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  1. Why are you chumps so insecure and easily triggered? Irony is the last refuge of the dull and unimaginative.
  2. Nice one.
  3. Fakkin hell saints, that last five minutes again. Other than that, thank christ. Love this team and Hassenhüttl. Always an interesting fixture for me personally but a good yard arm to measure loyalty by. The Saints are staying up!!!!
  4. Cathcart-esque. Get a load of Ward-Prowse getting stuck in. Good lad!!
  5. Good. The ban should’ve happened a long time ago. I’d also like to add that it’s heartening to see posters here challenging the nasty rhetoric that seems to have a grip on this board right now. In times like these it takes solidarity and calm, measured but strong challenge in response the ignorance and insecurity of the far right. There should be no place for racism, homophobia or misogyny at Southampton FC, nor this forum. How we carry and represent ourselves is essential in fighting this vile strain of, what I’m sure is a minority, but a very vocal minority. Don’t stand for it.
  6. https://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-pepe-the-frog-hate-symbol-20161011-snap-htmlstory.html
  7. https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/pepe-the-frog
  8. It’s a shame to have to have to come onto a forum for Saints and read the ignorant drivel on display in the Danny Rose thread. The fact that it was locked also speaks volumes. Oh dear. We really are going backwards. At least the racists and bigots are coming out of the woodwork though, emboldened by their Mickey Mouse politicians. I’d rather know who I’m fighting.
  9. Well done lads. Essential. One game at a time right now. I love it, being a Saints fan.
  10. The new and very much improved England team is a perfect example of multi-culturalsim at work.
  11. Immediately after scoring his hat-trick for England, Raheem Sterling spent time with the Football Beyond Borders Charity. Strength of character indeed!!!
  12. A shame not to see JWP get a run out but I’m sure he’ll get the chance at some point. Very happy to see Sterling perform like that. It must have taken incredible strength of character after the grubby displays of racism, overt and casual, that he’s had to endure from both fans and media. Hats off! Great watching England right now. Long may it last.
  13. Good times. I was born and lived 5 minutes away from Dean Court and have great memories of running around unattended with my mates on the terraces back in the day. Raised a Saints fan by my dad and grandpa though, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It was fantastic watching both teams growing up though - proper football. I’ve never quite been able to fathom this new fangled manufactured rivalry between modern fans of the Saints and Boscombe. It doesn’t ring true, quite plastic.
  14. Matthew Le Tissier.
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