back for myself - I knew the Pinnacle withdrawal was a bluff. See below...I did however get the motive for the bluff wrong!



Man, you need to stop taking the same drugs as StRichmond!


Fry has stated, this morning, that Pinnacle AREN'T talking to him..


I loved this bit in today's Echo - really revealing exclusive hot news:


Pinnacle’s Tony Lynam exclusively told the Echo last night that “the last 24 hours have been busy, but probably not as busy as the next 24 hours.
Man, you need to stop taking the same drugs as StRichmond!


Fry has stated, this morning, that Pinnacle AREN'T talking to him..


Let's hope it's the truth.


Unfortunately I can imagine him half way through a deal with a new buyer based on a realistic valuation of perhaps £8 million when along come Pinnacle again offering £12 million and then backing out again next week.

Right.......sod this, I'm off to play golf......maybe hours of beating the cr*p out of a little white ball, will help relive some of the frustrations of Being a Saint!!!!


How will hitting a golf ball help you relive the frustrations of being a Saints fan?

I loved this bit in today's Echo - really revealing exclusive hot news:

LOL. Tin pot journalism at its finest.

I imagine Tony Lynam will be spending the next 24 hours penning another one of his heartfelt email missives to the fans. Never mind all that, Tone, have your clients actually got any money? And Mr Fry remember to ask for a peek at their bank statements with the next lot.

As it is Friday, how come no one has hinted at a 2 pm press conference yet ? Or is it scheduled for 4 pm today ????


I suspect that when it actually happens, it will come out of the blue, and no one on here will have given us the old ' Press Conference at 2pm' line


I wonder how many man hours we have all wasted looking at this forum hoping each new click or thread will be the news we all yearn for?


But hasnt it now got so scruffy, bitty, shallow, like trying to catch feathers in a breeze?


how about we all agree NOT to post or add until there is genuine news, ie from the Club or Administrator, not the recycled recycled local broadsh*t?

I wonder how many man hours we have all wasted looking at this forum hoping each new click or thread will be the news we all yearn for?


But hasnt it now got so scruffy, bitty, shallow, like trying to catch feathers in a breeze?


how about we all agree NOT to post or add until there is genuine news, ie from the Club or Administrator, not the recycled recycled local broadsh*t?


It will never get to 100 pages with that sort of daft idea


did that last night, some little white balls with a saints crest on the top, gave them a real pasting, should start marketing "Lyneham golf balls", reckon there could be a market on here

no no no no no no no no no and a million times no.


Lowe, apparently, may have had some say behind MJ bid but that is about as close as it gets.


No go to the Priory to get over your Lowe addiction, please, for my sanity and for yours[/QUOTE]


I applaud your conviction, but regret I do not share it ......... I live to be proved wrong of course


I gave up going to the Priory, as it was Habit forming ......:D

Man, you need to stop taking the same drugs as StRichmond!


Fry has stated, this morning, that Pinnacle AREN'T talking to him..




How come I'm dragged in on the Fry / Pinnacle situation .... ??????


..... my Forte is L****




........... ( I just couldn't do it ........ ):rolleyes::D:p:cool:

They can install mother theresa for all i care as chairmen/chairperson,but if they don't have a pot to **** in it isn't going to make a blind bit of difference.

All IMO.


What do they need a shed load of money for? As long as they have enough to pay off the debt and keep the club afloat, what else do we need right now? You think a big war chest is needed? Wake up - we're in league one - very few players worth any money at all will want to join us.


The biggest thing we need right now is someone to unite behind. Someone to inspire the club again. I really despair at some of you lot on here.

no no no no no no no no no and a million times no.

Lowe, apparently, may have had some say behind MJ bid but that is about as close as it gets.


No go to the Priory to get over your Lowe addiction, please, for my sanity and for yours




As in The Vicar Of Dibley ????



no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no, ..... Yes

What do they need a shed load of money for? As long as they have enough to pay off the debt and keep the club afloat, what else do we need right now? You think a big war chest is needed? Wake up - we're in league one - very few players worth any money at all will want to join us.


The biggest thing we need right now is someone to unite behind. Someone to inspire the club again. I really despair at some of you lot on here.


The issue is whether any putative new owners can e.g. pay Stern John's salary. Or will they seek to make another million or so from player sales?


Big difference.

They can install mother theresa for all i care as chairmen/chairperson,but if they don't have a pot to **** in it isn't going to make a blind bit of difference.

All IMO.

I think a live Saint might be more useful than a dead one

What do they need a shed load of money for? As long as they have enough to pay off the debt and keep the club afloat, what else do we need right now? You think a big war chest is needed? Wake up - we're in league one - very few players worth any money at all will want to join us.


The biggest thing we need right now is someone to unite behind. Someone to inspire the club again. I really despair at some of you lot on here.


I never stated they required a shed load of money.

I would just like enough proven funds to put SFC back on a sound footing coupled with the hope of seeing us move forward,i am yet to be convinced that Pinnacle can fulfill both these requirements.

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