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Everything posted by Saint_Jonny

  1. What's wrong with singing about being the best team on the south coast and having livramento? I mean apart from the fact it's all bollocks..
  2. I did the same thing. Adamant I wasn't going to bother, Palace was my last game, season tickets in the bin etc, and yet there I was stood watching the same predictable shit we've had for the last 3 or 4 years. Ponderous talentless wank. Thankfully I am on holiday and busy for the last two games. So that really is me done with this dreadful bunch of wasters. See you in August I guess.
  3. It's the thick as shit melons that scream "SHOOOOOOT" when one of our players is within 30 yards of the goal that get me, and then kick off like a member of their family has been killed by ISIS when the player chooses not to shoot because they have three opposition players 2 yards in front of them blocking any shots.
  4. God I hate football
  5. Nice to celebrate an excellent Saints goal and going into a 2-0 lead. Top Six Sports doing their usual Top Six Team Vs WHOTHEFUCKCARES routine with their coverage of this one. When we went 2 up Gary Neville described it as "weird".
  6. Lube up. They are going in hard.
  7. Manager for 2023/24; Kenny Jacket Who stays?: Moi, Djeneppo and Lyanco are musts for me. Not bothered about anyone else. Transfers In: Adebayo Akinfenwa, Transfers Out: All of them Return to stripes? Or not?: Stripes, but with a twist. In the same way that the champions from the previous year get to have a gold badge on the arm, our kit will be brown and white to reflect out utterly shit we were the previous season.
  8. Another wonderful day out for the away fans at St Marys. Absolutely sick of it. I'm not going to that miserable shit hole again this season. I'll be back next season after the great reset, but until then, this team and coaching set up can go and get fucked.
  9. I'm looking forward to all the blokes that bang on about it being a better atmosphere with "less plastics" in the ground getting their feelings hurt when we have a big game and sell out and reacting by waving their season tickets above their heads as they don't appreciate the irony of how fucking stupid they are. For anyone that hasn't been around long enough, this would happen during full-houses back in the League One days.
  10. I would crawl naked through a bin full of broken glass and hospital waste just smell one of Kenzie Benali's farts so I don't know what you lot are complaining about.
  11. If this season had been a blip, we'd performed shit and went down fighting you would be right to critisise the non-renewing fan. The reality is that the St Marys going fan has had an absolutely appaling time of it for what...4 or 5 years now? We have won absolutely fuck all games at home for years. What is it in the last 12 months, like 3 home wins? I don't blame anyone who finds something better to do on a saturday afternoon.
  12. What a shit poem it doesn't even rhyme 🤨
  13. Lose one nil from a set piece. Saints are so predictable a fucking robot could predict what's going to happen. West Ham were utter wank but get the points thanks to another utterly shit set piece goal. Fuck off Saints. Eat a dick.
  14. 150 braindead cunts*
  15. Can you add even more white space next time cheers.
  16. I am looking for literally anything to come up so I have an excuse not to go tomorrow. Really can't be fucked.
  17. That was absolutely abysmal. Typical of many, many displays at St Mary's in the last 5 years. Loads of possession and absolutely fuck all to show for it, barely a shot on target, just wanky wayward crosses and easily cleared shit cut backs. Atmosphere was shit from kickoff. You wouldn't know we were in with a about of getting out of the bottom three with our fans complaining about sideways passes from minute one. Bellends.
  18. It's very difficult. You'd end up banning entire nations based on how their local laws don't align with the laws and culture of the country who plays host to the social media companies. Again, never going to happen. Even if it did you'd just end up with an Indian (or other) specific twitter (Twindian?) which would just be an echo chamber for homophobia and racism, even more so than today. It seems like any action is just kicking the can down the road.
  19. I have the unpopular opinion that if you want to access a major social media platform and shout your mouth off to billions of others, you should have to provide ID in the same way you do for a bank account. No hiding then. Will never happen, mind.
  20. Club have put a strong statement on this and rightly so. I'm not sure what you can do when 95% of their fanbase isn't match going or even based in the UK where they can be prosecuted; https://www.southamptonfc.com/news/2023-03-13/southampton-football-club-statement-13-march-2023
  21. Bazunu doesn't make big saves tho.
  22. Fucking boomer convention in here.
  23. Agreed. I've made it clear on here how fucked off I am with going to the football these days but I'd never stand there and boo our own players. It's not a surprise when you actually see the blokes that do this though. Single celled reactionary rimjobs.
  24. It's purely because I paid my money so I don't want to see it go to waste at this point. My old man clearly doesn't like going with me as all I've done is bitch and moan for years now, I fucking hate going to St Mary's these days. I hate the team, I hate the trumpets before the game, I hate the Pompey obsessed cunts that stand behind me, I hate the walk to the ground from the car, in hate the drive from Winchester and sitting on the avenue taking in Southampton City Council's absolute shitshow traffic management, and most of all I hate how every away fan in the country at this point has had more good days out at St Mary's than the paying fucking home fans.
  25. I'm with you to be honest. Home going fans have had it rough for years now like you say. I was at a wedding for the Chelsea win at home earlier this season so at this point we are approaching a YEAR since I last saw us win a league game at home. 600 odd quid and no wins. In any other avenue of life you'd be down at customer services demanding your money back. I used to watch a lot of non Saints football but these days I can't bring myself to do it because Saints suck all the fun out of it. I haven't got a clue what's going on in the champions League for example, and barely know what's happening in our own league. I said to a mate I'd only renew of we go down because it'll be a good clear out, but judging by last night we'll struggle to win any games in the league below so they can all just go and fuck themselves.
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