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Posted (edited)

i thought that it was being reported as a done deal. A done deal to me is contracts with signatures on.


So this deal is STILL not closed.



Edited by hugh
Well, it's difficult to sail all the way from Switzerland as the boat doesn't go so quick over land. Maybe that's the delay.

Au contraire... I just found this picture of The Ohrlob!


Not quite as impressive as I'd imagined...

dave, please become a full member so I can cheer you up, I don't like seeing people unhappy and stressed :|


BB = full member and stressed with all this!


Had my nephews christening in skateland at the weekend, proudly boasted about our new billionaire owners (couldnt help it), it has to happen, and soon.

i thought that it was being reported as a done deal. A done deal to me is contracts with signatures on.


So this deal is STILL not closed.


I think we really are 99% of the way there now....

dave, please become a full member so I can cheer you up, I don't like seeing people unhappy and stressed :|


lol, i have spent the last 3 weeks on here all day every day waiting for this take over to happen, i wouldnt mind but i work nights, so try to make do on 2-3 hours sleep a night, this takeover thing is killing me, i promise i will be happy when its finaly done:D

Posted (edited)
what's the hurry?


All things come to those who wait.


I waited for a bus once - it never came :rolleyes:


oh wait - here it comes now - apologies Mr G.

Edited by RonManager
bus came
having the same thoughts


Anyone who has worked in contracts will know how may times these things pass backwards and forwards, amending words, phrases, legal jargon etc, etc. The main content will have been agreed in principle days ago but it's the "fine tooth comb" stuff that takes the time, so that all of the parties are 100% happy at what they're signing.


Meanwhile, in other news, Scientists are responding urgently to new translations of Nostradamus's predictions which appear to indicate a deep-cover incurable virus that will destroy all computer and memory chips around the world.


According to this new translation, this secret virus is due to be released into the global internet when an obscure "papyrus of the spider" (possibly translated as a web page) reaches a milestone number of 150.


Concerns are emerging that a secret sect have found the location of this code and have been hatching a plan to flood the post apocaplypse world with new sayings from the false prophets. Scientists are urgently scouring the globe for possible conspiracies that could force a web page to reach this unusual milestone.


Anybody with any possible information on potential web sites is asked to contact their local police via this special website



Meanwhile, in other news, Scientists are responding urgently to new translations of Nostradamus's predictions which appear to indicate a deep-cover incurable virus that will destroy all computer and memory chips around the world.


According to this new translation, this secret virus is due to be released into the global internet when an obscure "papyrus of the spider" (possibly translated as a web page) reaches a milestone number of 150.


Concerns are emerging that a secret sect have found the location of this code and have been hatching a plan to flood the post apocaplypse world with new sayings from the false prophets. Scientists are urgently scouring the globe for possible conspiracies that could force a web page to reach this unusual milestone.


Anybody with any possible information on potential web sites is asked to contact their local police via this special website





Noooooooooooooo the link doesn't work, the deal must be off!!

My Semi has started its inevitable 'Droop'.


Viagra is apparently quite expensive and requires a prescription, perhaps what you need is some of the non-WTO generic Syrian product discussed on here previously.


Let's see if we can get some Vega across to the UK anytime soon

Updated at ten to 3 this afternoon though.


That was GMT, we are in BST now. Page was updated at 15:40 but not a lot had changed, only the first paragraph methinks.


Page last updated at 14:39 GMT, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 15:39 UK

Viagra is apparently quite expensive and requires a prescription, perhaps what you need is some of the non-WTO generic Syrian product discussed on here previously.


Let's see if we can get some Vega across to the UK anytime soon


LOL think you need to have another Beer.

Viagra is apparently quite expensive and requires a prescription, perhaps what you need is some of the non-WTO generic Syrian product discussed on here previously.


Let's see if we can get some Vega across to the UK anytime soon


She can feck off!!


Don't mean to tempt fate, but assuming this takeover does go through, the swiss bidder should be commended for the manner in which they have conducted their business. No fanfares heralding their arrival on the scene, no daily updates on SSN to say 'nearly there, any day now..', no trying to big themselves up by releasing their 'vision' for the future of the club, no shouting how much money they have, no leading the fanbase on. No spin, no rhetoric.


They just kept their heads down, got on with it after pinnacle were out of the equation, and are now on the brink. Hopefully this professionalism will help a united club repair the damage suffered to it's reputation from here on in.

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