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I hate this lack of news - please don't let the delay be because the 'Worldwide Financial Group ' has leapt in to complicate matters and turn things into a bidding war.


I just want a quick simple uncomplicated take over by a billionaire. Is that too much to ask?

I hate this lack of news - please don't let the delay be because the 'Worldwide Financial Group ' has leapt in to complicate matters and turn things into a bidding war.


I just want a quick simple uncomplicated take over by a billionaire. Is that too much to ask?


no news is good news, Donkey

I hate this lack of news - please don't let the delay be because the 'Worldwide Financial Group ' has leapt in to complicate matters and turn things into a bidding war.


And if they do, how many other 'consortia' will try and get back in the ring too?


Fry has got to draw a line and draw it NOW!


I have had a message through that it is still going ahead. Whilst it has not come from Libherr of Fry, I would myself be happy in that knowledge.


Any news yet ?? Read about the Worldwide lot, unless then have double the bubble they can f*ck right off.


If the swiss are ready to go then Fry might as well ignore everyone else.




Damn what a morning, spending **** loads at my MOT and can't get Weller tickets Crappy hotlines.

I hate this lack of news - please don't let the delay be because the 'Worldwide Financial Group ' has leapt in to complicate matters and turn things into a bidding war.


I just want a quick simple uncomplicated take over by a billionaire. Is that too much to ask?


Emotionally and psychologically, I'm in the "just getting it f-ing done" camp.


Intellectually, I guess Fry is in a difficult position (unless the ink is dry) if the Worldwide Finance Group are offering more to the creditors than Liebherr.


Also, I suppose it's theoretically possible that the WFG might be willing the invest much more in moving the club forward than Liebherr.


I wouldn't want to miss out on an amazing deal because we swiftly accepted a good deal.


Remember, a week or two ago, a lot of people were desperate for the Pinnacle deal to be completed. Some people were saying things like "I don't care if Fialka isn't a billionaire, just save our club."


It turns out that the agonising last couple of weeks may have been well worth it in the long run.


So maybe this thread will make 150 pages after all?


I thought from last night's news that we'd have heard by now of the time of a formal announcement --- the mythical 2pm press conference.




Taken from the Echo 'comments' section:


saintrooty, Gosport says...

10:34am Wed 8 Jul 09

just recieved a very uninformative e-mail from Mark Fry but its a reply none the less..




Thank you for your email.


I am confident the waiting will come to a conclusion very shortly.


I am grateful for the patience and support of all the SFC fans.





Mark Fry

Partner, Begbies Traynor

Mobile: 07802 200275

Sent using Blackberry Wireless Handheld


original message...


Dear Mr Fry,


As I am certian you are currently being bombarded with requests for information on the takeover of SFC I will keep this short and to the point.


Can you confirm whether the club will be taken over today and will there be any announcements to this effect?


I am not a journalist, just a very anxious fan who is trying to find out information for a group of fellow fans on the daily echo forum!


On a personal note I would like to thank you for your patience during this whole saga of selling SFC. It is clear to me, although your main task is to appease the creditors, that you really do have the clubs best interests at heart and I and im sure many others appritiate this.


Kind Regards and good luck concluding this deal.


Glynn Root.

Oh my word. Why did they wait so long, to me it serves them right .It is not as though they have not had time to react.


It's all about negotiations and brinksmanship - basically getting the best deal. I have said time and time before that deals like this don't happen quickly, they are always a long, slow, drawn out process often completed at the 11th hour for the best possible deal.


IMO we have seen nothing unusal in the whole of this sorry saga - maybe only Pinnacle getting exclusivity.


I'm sure everything will be concluded in the next few days and we will be left feeling slightly empty of it all (unless of course they hit the ground running, appoint a new manager and start spending decent money!)




This is getting f0oking stupid
If they were that interested, where were they in the beginnig! Just feck off! will you, you jonny comes lately's. "we will complain to FL" feckin sore losers! :smt078 Keith Harris!!

Is it just me? But I just can't take any more.

I liked the sound of Pinnacle and MLT and started building up all sorts of dreams about who the mystery man might be and how everything was going to be alright, only to have it all whipped away at the last minute.

I wasn't that keen on the Swiss at first, but I have sort of got used to the idea & I could grow to love Markus and his money and am already building my dreams about where we go from here.

Then I read on the Echo page that this worldwide financial business is trying to gazump the deal at the last moment. They might be the best owners ever, outbidding Real Madrid, but emotionally I am sucked dry and I just feel resentment towards them for trying to scupper the deal.

Please, just go away, all of you (except Markus) and let us get our club back and let me get on with my life rather than logging onto a 114 page long thread of false hopes and shattered dreams

So it's going to cost US to get news about SFC. You're joking right?


25p a message or £5 a month!!


For that reason, I'm out!!



am i clutching at straws, or is it a sign that something will be announced shortly??

am i clutching at straws, or is it a sign that something will be announced shortly??


Clutching at straws, a company jumping on any excuse to market a money making scheme!!

So it's going to cost US to get news about SFC. You're joking right?


25p a message or £5 a month!!


For that reason, I'm out!!




'Tired of hitting f5 on your computer ?'


Well yes, but i have been for months


Somebody ring Mr Fry's mobile number... I dare ya!




Thank you for your email.


I am confident the waiting will come to a conclusion very shortly.


I am grateful for the patience and support of all the SFC fans.





Mark Fry

Partner, Begbies Traynor

Mobile: 07802 200275

Sent using Blackberry Wireless Handheld

Somebody ring Mr Fry's mobile number... I dare ya!




Thank you for your email.


I am confident the waiting will come to a conclusion very shortly.


I am grateful for the patience and support of all the SFC fans.





Mark Fry

Partner, Begbies Traynor

Mobile: 07802 200275

Sent using Blackberry Wireless Handheld



Really do think that should be removed sharpish ...


This is painful waiting! I can't access this or the Echo website on my PC at work, so I have to sneak a look at the sites on my mobile when the boss isn't looking!


Just keeping everything crossed. This is more suspenseful than any thriller I've ever watched (and no bad Michael Jackson jokes please!).

They say patience is a virtue.


Well I just ran out of virtue.


My mum always used to say "Patience is a virtue, posses it if you can, seldom found in woman, NEVER found in man"

Somebody ring Mr Fry's mobile number... I dare ya!


How long before someone ringing / emailing Fry just gets the answer "look just **** off - how am I supposed to finish this with all you lot ringing me all the time?"



Here's a question - all the time Fry's spending replying to emails from fans, does that count as billable work? Have we inadvertantly been leeching thousands out of Saints by creating work for the administrator?

Emotionally and psychologically, I'm in the "just getting it f-ing done" camp.


Intellectually, I guess Fry is in a difficult position (unless the ink is dry) if the Worldwide Finance Group are offering more to the creditors than Liebherr.


Also, I suppose it's theoretically possible that the WFG might be willing the invest much more in moving the club forward than Liebherr.


I wouldn't want to miss out on an amazing deal because we swiftly accepted a good deal.


Remember, a week or two ago, a lot of people were desperate for the Pinnacle deal to be completed. Some people were saying things like "I don't care if Fialka isn't a billionaire, just save our club."


It turns out that the agonising last couple of weeks may have been well worth it in the long run.

Don't confuse upping the "bid" (ie what they are going to pay the creditors) with long term investment plans. They are clearly just trying to gazump Liebherr. I cannot believe this "worldwide" finanancial group are in the same ballpark financially as Liebherr, so let's not get too carried away with their title.


I have a feeling the Liebherr deal is the right deal for Saints, and suspect Fry feels that too and wants to just get the ink dry on the contract. All will be done today, I am sure.


Will be interesting to see who he puts in the run the club though (assuming it won't be him) and who his executive team is.


What was the lastest update on Solent?

Dont want to **** on anyone's fire but I don't think it'll happen today :S


Then again what do I know!


Is the Swiss takeover being held up by interference from Kieth Harris and his 'international finance group' ?


Is so, and you're reading this Kieth Harris. **** off.

Don't confuse upping the "bid" (ie what they are going to pay the creditors) with long term investment plans. I have a feeling the Liebherr deal is the right deal for Saints, and suspect Fry feels that too and wants to just get the ink dry on the contract. All will be done today, I am sure.


Will be interesting to see who he puts in the run the club though (assuming it won't be him) and who his executive team is.


I didn't confuse them. That's why I used the word "also". Fry needs to get the best deal for the creditors. But from our point of view, we basically want the largest possible investment in the club.


I agree that the Liebherr deal looks excellent, but I don't want to wholly rule out the slight chance that the WFG might (a) offer the creditors a better deal - in which case Fry needs to listen to them - and (b) offer more investment in the team.

Is the Swiss takeover being held up by interference from Kieth Harris and his 'international finance group' ?


Is so, and you're reading this Kieth Harris. **** off.


Totally agree


Toblerone rocks!


FFS Fry...... Just put the club on ebay and let them have a billionaire's bidding war. Set the end time to 5pm and we could all watch!


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