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Everything posted by westofshannonsaint

  1. I was working today (in a call center) an around 20 past 3 was speaking to a girl form southampton and asked her the the score in the Saints game (after she went to find out) she told me it was 3 - 0 i asked "i presume that's against?" she asked "well what do you think?" i then gave up hope!!!!!!! Who do you blame????????? I like my football, I love Saints, I don't care much for football politics, but Lowe has to bare some blame for where Saints find are today. don't ya just f*ckin know it, it is sickening. especially when you see the ex Saints (where not good enough, or were on massive wages) playing for clubs who went form the championship to the prem. what the f*ck has charlton have to do with anything, I am sure everyone on here wants what is best for Saints, whoever we modelled ourselves on (I always thought we were Saints) ... that's f ootball, I will always say "if Roy Keane did not leave the Ireland squad, Ireland could have got to the World Cup Final" ...I will also always say "if my auntie had balls......" what matters is here and now, and the team is not preforming. Thanks for bringing this back to Post Match reaction Derry. ---note to derry---- I should be up your direction in the new year, if ya fancy meeting for a pint.
  2. going off on another tangent, to get the € symbol you press Ctrl, Alt & 4 (just trying to be helpful) P.S. living in Ireland I like the € being strong against the £ - great for online shopping.
  3. I was going to post this on the "Lowe's biggest mistake" thread...(but didn't) Lowe's biggest mistake was thinking that he could manage a football club, his fascination with head coaches and revolutionising football have left us where we are today. he may have had good ideas but did not get the right people in to do the job. I hope it motivates the team, but I am not a fan of owners/PLC chairmen/DOF's giving the team a pre-match pep talk.
  4. Gentlemen, you all know very well that the bank decides who takes the penalties, you do realise there are bonuses to be paid.... (insert rollyeyes thing)
  5. 1-0 down and 2 penalties missed, a twenty past 3, is there any hope?
  6. Brilliant post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back on topic.... I am just happy that Lallana signed a 3 year contract knowing that a prem club (even if it is Fulham) were interested, it means if/when he is sold we will command a better deal. I think it will depend on where Saints are in January if he stays or not.... If we are pushing up for a play-off spot, I think he is more likely to stay rather than join a prem sub's bench. If we are fighting relegation Lowe will come out with "if a player doesn't want to be here....." what ever happens fans on here will nag about how skint we are or how we are not pushing forward how it is all Lowe's fault or how we are just like any other small club. - that's what makes a discussion board I suppose.
  7. while I also hope Saints get promoted this season (can't see it happening) I would quite like Stoke to do well. Oh how we all laughed at stoke when they took Danny (hoof) Higginbotham, Rory (he can throw it far, but that's about it) Delap & Ricardo (sk@te) Fuller. When I see Stoke in the Prem, it gives me hope that we can get back there. I could be wrong but I dont think Stoke are loaded (or were when the finished just behind us 2 years ago) but they built & improved & got automatic promotion last year. why do we constantly look like we are "doing a leeds" and not follow stokes path? I know there will be cries of "lord Lowe will sort it out with his financial prudence" but that is sh*te, Lowe's cheap option's will do nothing but send us towards league 1. I really hope I am wrong, but I cant see the new Management team lasting very long. Lowe IMHO made only 1 good decision when bringing in a manager & that was in 2001. We were "happy" punching above our weight in the prem, willing to accept the small club tag. Are we now a small club in the CCC?
  8. OH good god, please do not start "the team needs to gel". granted, I didn't get to listen to today's game (friends called up & I couldn't be anti-social by listening to a game on the computer), but we have been hearing that for the last 3 seasons, how long does it take for a team to gel? as for my reaction to the result, I am kinda apathetic, after everything that happened at the club during the Summer I expected a long season ahead for Saints, with survival in the CCC being seen as an achievement. I tried to convince myself, and still hope that I am wrong, and I might be (but probably not). so a 1 - 2 loss vs Brum is not a massive surprise. I am glad to hear that you are getting to watch some attractive football, unfortunately I cant get to SMS, but I would like to watch Saints in the Prem (preferably in the pub) I know we are skint, I have known that all my life. But in Lowes "premiership day's" his cheap options (financially prudent) meant that we flirted with relegation most years, Granted he did bring in one great manager, but even WGS was a cheap option at the time. I fear that Now Lowe is using cheap CCC options that we will flirt with relegation to league 1 and not push our way back into the top flight. I could go on but I'll leave it there. I still hope I am wrong COYR
  9. remember the gloves.... they were about 3 sizes to big. & yes at that time Bart was Niemi in disguise.
  10. agreed, although I thought he would have done better with us after his brilliant start, even if he did spend alot of time last year on the bench. That said, when he came to Saints first there were mummers on here that he plays well to get a contract & then gets lazy.
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