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Chocolate Box

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Everything posted by Chocolate Box

  1. Thats a relief, I was getting worried.😉
  2. Set up an account as directed at the time but no joy. Doubt I'll try to watch the next game on NOWTV after what I "missed". Thanks anyway.
  3. Would not work on any device for me. Did anyone else have a problem? I even sought expert advice and they could not access it either. Must claim a refund.
  4. doesnot work!!😠
  5. Oh me of little faith, now to see if my lack of IT skills allows me to access the game. If not there's always Adam and Dave.😕
  6. Still nothing, have emailed the Club but not holding my breath. Perhaps some numbnut thinks they have until the 26th as per the article..........
  7. Par for the course I'm afraid. Ho Hum.
  8. Thanks B, I think it said 8pm on weds 26th? I do get emails as in Season ticket renewal etc. Still waiting.....
  9. Nothing yet, when should I get worried?
  10. Dougal?
  11. I wish Spurs, Levy and Jose all the success they so richly deserve............
  12. I'll get my umbrella
  13. oops, another brain fart, must try harder. Mind you, they are both in Yorkshire.
  14. Gary Monk
  15. Who are the 2 gentlemen who seem to be with him at all times? He doesn't look like he needs minders.
  16. Apologies, brain fart.
  17. Wonder if they got ripped off to the tune of £40 for hand baggage like everyone else who flies out of Southampton on Flybe...............
  18. Interesting that the promo photo shows them holding last year's shirt, what's that all about?
  19. Can't wait to hear Merrington's version!
  20. Seem to remember Gabriel nutting Sumerbee defending a corner and getting away with it, the Manc played no further part in the game. Those were the days.
  21. Surely you are not suggesting he was tapped up are you?
  22. Going to be tough on Sunday sitting next to his empty seat, hope we see him off in style.
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