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Everything posted by Saint_Jonny

  1. Yeah, reacting like a neanderthal to a disappointing result at a football match does tend to be a bit of a giveaway. Nothing to do with differing opinions.
  2. Good week overall but that should have been 3 points today, only thing that stops it happening is terrible finishing. Created loads of chances, played well. We have some absolute melts as fans. Thick as shit, moronic twats. Saints murdered the opposition today and the only people to blame for not winning are the players not finishing the excellent chances they created, and yet the manager comes in for dogs abuse at full time when trying to clap the Northam end. I know the average IQ gets steadily lower the higher up that stand you go, but fuck me, have a word with yourselves lads. Maybe stay in Thornhill next time and boo the TV. You're not helping anyone by being in the stadium.
  3. I can't wait to see Sulemana VS Rotherham on Saturday. It's going to be like watching Jimmy Saville being let loose in an unattended orphanage.
  4. Yep. It's been 6+ years of absolute dog shit following this football club. Life can be hard enough on its own without over investing financially and emotionally in the biggest shower of cunts known to grace football in the history of cunts. Honestly Saints. Just fucking wind it all up. Do us a favour. Wankers.
  5. Cuntish giveaway for their goal. Cuntish fans in the ground. Just impatient unhelpful cunts everywhere you look. Cuntish roadworks on the at home. Just a cunting good time all round.
  6. I get the positive performance = happy clappy crowd argument. What I don't get is the "fan" (and there are literally thousands of people like this at every club) that pay money to vent their bi-polar anger at footballers when the results aren't going there way. Think of it this way. You pay for other services in life. When they go wrong and you don't get what you paid for, you don't run around calling everyone a cunt, because it's not helpful and won't get you very far in life.
  7. It's the partisan twitter facebook instant satisfaction from pornhub generation mate . Patience is gone. Thing of the past. Only thing that matters these days is results and instant impact. The average bloke in block 39-43 looks like they just fell through a time machine from 8000 years ago, that doesn't help either. Give this lot 5 years of absolutely unacceptably shit home performances and you know what, I don't blame them for behaving the way they do and I am not surprised. Like you though I am totally bored of it. Few games in and I am already kicking myself for renewing, like I do every year. Idiot.
  8. Yep. He said he was proud of the players. Fucking mental. Fine don't go hard on them, but don't pretend that wasn't fucking awful either.
  9. Pretty good effort from the fans all things considered - Season Ticket sales better than last season despite relegation
  10. Goal Alcaraz. Nice finish. Kebabs on me Bois let's goooooooooooooooo
  11. Never a pen. Red hef has had a nightmare there. Banter. Prowsey skies it.
  12. I remember this! It was an absolutely huge game. Utter confusion as no TV coverage or streaming - this "WTF is going on" would happen all the time in those L1 days relying on commentary.
  13. Looking at the ticket map today I see my whole row has sold out (in block 39) - which I believe wasn't the case last season, as we regularly had space to stretch out. Also looks like the vast majority of people in my block renewed. Good to see!
  14. Yep - Saints were utter wank all season and Selles was one of the few coaching constants. Anyone whose "Plan B" was to bring Mara and A.Armstrong on as a double substitution every single week regardless of the opposition or score line is clearly a massive fraud.
  15. Last day to renew today before your seats are released and the price goes up. So I've just renewed our three tickets. Was always going too, just waited for payday. Up the fucking Saints.
  16. Yep. The fact that we are in a lower league than fucking Bournemouth says it all. The PL must have more "small" clubs than ever with Bournemouth, Luton, Brentford, Burnley and a few others making up the numbers. Fair play to every one of them, though, you don't get there or stay there on the basis of stadium or fan base.
  17. Yep, all teams that dropped with us, are flying on the back of promotion or finished top half last season. Tough start indeed!
  18. I would still be recovering from nearly drowning in a pool of my own semen if I were a Leicester fan. League and FA Cup win during their stint in the Premier League, incredible. Meanwhile Saints have fuck all to show for it relatively speaking.
  19. You are right of course. I usually miss around 2 games a season because of other stuff getting in the way, likely to be more than that next season with all the extra midweek games.
  20. Happy with that. £499 for my renewal, £21.6 game which is alright (providing we win more than two home games all fucking season).
  21. I'll be renewing, no doubt about that. It'll be my old man that has to stand next to some plastic scouser, he's been warned.
  22. Forgot about the ticket exchange until reading this thread. Listed! I hope my match-going-mojo comes back in time for next season.
  23. Boys, gather round, we've got this guy here, Matthew something or other, he retired before most of you were born but listen he used to score goals from outside the box when Southampton played at The Dell "The what?" It doesn't matter just listen to what he has to say... "COVID was a conspiracy invented by aliens and there is one living in my ass!" OK Matthew thanks for coming..
  24. Same! Even if we are utter gash next year we'll win a hat full more games than what you need to cling on to premier league misery.
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