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Everything posted by Saint_Jonny

  1. Glad someone is saying it - I know he's just a kid, but the praise he gets from pundits and commentators just stinks of these people not having any real world evidence of how good and or consistent Tyler really is. It's just soundbites. But hey, if it drives his price up in the summer who are we to complain.
  2. What a cum down.
  3. We could have a half decent team and still lose to a club that spent nearly a billion quid on building their team. We have an absolute shithouse bunch of cunts though so we're getting hammered.
  4. The overwhelming majority of Saints output on the pitch has been utterly depressing since 2017/18, save for some very un-Saints-like blips where the team found a way to win under Ralph (briefly) and Martin (albeit in the Championship). I wouldn't be surprised if someone did the math and they found that Saints fans have seen fewer wins than any other of the 92 league clubs over the last 5 seasons. Apart from the Championship season, all the prem seasons saw us barely surviving or in the case of the last two "attempts" in this division, finishing bottom by miles. It really has been completely terrible. Why I and a stadium full of other people continue to turn up is baffling. Imagine being a kid and being dragged to St Marys week after week over the last 5 or 6 years - I never thought I would think this way, but WHY would you choose to grow up a Saints fan if that is what you had been exposed to? Fucking horrible.
  5. United got away with one there. Shame we didn't take our chances and give ourselves more of a chance to hold onto something. The drop in quality when Dibling, Fernandez and, surprisingly, Aribo went off was clear for all to see. Hopefully the team take heart from the performance.
  6. You used the word competitive in your post and Saints have been anything but for the vast majority of games at St Marys so far this season, so it isn't really fair to judge the "home end" noise levels based on the absolute dish water we've been served up on the pitch. Will hopefully be fun next year if can win some games again...
  7. It starts immediately for me. Season ticket or no, I'm not watching that shit again this season. I'll let other people enjoy that "privilege". Utter waste of precious time off.
  8. Just can't wait to get this season over with. The premier league is just utter shit to be in. VAR, players constantly playing for fouls and Saints being no where good enough to compete. Absolute shit show.
  9. Completely outplayed by a decent Fulham side as our confidence shot lot throw in the towell, 4-0 home win.
  10. Twisting yourself in knots. If you genuinely believe the team had the quality to survive (survive, not just go closer than we are on course to do at the moment) without Martin from the start then I suggest you take off those Saints coloured spectacles and get a reality check. Kwp, Stephens and Janny B are all part of the starting line up saw us fall out of the league and generally stink the place out in the run up to our last relegation. I could go on, but what is the point. You clearly believe we have a team of suppressed super stars. Let's see how they do the rest of the season.
  11. Saint_Jonny

    Ivan Juric

    What is the SpazWeb name for the new manager going to be when he loses 9 of the next 10? Lego was absolutely hilarious for Martin so we have to continue our rich tradition of incredible banter. I'll kick things off with Durex. Great defensively but shit at putting it in the back of the net.
  12. Our home support is full of the kind of people I am describing in my posts. If you have managed to avoid being stuck near the sort of blokes that constantly moan, make shit jokes and whose banter goes down like a fart in an elevator every single week then my god, I want to sit where you sit. I moved this season from 39 to 46 after 11 seasons in the same seat and I find myself surrounded with Itchen North rejects who all think its 1992 and OK to shout some absolutely outrageous horseshit. That is where my disdain for Saints fans comes from, and it's not every single one of them, most are decent, I may have just been chronically unlucky to be stuck near some utter bellends year after year. Cue the "how do you think they feel being stuck near you" posts
  13. The recruitment and planning for this season has been a cluster fuck from top to bottom - we signed two players from a shit Sheffield United team FFS - I am in total agreement with you that it's not been good enough at all levels. I am just 100% certain that whoever comes in will get about 10 inches of rope to hang themselves with so it is all utterly pointless from the PoV of "getting the fans onside" - Martin needed to go, the situation was untenable - the next guy won't get the time he needs or the backing of the fans. Maybe you, or some other "non-simpletons" will stick with him with understanding, but the bulk of match going rageaholics won't give him the time of day. Football is a cesspit of anger, demand for instant results and grown men acting like toddlers.
  14. Our bunch of entitled, chip on the shoulder, knuckle dragging retards won't accept the inevitable relegation and succession of losses that come with it. Saints were promoted before they were even close to being able to compete in the premier league and our squad reflects that fact, it's absolutely miles away from being able to compete, say what you want about tactics - this turd will not be polished. Football fans want to blame an individual, the next manager is on a hiding to nothing.
  15. We're relegated regardless mate. People need to get that through their heads - there is no way this team stays up regardless of who comes in. Change the manager and half the team throw a fit because they are "Martin's players". Most importantly there is no where near enough quality make up the gap we've already made for ourselves. Yeah not playing suicide football in our own box might give us more of a chance of picking up points between now and the end of the season, but there is no way this team stays up from here - zero chance. If you are pinning your hopes on changing the manager to stay up, you are only setting yourself to hate the next bloke that comes in (which with our negative IQ fanbase is guaranteed to happen anyway).
  16. Imagine only realising now that supporting Saints is utter shit. Has been ever thus!
  17. VAR can eat my ass. So bored of it.
  18. Glad to see the moaner boners have got something to crow about again this week It's a 1-1 game if not for typically bullshit, spawny, cunty decisions going against us at Molineux. Agree with the consensus that taking that out of the picture, we must don't create enough for the possession we have (as has been the story for ages). Change the manager if you want, but if you think that will suddenly get the mercurial genius of Cam Archer and Tall Paul scoring the goals to win us games, well.. prepare to go into doom monger jizz in your pants overdrive
  19. VAR is a disgrace. You have the chance to at least be consistent in re-referring the game but don't. Utterly scandalous.
  20. Wolves are shit. They are always shit when we play them yet they find a way to an unlikely victory. Saints playing well for me, if this carries on we won't lose.
  21. Look at the match thread mate. So many of the familiar "hope we lose" "Martin is a cunt" gang don't go to games. They are on here, probably all old men that live with their thai brides in far flung parts of Yorkshire and New Zealand too busy wanking over the possibility of a loss and some doom and gloom to actually go to a game, know what it means and feel the buzz. Fuck them all.
  22. I've seen Saints lose, in person, at Rochdale, Carlisle and Tranmere. I've seen us lose 9-0. I've seen us relegated to league one with a whimper. Yeah we're pretty shit at Premier League level at the moment, but we've been in most of the games and should have taken more points. To say this is "the worst we've ever been" is sensationalist bullshit.
  23. This article would suggest that I am right (or at least on average, changing doesn't improve fortunes) And there are more studies into this besides, just google it. Yeah there will be outliers, but for every Unai Emery there will be several more Nathan Jones, or managers that come in and achieve precisely fuck all, continuing the same poor form that has become endemic due to the quality of the playing staff or culture of the club at the time.
  24. At this point I just want Saints to make a change so you can all see that, while Martin and his style has more than it's fair share of glaring issues, our playing squad is nowhere near the level required to survive in this Premier League. The need to see someone sacked is pathetic. I am not a "Martin sympathiser", I am just sick of the pattern of firing managers, paying them millions so they can sit on their arses for doing nothing and hobbling the clubs finances in the process to achieve absolutely fuck all other than appeasing some fans need to see someone fired. We will change manager and nothing will change. There will be no bounce. The players will be the same players. People on here and everywhere else will jump down the new manager's throat as soon as kicking it long isn't seen to be working and we lose a few games. Rinse and repeat. Forever.
  25. You've hit the nail on the head, just like ABK has been caught hitting Russell's bird round the back of the Staplewood bins. Word on the street is that Pinder has never seen a cock like it, never had one up her like it either, there is no going back to Martin's slimdick after what she's experienced. "I just can't go back to Russ and his never ending foreplay" is a direct quote from both Lucy after getting in the shitter from ABK and a tired Saints fan after watching us at the weekend.
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