Well done mate yet another idiotic as well as ill informed pile of baseless drivel, fact is you will have read things that you don't like from literally a few Spurs fans on social media that represent a tiny NEGLIGIBLE amount of Spurs fan base, and then you stupidly tar an entire fanbase lets get this straight matey, you are like a number of other posters on this board simply bitter and twisted about Spurs and understandably so, and are simply resorting to childishly making rubbish up but you are only making a fool of yourself mate.
Unless you are either mentally deficient or some clueless spotty 18 year old, then you are spouting even more crap by saying Spurs are a similar sized club to West Ham, as I said before you are either clueless regarding football or a a troll, No Spurs are not Manchester United or Arsenal or Liverpool, but fact is Spurs are one of the original Big 5 clubs and are now one of the so called Big 6 clubs whether you like it or not, Spurs currently have the 13th biggest annual turnover in world football and that will rise into the top 10 when our new 61,000 stadium comes into play, Spurs are the 10th biggest brand in world football as well but carry on hating wont you mate.
As for your West Ham comparison you are simply embarrassing yourself West Ham 4 Trophies Tottenham Hotspur 17 Trophies close that isn't it mate, Spurs are miles bigger than West Ham in any way in which you can measure a football club, trophies fan base, annual income, merchandise sales, facilities, etc.
See below and learn ........
Founded in 1882, Tottenham won the FA Cup for the first time in 1901, making it the only non-League club to do so since the formation of the Football League. Tottenham was the first club in the 20th century to achieve the League and FA Cup Double, winning both competitions in the 1960–61 season. After successfully defending the FA Cup in 1962, in 1963 it became the first British club to win a UEFA club competition – the European Cup Winners' Cup. In 1967 it won the FA Cup for a third time in the 1960s. In the 1970s Tottenham won the League Cup on two occasions and was the inaugural winner of the UEFA Cup in 1972, becoming the first British club to win two different major European trophies. In the 1980s Spurs won several trophies: the FA Cup twice, FA Community Shield and the UEFA Cup in 1984. In the 1990s the club won the FA Cup and the League Cup. When it won the League Cup once more in 2008, it meant that it had won a major trophy in each of the last six decades – an achievement only matched by Manchester United.