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Everything posted by saintds

  1. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2009/9/26/1253981325402/Sulaiman-al-Fahim-Peter-S-001.jpg Ginge?
  2. Morgan is being "toughened", learning to be a bit nastier, as confirmed by Dean Wilkins earlier in the season. When you've got that element to your game there's always a risk of a card or two. I agree with the OP that he needs to stop back chatting and trying to get opponents booked. It's neither big nor clever.
  3. I'm not buying that. The whole squad had the best part of a fortnight with no game due to bad weather. It's a dip in form, not energy levels.
  4. I'm reasonably certain that Scudamore answered this question recently. Basically, why should it be up to the PL to decide how much money an individual or group of individuals has behind them, before they are considered fit and proper? If so, what would be the minimum wealth they are bringing to the table? I'll try and find the interview... Edit: Here you go: http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/scudamore-hits-back-at-portsmouth-1870971.html
  5. I think it's also important to try and retain some sort of perspective following (very) recent developments. The "excitement" of the Skates' imminent demise should be weighed against the fact we may not have a derby game to look forward to in future seasons. Sure, let them suffer, but let's not wish the worst on them, eh?
  6. Agreed. Their sites do make for bloody good reading though!
  7. BBC Sport ticker:
  8. http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_5859770,00.html
  9. "We have absolutely not been charged with treason. However, we will fight this charge of treason all the way. Even though we haven't been charged with treason. M'lud."
  10. Looks like David James is on his way out... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/article6987234.ece
  11. Lolz. Congrats to the OP for funniest thread of the decade! Not sure he/she realises the pure comedy value or maybe it's just me. 8 posts long & I can't stop giggling!
  12. Here's another view point: http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,13320_5843604,00.html
  13. I've raised this exact point on another thread, when comparing our position with, say Arsenal. Wenger is against spending big on players, perhaps at the cost of silverware in recent seasons. However, I think his stance is admirable as it is in th best interests of the club over the long term, especially with a mortgage of £300-odd million sat over them. That said, the current squad there wouldn't be incapable of going on and winning something given the relative weakness of the other "big four" teams this season. However, Arsenal will always be there or thereabouts in terms of a top-four placing each season, and that has to be their minimum aim. He is capable of brining the youngsters through to do that, hence no requirement for massive transfer spend. Whereas for Saints, we need to be out of L1 as quickly as possible and a group of youngsters ain't gonna work. It will be interesting to see the first set of accounts under the ML/NC era. It's clear that our gate receipts aren't sufficient to cover the outlay so far, let alone additional signings and the accounts (if there are any?) should show how ML has put the money in. Point to note, Abramovich recently agreed to convert the interest free loans to equity, hence why Chelsea was able to claim that it is now effectively debt-free.
  14. Thanks for this Tractor_saint. Got this in iTunes now but can't get it to appear in my ringtones list, after following some instructions I found in Google. Any other iPhone owners had problems with this?
  15. PFA warn Skates over future wage payments
  16. Anonymous player blasts Skate management
  17. I'd say our form in December was more down to the standard of opposition - Leeds, Norwich, Colchester, all teams in the play off zone and more capable of countering our game plan. Lambert didn't do well against any of these teams. OK, we beat Norwich, but we were still poor on the night. Tiredness may well have been a factor for certain players, but lets hope that can be resolved by bringing some more quality into the squad.
  18. And no details of where the funds originated in order to pay the playing staff. This absolutely stinks, and not just of fish.
  19. I raised this in an earlier post. The first set of accounts will be interesting, assuming we get to see the numbers going forward. Personally, I don't think that ML is the spend, spend, spend type and he and NC want to make SFC as self sufficient as possible. But as NC has said before, "funds are available".
  20. True, but the fixture will now have to be rearranged as a mid-week game in what is turning into a very busy season. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4837555.Saints_heading_for_record_number_of_games/ I know, it's the Echo, so hardly insightful journalism. Also, I'm sure I read elsewhere this morning that despite not having under soil heating, SMS does in fact have the pipework in place. Anyone know anything of this?
  21. There is if the embargo isn't lifted. My understanding is that they can't register new players, even loans, until the current situation is reversed.
  22. I've also got a feeling that Chelsea and CSKA was an issue for Abramovich.
  23. Very odd post. Let's ignore for a second the matter of Saints & Skates combining in a peaceful and harmonious manner. Before you even get to that stage, there's the issue of ML owning two league clubs. I'm reasonably certain there are "conflict of interest" issues that would be difficult to address. Are there any FIFA, FA or FL rules on this? Edit: David in Sweden is quicker and cleverer.
  24. "I'll invest £50m, but I only want £28m back". Isn't there a technical term for that sort of behaviour (allegedly)?
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