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  1. Next thursday you'll make more noise. Its always quite in Gelredome. To much restrictions, trouble with the board, fights with stewards etc. etc.
  2. Just wanted to say congratz on the 3-0 win. We didnt expect anything else;) We had a good time, so ill hope you have fun on thursday. To bad we cant be as loud on home games as were at ST. Mary.
  3. Thank you all for the ideas! Our supporters club organized a bus tour to southampton. So we'll be in southampton at 10am with about 8/10 busses. The rest of the supporters are going on their own occasion. Football is all about drinking beer, yelling at some people, call the reff a sweet name and then gome home after a humiliating defeat. So yeah, well probably try to find as many pubs as we can @Golden Balls You're local police gave us 3 options for bars, are they near Guildhall square? -Yates -The Spitfire -Frog and Parrot But, local new brewery and old fashioned pubs. Nothing can beat that. Will definitly go to the marina. Us Dutch people like water especially when we can kick it back into the ocean (A). Patrick Bateman Thnx for the link to discover Southampton. Paintball looks attempting. To everyone else who gave some ideas, Thanks alot! (parks, pubs, south city) Btw, whats with the refund? You bought tickets for the away game but cancelled and didnt get money back? If so, tell me here and ill call em tomorrow and see what i can find out.
  4. Sorry for the late response. Didnt know i could only post 3times in 24hours. The general feeling on our chances.... Would say the chances of the pope becomming a Muslim is bigger. We know we'll lose but we just wanna have fun. Our last European Adventure close to home was vs Werder Bremen. That was one awesome day and we just wanna party. We we're hoping for some small club, but everyone said, if we draw a strong club, we hope for either Southampton or Dortmund. Seeing as the 1700 tickets were sold in 2 days, we were right Would be fun if i actually met some of you in southampton. Sadly i cant make it to the home game here in Arnhem. Begged my boss for a free day this thursday and couldnt get another. Btw, is there any place we should go to in Southampton? We arrive at 10am, so we gotta find something to do .
  5. No problem For museums, i love the Airbornemuseum in Oosterbeek. Great to see old that happend during the WW2, especially operation market garden wich we still remember every year. Paratroopers from England still go to our match every year and we honour them as we should. Maybe going to the openluchtmuseum (open air museum) that's also pretty good. The korenmarkt itself isnt big and i dont know what will be opened on matchday. I noticed someone saying its StudentNight on thursdays. That just means drinks will be cheaper. Clubs are always opened on thursdays evenings and some in the afternoon. (I even noticed someone hoped for platic furnuture to probably smash around, bad idea, camera's everywhere and you wont find alot die hard Vitessefans there). There is a bus going to the stadium (bus 7 and 331 if im not mistaken) and leaves every 15minutes or something. On the other hand, i wouldnt know why you would go to the stadium, as there is absolutely nothing to do before the match. Busses leave from central station to Gelredome 2hours before the match starts. Its like 5 euro's and you can buy a ticket on the bus. If you cant find anything, the station has alot of NS employers who can point you to the right direction. Seriously 92% of all dutch people speak English, so dont be affraid to talk to them, just be polite when you do ^-^. A helpful site would be http://www.9292OV.nl or the app from NS. 9292OV.nl is a site where you can find wich bus goes where and the NS app tells you wich track, wich train goes where. Especially for the ones heading to Amsterdam. Last train leaves at midnight! As far as I know, we dont have any local beers. And if so, its not famous at all. I love Hertog Jan, but hey, matter of taste. And Damn... Poffertjes. I seriously do not know where you can buy those. Maybe even at the Open air museum. Important. If you are going to buy tickets for the home stand. Take West-stand. Its the one with the least amount of fans and a lot of businessmen. We have a capacity of 24.500. I will not be sold out, as it is never sold out. Our stadium is to big for the fans that we have. We have a very solid core of 15.000 fans and alot of them will be on holiday. So if we reach like 15k fans total, i would be surprised. The only thing Southampton could do, is ask Vitesse if its possible to get the entire North stand. That would mean you get around 4k tickets. If any more questions pop up, dont hestitate to ask Regards
  6. Hi there, In case anyone has any questions regarding Arnhem, Vitesse or anything else about us. I registered to help you guys out a bit. Saw alot of wrong info and felt the need to register ^-^. Kind regards, Vitessefan
  7. Hi there, In case anyone has any questions regarding Arnhem, Vitesse or anything else about us. I registered to help you guys out a bit. Saw alot of wrong info and felt the need to register ^-^. Kind regards, Vitessefan
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