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Saint_Greg's Achievements

  1. What I do find annoying is that the membership is supposed to give you priority seat selection over the general sale. But the fact is that for Cup games, until general sale, all of the season ticket holders seats are reserved. So for the 4 days that members get to purchase tickets before general sale, the seats which belong to season ticket holders who don't intend on going, are still not available. This means the number of seats available to members to choose from is very small. As soon as general sale hits there is much more choice of seat due to all the ST holders who have decided not to take up their seat. I have waited till general sale every time I have bought a ticket this season and got much better choice of where to sit.
  2. Yeah that's the trouble, my folks have STs int eh Kingsland and it would have been good to get a couple of seats near them. I might look in the Northam though...cheers
  3. I have a membership and can't decide whether to buy a ticket before general sale or wait till general sale opens. I bought a ticket for the Vitesse game on the opening day of the ticket office, and due to the fact that the season ticket seats were already reserved the actual seats available to purchase as a member were very limited. When they went on general sale, and I assume after lots of season ticket holders didn't purchase their seat, there was a lot more choice of where to sit in the stadium. So whilst the membership might enable to purchase the seats before they go on general sale, it is kind of stupid, because there are very few to pick from. I am two minds whether to purchase now or not. I assume this game might be more desirable than the Vitesse one, so maybe there will be more ST holders buyimg their own seat?!
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