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Everything posted by westofshannonsaint

  1. a mkdons biased preview http://www.mkdonsforum.org/bucksfizz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=336:fizz-preview-southampton-v-mk-dons&catid=43:bucks-fizz-news&Itemid=90 & a fairly novel idea... Ref Watch... http://www.mkdonsforum.org/bucksfizz/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=334:fizz-ref-watch-v-southampton&catid=43:bucks-fizz-news&Itemid=90
  2. I am supprised that it took 30 posts for this point to be raised. once lowe slimed his way back in, let go a promising up & coming English Manager who seemed willing to take on a tough task, and replace him with head coaches with no experience of English football, along with their experiment I knew it was the end. over the last couple of years I have been saying to my brother (who will, for the rest of his days be called splitter/glory hunter..lol) that the Saints situation is like when a loved one has a terminal disease, something we both have unfortunately experience with. to continue with this analogy, when RL got rid of NP was like the day you are told that your loved one doesn't have long left, that affairs need to be got in order, if anything needs to be said, say it. going into admin 2 weeks to late was just the final kick in the teeth, like a death at christmas or a child's birthday, or the day before whoever get's here from wherever. it's gut wrenching but the result is the same. quoted because it fits in quite nicely & i can't really comment about matters on the pitch as my opinions are based on what I read here & web snippets. Anyhow, to lighten the mood, the Splitters argument was that Saints was like a marriage that you knew wasn't working any more, she's turned into a nag, doesn't want you to enjoy yourself & if your honest with yourself she's put on weight, it's time you packed your bags and left. I suppose this analogy could be continued to Pearson leaving is like telling her your leaving & the timing of admin is her saying she's been cheating on you for the last 6 months. The end result is I am in a relationship that as strong as ever and full of new hope thanks to that all or nothing final bout of chemo and a miracle or two (administration) and the splitter is out in a singles bar eyeing up Arse(nal)
  3. mkdons forum (saints thread) http://www.moocamp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=34037 I didn't realise Connolly played for them, whats the odds on him to score? COYR
  4. the first real test for AP's settled squad, if we in this I will believe we can go on and reach the playoffs. a post above suggest mkdons can be a bit dirty so it will be a physical game & one I would love to watch. When was the last time Saints won 4 in a row? I think we can play them off the park.
  5. I am a paying customer of the BBC - I pay ntl/upc who in return (i presume) pay BBC a fee. it winds me up that they can't even be bothered to put a rain-cloud over Ireland and take it off the odd day when its dry, I don't even expect us to get a mention, we can look around the presenter.
  6. boo-hiss! here is sky's 1.57 mins... http://www.skysports.com/video/clips/0,23791,16478,00.html I do think that the BBC's effort is better than ITV's and am much happier that it's on a Saturday night, I would prefer if beeb showed more football and less punditry (or punditry as part of the commentary) and just a brief look at the tables, no need for any pundits face to be on screen at all.
  7. b'Jesus, i clicked on last page expecting to read something about Pard's, I really have to lol it's a bit random in all fairness. I agree it is really refreshing to read an intelligent, reasoned debate, I was saying to a friend, a diehard Liverpool fan, who claims to be an football fan, that won't watch his country or local team, and will not discuss politics or religion.... "football IS religion"
  8. I think ye misunderstand me, I think it is a really good thing that Connolly may have taken his time before deciding to commit to saints, from the little time I have followed connelly (mainly due to his Irish eligibility) I have thought he is a committed player who is capable of earning his place in many PL or CCC squads. But he has a good attitude and took his time in making his decision. I read it as he chose Saints as he seen us as a club that were moving forward. I would love to see DC end his playing career with Saints and earn his coaching badges with us.
  9. 102 points available... 70(ish) required to achieve 6th position... we can afford about 5 draws & 4 losses, it's a tough task, but, (& i'm sure most on here agree) we do have a squad/manager/set-up/fanbase/financial backing that most in this league would cut their left testy off for, we have also had enough time to get over the "gelling period"/no preseason excuses, so I think it is a realistic target. I am sure many on here have had to work to targets (I have). A target is designed to stretch you & make you preform at your best & that is what I want for Saints. Sometimes you miss your target, but if you have any interest or ambition in your job, you aim to meet it, all anyone can ask is that you try your best and push yourself. when we were in the prem, our target was (maybe) tophalf, & we were delighted when we achieved it but still happy when we survived. Similarly I want us to aim top 6 this year, whilst it is still achievable at least & will be happy with top half. Mere survival inL1 this year is not an achievement (imho) & I would be very disappointed with Saints if that's all we are aiming for.
  10. that would be great, listen from about 35 seconds... can anyone here edit that vid and put the "N" in where appropriate?
  11. oh, I notice the (url]....[/url] was included for me...
  12. hi, would it be possible to include a "thanks" function to the message board? it would cut down on the +1 & I agree with him posts & make the board slightly easier to read, also (hopefully) it would show us the real feeling of a thread, I sometimes agree with the opening posts of alpine/19c/TDD (for example) but do not have anything to add so say nothing and it would also help us determine who we can trust when rumours come up (perhaps we could have a rep or got it right option) also I remember on previous incarnations of Saintschat/webforum/whatever in-between I remember a lot more functionality in advanced post, such as resizing letters (admittedly sometimes annoying) underlying/bolding words, adding pics/youtube vids/attachments/links & things that are useful. I dont know anything about web design, so don't know if ye can do this here, but the main other board I visit (http://www.boards.ie) have thanks and excellent positing functions, and I have seen rep on other messageboards.
  13. 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go
  14. just seen a snippet on SSN "unbelievable support, 9000 for the cup game during the week its been incredible and to be honest some of the stuff we delivered has been awful, especially at the start of the season but they really stayed with us and have been absolutely terrific"
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/fixtures/default.stm get counting, but I would imagine about half, 17(ish)
  16. i'd be delighted if we fin this season with 70pts & think that is a real target, weather that is enough to get us into the playoffs is another question.
  17. was the reason that penalties took place not because the game ended in a draw? has anyone who backed Saints to win (opposed to Saints progressing to the next round) been paid out? I am not trying to be negative and am really happy that we managed to win a penalty shootout, but the fact remains that if the game did not END in a draw there would have been no penalties. and I am not trying to say that our form is not good at the moment, i think it is & long may it continue. edit - had we lost the shoot-out I would imagine that people would get very agitated if "negative" posters counted it as a loss.
  18. So, now that we have Charlton at home, should we put out our strongest 11 and take this "worthless" cup seriously? my vote is yes!
  19. sorry to point this out, but I think the history books will show the Torquay result as a 2-2 draw. but I am very happy that we have 2 league wins in a row & hope we can make it 3 against MK Dons who have won 3 and lost 3 of the last 6.
  20. I have to laugh that we are teaching teams how to close out a game and hold on to a lead..... this could be a real turning point.
  21. to be fair, i think .com was putting up photo's before anyone knew the term "iphone app"
  22. would you mind also sending that PM to me? Again thanks for posting these pic's, it's always a joy to see action from the game i'm unfortunately only reading about. ....although I got a Job today, so will be able to renew my sub to Saintstv. right now I am just enjoying a Guinness and a Saints lead.
  23. true, at the time I wouldn't have minded Lowe coming back if he kept Pearson. and if he had stayed I think we would have stayed up last year and possibly not gone into administration, as things turned out, we are a league lower but alot more stable, with our new owner talking about progressing rather than selling off our best players to balance the books.
  24. I know that, but most fans here merge the 2 games (because that is the only time a team like Saints could beat Man-U), but I think I am doing football fans over here a little injustice, I am talking about the fans who think football was invented by Rupert Murdoch, but those idiots are always the loudest and most annoying. in fairness though I think (like most things on the internet), people are taking this FAR TO SERIOUSLY, and I am confident that the examiner will discount any votes where MLT has been voted 1 -10
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