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Everything posted by Saint_Jonny

  1. In terms of results it has to be the worst time ever to be a Saints fan now. Our win rate has been obscenely bad, and results like tonight are just the icing on the cake. Every one of these players needs to fuck the fuck out of our football club. Steeling a living.
  2. Absolute dog shit goal to give away. Fucking crap this afternoon going forward, so nothing has changed there. Another one nil loss. Amazing.
  3. Congratulations, your nephew can spend his life having his weekends ruined and be as miserable as the rest of us. Happy days 🍆🍆🍆🍆
  4. That really was the most staggering pile of shit I've ever seen in my life. Oh well. Harley surprising.
  5. Competing just fine? We were 90th out of 92 for points per game in 2022.
  6. I don't think it matters whether Jones goes or stays - the group of players Saints have put together over the last few years just isn't good enough to compete in the Premier League, so I am fully expecting us to get battered on Saturday. Yes Nath is a bit mental and seems to be out of his depth (his comments on the weekend confirm that) - but I genuinely believe that the group we have now are too inexperienced and/or beaten down by years of losing week after week that no one would have come in turned this around. 0-4.
  7. For the first time ever I'm sacking this one off. Just going to go to the pub instead. If we win and I miss it so be it, these cunts have defeated me.
  8. If it were in any doubt, today confirms it. This Saints side are definitely heading down.
  9. Just another classic Saints performance. Shower of a football club. Collapse quicker than a whore to their knees on Southsea common.
  10. How many games is that we've lost by a single goal? Got to be in course for another record there.
  11. Any minute now Mark Chapman is going to suck off a Newcastle fan.
  12. No mate, I'll be back at your mums sliding it in and out while I singing oh when the Saints.
  13. Two in the row in front of us in Block 27 last night. Caught them trying to celebrate "politely" when they scored. When Armstrong scored a pile of people that also noticed them started shoving them and giving them shit, myself included with a few "accidental" celebratory flailing knees and taunts. All for nothing of course as the goal was chalked off. And I scraped my knee on the seat. What a wanker Anyway, they got enough abuse that they left soon after. Agree that it's been a complete joke at SMS this season - away fans acting like twats at seemingly every game.
  14. We don't know if Saints were ever seriously interested in Jackson, but let's pretend we were and Bournemouth really have gotten ahead of us on a deal.. Imagine being so shit and skint you can't compete financially with Bournemouth. Shambles.
  15. He must be happy playing Championship football next season if he is willing to join us. Can't believe any player would be willing to join after the absolute shit show we've put out against Brighton and Forest (yeah I know, money talks..)
  16. Yea but you're forgetting people paid their hard earned money so they have the right to behave like tantruming toddlers in public, crying and screaming because the footballer didn't make the pass they wanted them too. Oh and Pompey, fuck those guys too, don't forget about them! Even when we're the shittest we've been for over a decade, you've got to find time to sing about a league one team.
  17. Absolutely no way in hell this team is turning this around. They are just not good enough, end of.. I have to say that the atmosphere at St Marys has become absolutely and utterly toxic. The minute Lyanco made that mistake (and it was a fucking howler) the stadium went completely against the team. Booing every sideways or backwards pass, grown men frothing at the mouth when a player didn't shoot when they had 5 players in front of them. I wouldn't be up for playing in front of a crowd so thick and inpatient if I was them either (yes I know it's been shit for years and I am sick to the back teeth of it, too, but fuck me grow a brain cell you neanderthal fuck witt knuckle dragging Pompey obsessed cunts).
  18. And the people in my life wonder why I never stop complaining.
  19. Fuck this fucking shower of a football club.
  20. Best we've played for months and we're still fucking losing.
  21. "I didn't mind getting fingered by Gillingham and Hull in the Championship because it was all the good old boys and it was great lols on the terraces like it should be". Give me strength. The following season we got what was coming to us and it was fucking awful. We nearly went under FFS.
  22. I came on here to ask this question - thanks!
  23. Terrible from the keeper that.
  24. I heard it's Susan the boardroom tea lady. She's out after mistaking bourbons for custard creams and putting sugar in Semmen's tea when he wanted none. Fabrizio Romana will be all over this mark my words!!!111
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