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Everything posted by egreog

  1. Saints 1 -2 Watford
  2. No.be lucky to get 2 wins from any 10 games!!
  3. The worry is that the percentage is going to drop further with mediocre results and the credit crunch
  4. Lot just got bored with the product on offer and voted with their feet......trouble is with such an inconsistent team it will take a lot to get even a few of them back.....I fear the bankers will deal Saints a mortal blow before long on gates of 13k to 14k.......the whole thing is unsustainable, especially after the last week!!.........more people are tightening belts, fans, sponsors and more alarmingly those funding the borrowings
  5. Most people have accepted there is no other option....... no plan B.......no choice.........other than watch the whole thing self destruct and hope after the angst of administration that there are some embers of a club worth building on.........its sad but I genuinely expect a defeat every week and the odd win just tends to stave of the inevitable........as it stands there is no chance this club can get to play off level.......staying in the Championsip is the goal, but frankly with home gates of about 13,000 beckoning I fear the bankers may well pull the plug sooner rather than later
  6. To many , like myself, it merely serves to reinforce the thought that there is no value in going back yet........I'm sure thousands of others are saying the same thing......not only that but several of those playing yesterday seemed to not give a stuff whether they were playing for Saints as long as they pick up their wages........... well , at least it won't be my money paying them .
  7. Saints have the uncanny ability to make the most average side seem like champions league contenders!!.......no doubt many Coventry supporters will see another false dawn after this result......no not be fooled, the next workmanlike side will bring them back down to earth with a bang............ ............... I rarely attend SMS like many thousands of others who are disillusioned either with football itself or the manner in which Saints exist, but I do recall the opening game of last season when they managed to make Crystal Palace appear like world beaters too! Little has changed........personnel, yes......... but the sum of all the effort..........no.......exactly the same........will be a long time before I want to put my hand in my pocket for that lot!!
  8. Oh dear!!.........now I KNOW i'm doing the right thing not paying to watch that drivel!!
  9. Glad I'm not watching......watched a bit of first half and thought.........how did they win 2 games?.....lol
  10. Saints 1 - 3 Coventry
  11. I think a level of consistency ( rare for Saints) is what will bring people back.......to be honest I was going to come back having been told of the Derby performance and standard of football improved............but then watching the Blackpool debacle made me think......."I don't want to watch such poor football"............now Saints are on a 2 match winning "streak" I am looking and thinking......"another false dawn"......... ........Saturday on TV will tell..........and will have effect on future attendances.........another weak performance like Blackpool and I think about 13,000 at next game!!
  12. I'm borderline then......just disillusioned with the whole thing........not just Saints
  13. Can't go........but rough looking nite.........less than 15k
  14. Saints always flatter to deceive...........Saints 0 - 2 Norwich
  15. Then we will be back to square one............ next game will not be a win........never is!!
  16. Times are hard, but I really am not sure its the cost the has driven people away.........the cost could be cut but frankly I don't think it would make any difference.......even if it was £1 i still wouldn't make the effort to watch the present drivel .......bottom line, there needs to be be a two way relationship and at present my love is conditional on performance, and I don't feel its happening........
  17. He is overrated and underperforming.....best rid of for good!
  18. Doncaster 3-0 Saints......Saints won't be "up for it".........they allegedly were up for it on Tuesday according to the OS patsy.......I fear this slope is more slippery than previous ones!!...........could be wrong, but if they win, will it be another false dawn?........think I know the answer!!
  19. Course its important to win but it won't happen......or will it?....... Saints are masters at winning when least expected and losing when expected to win......however, I think the reality has kicked in that they are not even capable of that rare feat nowadays......... 2-0 to Doncaster and more angst, knashing of teeth and general malaise , with no plan B and headless chickens wandering around Staplewood on Monday morning. Its bloody grim!!............or am I over reacting??
  20. If that was "giving it their all" then we really are in deep trouble !!
  21. The club is on a very slippery slope aty present and its hard to see any short term answer......think everyone is going to have to swallow the bitter pill of another relegation and inevitable administration......... only then will there possibly be a buyout of any sort............why bales us out now when you only need to wait a few months for the inevitable?
  22. Saturday will be yet another disaster and nail in the coffin of this club...........sad but true, the whole thing has rotted away for years now, and I don't think I've seen such a shambolic club...........the crowds will dwindle away and the club will drift along the bottom of whatever leafue they find themselves in............It is a truly shocking scenario that fans face............but it does make you realise that there is a lot more in life than football........and does it really matter in the overall picture anyway!!??
  23. Football in general is on a slippery slope I think......... just Saints is more slippery!!.........I have lost interest to a large degree.......not sure why!!
  24. no........no.......no
  25. There is no option but to carry on as is.......but there is also no way the paying public will shell out every fortnight to be bored........more and more will drift away if a 0 - 0 draw against Barnsley is the sum of the effort.........its all right some die hard supporters castigating the posters who are now staying away, but its the inevitable result of market forces..........winning breeds bigger crowds.........losing forces them to spend their money elsewhere..........at the moment those who stay away are saying......." Thank goodness I didn't bother going there today!!".............until they think they are missing entertaining football, the crowd will continue to dwindle...........not good!!
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