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Im lead to believe that the below scenario is the case the lawyers have against the FL about us not having the ten points deduction.


OK lets say we accept the 10 point deduction and sign the non appeal clause. In four months time the FL then say can we see Southampton Football Club Limited's CVA to prove to us that you have serviced your creditors demands. The problem here is that Southampton Football club limited are unable to produce a CVA because in fact we were not in administration it was SLH. SLH are not a member of the football league so legally they can not ask for it.


Does that make sense?


Cheers - yep, sums it up nicely.


So, in other words, the football league have created a set of rules that, in our circumstance, is impossible to comply with even if we do what they want us to do in respect of the 10 point penalty?


So is the issue more that Pinnacle have asked for clarification about how on earth these stupid CVA provisions will apply, rather than the stand-off over the appeal that has been referred to?


Or both!?

The FL will say, Saints have been punished, like other clubs before them, in accordance with the rules which Saints signed up to as members of the League.


The FL cannot back down on the 10 point deduction.


If Pinnacle, foolishly in my view, cannot accept a 10 point deduction as the price of being able to pick up the club and stadium on the cheap then my fear is that the FL will say, OK, if you don't like our rules, go find yourself another league to play in.


I am seriously worried now.


still will not answer the question about future deductions. Can Pinnacle make a decision without knowing this (even if they accept -10)?

The FL will say, Saints have been punished, like other clubs before them, in accordance with the rules which Saints signed up to as members of the League.


The FL cannot back down on the 10 point deduction.


The trouble is, if we comply with one rule (i.e. the 10 points) it's then impossible to comply with the next rule (i.e. the CVA).


The only way we could do this is if the Football Club was forced into admin too....hmmm, now how would the FL achieve that I wonder...? Delay things at the last minute perhaps....? Hmmmm....

still will not answer the question about future deductions. Can Pinnacle make a decision without knowing this (even if they accept -10)?


No I agree - the stumbling block could well be that the FL have refused to give an assurance that the sporting sanctions will not be worse than a 10 point deduction.


The FL can't give an assurance.


Pinnacle cannot proceed without one.


That's why I'm worried.

So is the issue more that Pinnacle have asked for clarification about how on earth these stupid CVA provisions will apply, rather than the stand-off over the appeal that has been referred to?


Or both!?


Maybe Pinnacle have said to the FL: "OK, we'll reluctantly take the 10 points but how do we then comply with your CVA rule?". Hence the FL meeting today?

No I agree - the stumbling block could well be that the FL have refused to give an assurance that the sporting sanctions will not be worse than a 10 point deduction.


The FL can't give an assurance.


Pinnacle cannot proceed without one.


That's why I'm worried.


Yep, which could open the door for some individuals who we thought we'd seen the back of.


Silence is worrying from that quarter.

No I agree - the stumbling block could well be that the FL have refused to give an assurance that the sporting sanctions will not be worse than a 10 point deduction.


The FL can't give an assurance.


Pinnacle cannot proceed without one.


That's why I'm worried.


We need some common sense all round. FL to announce that technically SFC was not in admin and -10 was wrong and that CVA will not be produced however SFC have found a loop hole that would give them an unfair advantage, so it has been agreed that -10 will remain and no further reduction will apply

The trouble is, if we comply with one rule (i.e. the 10 points) it's then impossible to comply with the next rule (i.e. the CVA).


The only way we could do this is if the Football Club was forced into admin too....hmmm, now how would the FL achieve that I wonder...? Delay things at the last minute perhaps....? Hmmmm....


We should have faced up to our troubles and put SFC Limited, SLH plc and the companies that own the stadium and training ground into administration and planned a coherent exit route for all the assets and liabilities of the football club.


Instead we have relied on some half-baked jinksy argument about SFC Limited not being in administration from some incompetent junior lawyer and put the whole club at risk as a result.


What a bunch of ****wits we've had running and advising our club.


Instead we have relied on some half-baked jinksy argument about SFC Limited not being in administration from some incompetent junior lawyer and put the whole club at risk as a result.



LOL at the description of Rupert Lowe.

We need some common sense all round. FL to announce that technically SFC was not in admin and -10 was wrong and that CVA will not be produced however SFC have found a loop hole that would give them an unfair advantage, so it has been agreed that -10 will remain and no further reduction will apply


Technically, the FL argument is correct.


Southampton Football Club did consist of SFC Limited, SLH plc and the company owning the stadium.


This is entirely consistent with the FL's Regulations - notwithstanding the deficiencies in the drafting.

The entire legal system is based on technicalities. Minor details are used all the time, it may be bending the rules to some, or morally deserved, but if you haven't technically broken any rules you have a very strong legal case. The FL know this but also know they'll get appeals from other clubs if they let us off.


Other clubs could only appeal if in the same position.


None of the other clubs that have had points deductions were in the same position.

We need some common sense all round. FL to announce that technically SFC was not in admin and -10 was wrong and that CVA will not be produced however SFC have found a loop hole that would give them an unfair advantage, so it has been agreed that -10 will remain and no further reduction will apply


fair enough way of looking at it but I dont think there is an unfair advantage if we all start on 0 points. Just because we have an injection of money by someone buying us on the cheap doesnt give us any more advantage than Roman Abramovich buying Chelsea to make them the richest club in the world. There will always be clubs clubs with lots of money and other clubs with hardly any. If that was deemed the problem there would be wage caps and limits on spending accross the leagues.


We have been badly run and managed one way or another and we are now in league 1 on our own merit. That kind of goes to show all clubs that even if you think you deserve to be in the top flight, you have to run things properly to stay there. If you dont you will sink like a stone and cant grumble about it. The league imposing further punishment on clubs that have done a fair job of stuffing things up themselves doesnt go anyway to addressing the real problems in teh game IMO

We need some common sense all round. FL to announce that technically SFC was not in admin and -10 was wrong and that CVA will not be produced however SFC have found a loop hole that would give them an unfair advantage, so it has been agreed that -10 will remain and no further reduction will apply


Common sense? Have you gone mad??? ;)


That would be far too sensible.

We should have faced up to our troubles and put SFC Limited, SLH plc and the companies that own the stadium and training ground into administration and planned a coherent exit route for all the assets and liabilities of the football club.


Instead we have relied on some half-baked jinksy argument about SFC Limited not being in administration from some incompetent junior lawyer and put the whole club at risk as a result.


What a bunch of ****wits we've had running and advising our club.


Good grief Mr Beer Engine somebody with balls and a brain. Expect to be ignored. Of course you should have put everything into administration and then behaved like Athenians, 'we'd be honoured if Lord Mawinny and his FL colleagues would be our guests and enter into dialogue with us now we have suceeded in getting rid of that litigous and uncooperative RL. We are determined to return to the family club once more and we would like your help and guidance. Of course we understand we must have penalties for the previous regime leading us into administration and penalties because of the creditors but could our friends the FL look favourably on us and suggest possible ways we might minimise the penalties. Instead most seem to want to be spartans, let's fight them, lets take them to Court we've got a case we can win. Well no you can't, you may unlikely as it is win the battle but you've already lost the war. Surrender and smile and negotiate as model members of the league. It seems you can take the club away from Rupert but it's not so easy to take rupert behaviour away from the club.




Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



Hang on, are some of you saying that if Pinnacle accept the -10 and sign away theit right to appeal, they open themselves up to an additional -15 because under the same structural relationship between SLH and SFC, SFC cannot agree to a CVA for an administration period relating to SLH ?


What a f**king joke.

What a p*sstake by Malwhinney

What an inspired idea that was from Roopey-Toones..




Nothing really that the press haven't already reported, however i have heard pinnacle are confident of a acceptable outcome of todays meeting & may be able to complete today. What is said to the press is one thing, part of me felt they have been putting on a brave face, however I now feel a little more assured in their genuine confidence, which was in contrast to the doom & gloom I heard weds.

I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



Hi Tony,


Thank you for the time taken out to give us an update.


Can you put a number to timely? Are we talking Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years?


Please answer, as I need to get on with some work.






Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards


thanks for that, still no clearer when we will have the srtress end, but at least we are bing kept informed.
Why the **** would Lowe be wasting his time dropping snippets to the Daily Mail about something he no longer has any vested interest in?



Who are you kidding ???


"Vested" interest .... currently maybe not


An Interest ... YES, bet your bottom dollar


In your OWN mind, are you 100% sure he has NOTHING to do with any "other" bidders ?????

Hi Tony,


Thank you for the time taken out to give us an update.


Can you put a number to timely? Are we talking Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years?


Please answer, as I need to get on with some work.





"The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind, The answer is blowin' in the wind."



Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



Sir, you're openness and honesty are a breath of fresh air compared with certain passed duck-shooting chairmen. Thank you.

If this wasn't so important it would be tragically hillarious.. some of you need to get a grip and just chill out!!


Go outside and do something else...the more you hit f5 the more and more uptight you're going to get...


Or 'upright' when the deal is done. ;)



Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



You talk so much sense it's very refreshing. And the fact you do it in person (so to speak) is much appreciated. I can't wait for the new dawn with you and Matt Le Tissier running the show. Top man.


Unfortunately it's the League's game so they make the rules, if you don't like the rules you can't play the game. It might not appear fair but every club has a choice whether or not to accept the rules and join in, or not.

I agree that we should be allowed to appeal, even murderers have the right to appeal! If the League are sure they are right then I don't see why they are worried as it would only be our own time and money wasted on a futile appeal.

I think the compromise in this case might see the League granting the new owners the licence with a 10 point deduction but with no further penalties to follow. That way everyone will save face and hopefully we can get on with looking forward to next season and beyond.



Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.



The bold bit seems very certain.


I seriously think we should respect this and leave Pinnacle and FL to sort it out. There is more than a suggestion here that slagging off the League might just antagonise them.

Hi Tony,


Thank you for the time taken out to give us an update.


Can you put a number to timely? Are we talking Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, Years?


Please answer, as I need to get on with some work.





To do something in a "timely manner" is to do something reasonably quickly so it's impossible to give any definite time other than it should be reasonably soon !!



Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



Thanks for the update. Totally agree that people actually involved should do so without emotion.....but as a Saints supporters without full access and knowledge of what's going on, opinion and emotion is about all I have to contribute. I'll now stay quiet until all is resolved.



Since I've had calls from various press (and no doubt my colleagues have too), I think it's only fair that you are all told the same thing at the same time, hence a quick time out to drop you a line.


I want to make something crystal clear. I have NOT ASKED for a decision about the 10 point deduction. I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”


I appreciate that the on-going uncertainty is causing concern to both fans and staff alike, so it is in all of our interests to pull together and make sure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible. I am confident that the Football League will work with us to resolve their issue, and the Lawyers will continue their work in resolving a couple of minor legalities. When all of that is done, we will put pen to paper.


Finally, please bear in mind that Southampton Football Club will be a member of the Football League. Whilst I appreciate peoples frustration, please do not allow your heart to rule your head and make accusations against the League. As a member, we will need to work with the Board of the League and other members, so they are our colleagues. I remain confident that all of these issues will be resolved in a timely manner.


Kind regards



Thanks for the update... and before you get the wrong impression, I think its born out of the frustration of these last two years let alone the last few months! ;-)


Most I think would agree that waiving a right of appeal is NOT in the best interests of the club, but maybe feel that given the current situation, and whatever the legal technicalties, seeing a confirmation of our survival and the unveiling of the new owner/s and teh positive sthis would bring are in some ways more imporatnt to fans right now than the 10 points - which given the wave of renewed optimism and support could be overcome anyway with the right management in place.... The frustration is not helped by the Football leagues stance as you mention, why insist on no right of appeal if the case is solid anyway - I suspect because in the cold light of legal scrutiny the club may have a techical case, but do we have the stomach for such a fight? There is alos the greater good of the game to consider... the impact that a successful appeal could have on the league and other clubs - I know its not fashionable to consider anything but our own position, but it would be hypocritical of me to condem the the way the game has evolved in terms finace and what this has done to stiffle true sporting competition, if not accepting that sometimes its perhaps better to take one on the chin for the greater good and maintain the moral high ground?


Whatever, I am sure you and your team and advisors will be doing all you can for a successful resoltion and I wish you all the very best in your negotiations.


Thanks for the graft these last months. It is appreciated.



Who are you kidding ???


"Vested" interest .... currently maybe not


An Interest ... YES, bet your bottom dollar


In your OWN mind, are you 100% sure he has NOTHING to do with any "other" bidders ?????


Oh, do let it go. I can't speak for Benjii but I am almost totally sure that Lowe has nothing to do with any bid. I only say "almost" because I have not seen any of the bids and I suppose, if he's totally lost his mind, he could be linked to one of them. But it does seem hugely unlikely that Lowe, who has lost a great deal of money* and been subjected to no end of abuse, would want anything more to do with Saints.


*Yes, his losses may only have been "on paper" if you believe that he never invested any personal finance but a few years ago his shares were worth £x and now they're worth nothing.


Of course, if I'm wrong and we see Lowe back in the Chairman's seat then I will bow down to your superior forecasting skills and total mastery of the full stop. But, even if you prove to be right, there is absolutely nothing that you or I can do about it.

The bold bit seems very certain.


I seriously think we should respect this and leave Pinnacle and FL to sort it out. There is more than a suggestion here that slagging off the League might just antagonise them.


Indeed more than a suggestion and I for one will keep quiet about them at least until AFTER all this is sorted !!


Dear Tony


Please can you make sure that the annoying couple sat behind me last season are moved to another area of the stadium?




Mr B. Five

Thanks for the update... and before you get the wrong impression, I think its born out of the frustration of these last two years let alone the last few months! ;-)


Most I think would agree that waiving a right of appeal is NOT in the best interests of the club, but maybe feel that given the current situation, and whatever the legal technicalties, seeing a confirmation of our survival and the unveiling of the new owner/s and teh positive sthis would bring are in some ways more imporatnt to fans right now than the 10 points - which given the wave of renewed optimism and support could be overcome anyway with the right management in place.... The frustration is not helped by the Football leagues stance as you mention, why insist on no right of appeal if the case is solid anyway - I suspect because in the cold light of legal scrutiny the club may have a techical case, but do we have the stomach for such a fight? There is alos the greater good of the game to consider... the impact that a successful appeal could have on the league and other clubs - I know its not fashionable to consider anything but our own position, but it would be hypocritical of me to condem the the way the game has evolved in terms finace and what this has done to stiffle true sporting competition, if not accepting that sometimes its perhaps better to take one on the chin for the greater good and maintain the moral high ground?


Whatever, I am sure you and your team and advisors will be doing all you can for a successful resoltion and I wish you all the very best in your negotiations.


Thanks for the graft these last months. It is appreciated.




Especially as time is ticking with regards to pre-season, getting the squad sorted out, appointing a manager, signing any new players and on the club side, selling season tickets.


I think us lot on here are giving TL more grief than the FL at the moment.


Perhaps we should chill out if at all possible and stop endlessly covering old ground of which we have limited knowledge about (myself included btw).

I have met every condition within the Football Leagues own rules, and thus should be allowed the right to an appeal after our takeover is complete, should I wish to take that action.


As I have explained to countless people involved - detach yourself from the situation, and lose your emotional ties for a moment, and just ask yourself one question. “If I am being asked to waive my rights to an appeal against a decision, how confident are the people who made that decision that it was the correct decision in the first place?”

Kind regards



I have to agree with that totally, but fear the League have made up their mind that the -10 is fair and justified, even if it doesn't actually fit witin the letter of their rules.


I would like to be reassured that this will not be be a deal-breaker, but appreciate that I'm unlikely to get that.

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