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I nearly had kittens there!! Radio Solent said the deal is on the brink.......................
















Of being done!! All issues resolved and contracts being drawn up!!

Radio Solent - All points sorted out - Contract being drawn up for signature




What time was that announced? How do they know? More inaccurate reporting of nothing particular I suspect.

Solent: ALL issues betwen andmin/club/FL/ and buyer resolved. Contracts being drawn up for signature :-)



Really, hope this is true, I cant take much more

Radio Solent - All points sorted out - Contract being drawn up for signature




Love you x :D


OK guys what prize do I win for being the 1st or can I just type quicker than you :-D


You get me as a prize :D

And I hope it is with the Swiss, or German-Swiss....not a last minute dash by Jacko or The Pinhead Group.


Jacko's last minute dashes happen just AFTER deals are done!!!


I thought draft contracts had been ready for days!?!?!?! Surely it's just a case of adding the names and then getting the relevant people to sign?

I thought draft contracts had been ready for days!?!?!?! Surely it's just a case of adding the names and then getting the relevant people to sign?


What he said.


What happens when they see the actual contract and see some small print or other that they don't like?


"Contracts being drawn up"....FFS!!

Radio Solent - All points sorted out - Contract being drawn up for signature




please please please please!


Come on make it today I can't take another day of this

Just had a text from a mate - All issues have been resolved, contracts being drawn up. Awaiting his reply on the source.




As above - Source is Solent




Bad news is we have to wait for the swiss to fly in so thursday it is

Bad news is we have to wait for the swiss to fly in so thursday it is


Not really - they could fax them like they do for transfers on deadline day or may be their UK legal team is empowered to sign on their behalf.

Bad news is we have to wait for the swiss to fly in so thursday it is


It would be some birthday present for me, but I'd rather it was sooner. Didn't the Echo say they flew in this morning thought!?

You're lucky! Michael Fialka only has a terraced! :)


Ha! That's as funny as Nickfinks above and that made me spill my tea too.

MB's photo much appreciated! As a pensioner, I should behave I suppose, but we have had 94 days of suspense.


O feck no one has got a pen, someone run down to W H Smiths to buy one, there closed, then we will just have to wait till tomorrow.


WHY???? have you not heard of a fax machine???? also who says they are in Switzerland??? source?? also why does it take 4 days to get to Soton? bung em on a Flybe into Soton airport and we can do this tonight

Is it wrong that I have a semi right now.....


No, get the kleenex ready for when the deal is finalised. Or if the deal isn't as good as we want be prepared for the embarrassment of 'the droop'.:D

WHY???? have you not heard of a fax machine???? also who says they are in Switzerland??? source?? also why does it take 4 days to get to Soton? bung em on a Flybe into Soton airport and we can do this tonight


Just get on the company corporate jet. 3 hrs max Zurich to Eastleigh.

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