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Everything posted by egreog

  1. egreog

    Dave Jones

    Dave Jones was a thoroughly decent guy in my view and would always be welcome back as manager under a new regime.......he always got a good reception at SMS and I think many fans like me are slightly embarrassed about the circumstances of his departure, though at the time it was a tough decision for anyone
  2. Even at this late hour in the saga there is no humble pie on the table, not even in the oven!.........I fear there may be many twists and turns before this buyout comes to fruition and I just hope that whoever wins (assuming someone will actually buy the club).......has been doing some serious ground work behind the scenes to get the whole thing up and running quickly......I fear all this procrastination is having a damaging effect on the chances of doing anything next season.......maybe I'm worrying too much but the longer it strings out the less positive I am of a really good outcome
  3. My guess weeks ago that this would go right to the wire look to be right............however I cannot feel any confidence that a deal will now be done and the whole thing may collapse very soon..........so sad , but yet so predictable
  4. Just take the -10 pts and move on..........its only 3 wins and a draw and in the overall picture of things is hardly a deal breaker...........like many I think it may well be a way out!
  5. Road to Nowhere......can't recall who by, but this just keeps drifting along!
  6. I vaguely remember John McGrath conceding a penalty and being sent off in the 70's away against Coventry.......it was a classic McGrath "scything" lunge, albeit slightly mistimed, but a classic nonetheless
  7. Around mid November with a fair wind!.....notoriously slow starters......why should it be any different in this league?..........much depends on who is manager?.....what players are left......?........impossible to predict but could be earlier if a fresh wave of optimism rolls through the club........otherwise it could be a long hard slog
  8. Somehow please just get rid of him off the wage bill..........he is over rated and underperforms.......he thought going to Bolton would catapult him back to the Premier League where he misguidedly thought he belonged.......well that was a waste of time and Watford was only a partial success whereby they realised that he wasn't worth the money............he is exactly the type of player Saints do not need around the place and I only pray some equally misguided desperate Championship manager will take him on to appease some baying supporters!............fingers crossed!
  9. Misplaced optimism in my view.......with minus 10 points, just staying in the league will be a good result.......just because there are new owners, things won't be wonderful overnight.........difficult season in my view!
  10. As with Rasiak, get rid........ sooner the better
  11. Good to hear Rasiak is off....vastly overpaid for what little he does......has tried elsewhere and not cut it either.......I would bet that wherever he ends up he will find himself warming the bench at best!
  12. If they don't want to be part of the renaissance then get rid........the club needs players who WANT to be there and play in Championship with Saints.....
  13. Has he gone yet?........he may succeed under new management.......... somehow I doubt it............best rid of
  14. Snap their hands off, let him go if he is not committed , and move on!......can use that money to find 2 half decent strikers who can take a penalty with a degree of competence, can actually kick a ball adequately, and also look as if they want to be on the pitch!!
  15. egreog


    Totally agree......there is no way they will continue with many of the present losers.........it will be a new start and there will be a potential new manager in the wings without a doubt
  16. The enthusiasm is great, but much still needs to be done I would imagine before this is a done deal.......everyone will just need to keep fingers crossed that it all works out
  17. £1 million for Surman is a fantastic offer for a very average player...... take it....please!
  18. would have made sod all difference to the losers that call themselves players.........it had to happen sooner or later due to their appalling displays !!
  19. There may not be a pre season!
  20. Stand by for another deadline extension............will believe this when I see it !!.......hope for the best but increasingly preparing for the worst
  21. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst........only way with Saints........
  22. Indeed, more of a half hearted meander would be more appropriate!!
  23. Completely bananas idea!!.....MLT is a legend as a player...... he is NOT a manager!!
  24. The rumours have descended into farce........nothing will happen till the fat lady clears her throat........ie hours if not minutes before a deadline.......could be weeks yet!
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