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Everything posted by westofshannonsaint

  1. true & according to the club doctor thread we have a sizeable medical staff.
  2. Sorry, I misunderstood, I read 'exclusively for' as 'only for and on a full time basis' not in addition to his GP work. Did he do work for p*mpey at the same time for Saints? If so, is the reason that he is working 'exclusively' for p*mpey that he is not currently doing work for any other football club? that said, it is a little concerning that the club have let their part time dr go before hiring a replacement.
  3. can you understand that? to quote Abe Simpson... ...thanks for everyone's updates
  4. apparently, p*mpey owe..
  5. That is a big shock!!! I am stunned to that we cannot afford to pay a full time club doctor more than cash strapped p*mpey... are they allowed to employ new staff? what sane professional would take a permanent job with them? has anyone told Nigel Sellars? (that link is to the p*mpey OS just encase you don't want to click - he is the p*mpey club dr) Trader, I wouldn't normally, but can i ask you to reveal your source?
  6. I would like it if we had the option to pay a "I don't want to be a walking billboard" tax & pay a premium for a sponsorless shirt. the least I ask for is a decent sponsor/brand on the shirt.... MALI would be quite nice for next season.
  7. thankfully we don't have Waitrose on the front of our shirt. It might be a good idea for the club to sell next years replica without the sponsor for a few quid extra.
  8. & I hope KD is taking doing coaching courses just like our ageing striker Connelly.
  9. this seems similar to the "doctor fired" thread.... the club want to improve things by making part time positions full time. the staff in the part time position turned down the full time role (for whatever reason). the club continue to think that it is better that these positions be filled with full time employees.
  10. the first 2 pages of googling "colours absorb heat" tend to disagree with that and the argument that you put forward is based on the dynamics of cow's hair, pigeons feathers, and a desert tribes robes. The general view is that darker colours absorb more light, which is converted into heat. However I think the difference will be minimal when you consider that it is a very thin shirt that is, probably designed to 'flick' sweat away from the body, worn for a max of 45 minutes before the players get to cool down and that the season is played in England during Autumn, Winter & Spring not under the Sahara Sun. Perhaps the light/colour absorption debate is one that should be made against the Home shirt, and the new away shirt may help our players on the cold Tuesday November night wherever.
  11. this is going to be the first shirt I have bought in years... much nicer than the home shirt.
  12. I think we will retain the JPT & win the league or at least automatic promotion. We will have a bad spell at some stage in the season which will probably coincide with us meeting p*mpey or manure in the league/fa cup. Cortese will say something like "recent results are a concern" when we slip temporarily out of the top 2 and the world will think Pardew is getting the sack... he wont
  13. why resurrect a thread from last September to say that to yourself?
  14. actually could Stu & Nick G pleas both post rankings at some stage, this little tiff has tweaked my interest. sorry stu, you actually have done it already. I hope membership sorts out your problem.
  15. before I logged on I knew this thread would be top of the tree, well done Alpine. & alpine is right the squad does need to be strengthened, the lack of preseason/gelling excuse is unacceptable for the coming season & we have a bare bones squad. We have really trimmed the fat off the squad but this has freed up cash & Pardew has a very record at bringing in players either permanently or on loan over the last 11 months (has he done anything wrong?). The first team only needs to be added to in a couple of positions and it's stronger & more together than the team that started last season -10 points. the future is so bright its White (with a red sash).
  16. of course, what am i thinking (even though I am a little young for that era)
  17. as I see it (from afar) Leon Crouch is a fan (with cash) who did what he felt was best for saints including injecting his own cash (other than shares which may rise or fall in value). He found himself in the accidental position of Chairman and didn't do a bad job when you consider the mess we were in, one notable appointment is Nigel Pearson. He was a Saints fan then & I am glad to read he is a Saints fan now.
  18. who was the A teams manager?
  19. not announced on the Winchester City OS either
  20. it has to be said that NC is in the job less than a year and in that time he has improved Saints on and off the pitch. If improvements continue in a sustainable (debt free) way he will have my eternal gratitude & respect. in regards to him not being great at PR, i'm not so sure. Any of the interview's/comments I've read seem reasonable to me, he speaks with passion, refers to the club as "his baby", and surely selling the single season, sponsorless anniversary shirt as a gift is a PR masterstroke. he may have messed up a bit with the season tickets/ticket prices, I don't know the ins and outs - i didn't read the threads because there not relevant to me. but we have the 3rd most expensive season ticket in L1, last transfer window how many clubs spent more than us? & hopefully membership benefits will go some way to making those of you that can't afford to pay for a season ticket happier. this is the first "close season" that our NC has been involved in football, but his performance so far makes me think that he deserves a little trust. the lack of news is frustrating, but NC likes to do deals behind closed doors & we have to accept that. at least he isn't using the same PR firm as Lowe once did (I hope not anyway)
  21. Oh, then sorry, I am:lol: & my prediction of ye being knocked out to Germany/Argentina on Penalties might come true . but what's football without rivalry & friendly banter.
  22. I don't know what that is, so I don't think I am.
  23. It was just exaggeration to prove a point, no need to apologise/feel like a pillock I often do the same
  24. In Irish courts (& I presume the UK is similar) examples are often made, a judge will often say "an example needs to be made and people need to realise that x/y/z behaviour is unnaceptable, admittedly the stance may be as a result of a political agenda be it a war on drugs or on football hooligans. this is a "zero policy" stance against football violence but it's nothing new really. Also (again in Ireland) many of the above sentences are reduced upon appeal, which raises the question; How long are these people likely to serve?
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