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Everything posted by westofshannonsaint

  1. why do people care what rival fans think about us starting on -10 points or not. If at the end of the season we miss out on promotion or the playoffs by 10 points or less we will all be sitting here blaming the FL (and probably RL) & opposition fans will all probably have a quiet chuckle at our expense. and anyway I dont care if Leeds don't like us (I am not to fond of them either) and to me it is not that much of a moral issue either, if you knew you could get of a driving charge on a technicality most would probably try to get off with no penalty. I do however fear that we could end up being docked even more points. I just hope that this is sorted out today.
  2. lol, it makes me think of eurovision.
  3. I want the new owner/board/club/team to fight for every available point in the coming season both on and off the pitch (regardless of morals). I have not voted as I fear further point deductions/wasted time, can we have an undecided option?
  4. I think it is important to remember that the "man on the street" and a high court judge/whoever decides the outcome of an appeal are 2 different entities. a judge is obliged to decide if legally SLH = SFC the man on the street is not concerned with legal mumbo jumbo (back off Brussels & all that) from what has been discussed elsewhere I understand it could be important if Pinnacle are buying only certain assets belonging to SLH & the FL agree to this it strengthens Saints argument against the 10 point deduction. it may also be the case that SFC (& SMS) are the only assets that Pinnacle are buying, if so, what happens to staplewood, Jacksons Farm, Employees of Catering company and whatever subsections of SLH that remain.
  5. I would like an excuse to go over and have a look at the new Wembley - Glory hunter that I am.
  6. I was telling a friend the other day that Le God was coming in as chairman, Rod Stewart was going to be our new owner and that would tie in nicely with WGS coming back as manager. WGS as manager will negate the 10 point hit and Saints will finish top 6. MLT will reregister as a Player and will score the winning penalty in the Playoff final shoot-out. well I can dream, but to be honest it is nice to be able to believe in Saints again, this time last year I was loosing all faith (but my predictions came true). I just hope Pinnacle/MLT/??? are ready to go when the I's are crossed and the T's dotted, the countdown is on to the 2009/2010 season.
  7. Quinn and Keane were anything other than close and AFAIK had not spoken since Keane walked/was forced out of the Irish WC team. Quinn wanted Keane for his winning mentality and was prepared to overlook their differences because he felt Keane was theright man for the job. Personally I would be chuffed if Dowie was lined up, definitely good enough for L1.
  8. lol i nearly spat coffee all over my laptop, but seriously when you see them side by side A is Shamrock & B is Clover.
  9. He is on the board of Galway utd & is doing a decent job with very limited funds, and gave Jeff Kenna his management début. lol I have never paid that a second thought, I am not a big fan of Ireland's call though. my vote for the best Irish song for a crowd to sing is The Fields of Athenry. By the league 1 stadium wall, I heard a young girl calling, Rupert, you have fecked it all away, Strachen was the Man, After that we just went down, Now the Irish have come in to Save the day. Low lie the fields of Athenry/Saint Mary's Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing We had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry/Saint Mary's
  10. Jeff Kenna had a great season last year keeping Galway Utd in the League of Ireland top flight as manager and bit part player, on a very tight budget. Unfortunately not going as well as expected with St Pats (SAINTS) this year. howaya Éire I'd really like Leon to pull on the Irish Shirt but think it will be a while. can I have this as an avatar please? can we please stop the grammer lesson, I am really excited, just imagine loads of tri-colours at SMS & the fields of Athenry being sung I think it would bring a tear to my eye.
  11. I live abroad (& don't go)
  12. well said David, Footballers are human, what Claus has done now has no reflection on the service he gave to Saints. Personally I view this the same as if a family member or friend done something equally as stupid, I hope Claus learns from his mistake and seek help if he needs it (I think he does because there is on excuse for drink driving). If he is convicted I hope he takes his punishment like a man, but I think he will probably get a high priced lawyer and get off on a technicality (but that is a money/class thing and nothing to do with him being a footballer) there have been hints of Claus having a drink problem on here since the time when he was at the club, perhaps the club should have tried to get him help at the same time he was club captain, or harry should have introduced a drinking ban here.
  13. I seem to remember a thread on one of the old boards when everyone was boasting about mementoes the stole from the Dell, a lot of posters were quite proud of the fact that they had their seat.
  14. "if a dog is born in a cowshed, it is still a dog"
  15. if Craig David is a Saints fan, abroad with internet access at the moment I am sure he will be having a look here.... If you are I think the benefit gig is the way to go. BO! P.S. Lucy if you are reading, you can do a photo shoot in a new, skimpier (much skimpier) shirt, or maybe a flag.
  16. It could be a good source of income for the eventual owner of the stadium.
  17. joined! but I don't understand, how will joining a facebook group save Saints?
  18. wo wo waaa...
  19. Fair f*ckin play to the OP. Sticking by the club in the bad times (and we are in bad times) is the sign of a true supporter. while others whine, moan, protest, or type away violently on their keyboards you commit yourself to supporting SAINTS. well done that man.
  20. thanks to the op for posting this thread (perhaps it should be stickied) but (correct me if I am wrong) you would still buy the club for less from the administrators than you would from the share holders. If someone was looking to buy Saints would they not be better off waiting? at least they would not have to deal with Lowe & co. that would not surprise me at all, but the optimist in me will not let me think about it.
  21. I bet you said the same when we were relegated from the prem. We will walk div 1, yeah, right.
  22. I wrote the season off once Lowe got rid of NP, it is sickening. my workmates tell me to look on the bright side!
  23. threads like this always make me think that there might be some people waiting in the wings to buy the club when it goes into administration. - I hope so anyway.
  24. Fair play, cheers for the reply, oh no, that's my third post for the day, what am i going to do????????
  25. oh, there is no edit option of you are not a member (i will join when I want to post 4 times in a day), so I would just like to add that I am happy that we managed to come back and score 2 goals (but still did not win) in the second half.
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