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Everything posted by egreog
Glad he's gone....... another over rated under performer.........can't imagine he will get a game anywhere very often!!
Frankly.......who cares?........onwards and upwards!!
God no.......... nightmare!!
Give him a chance under new management and he will either blossom or not........great if he does.......if not ship him out
This was the inevitable result of being the in situ manager as a major takeover occurs........... whatever your opinions of the man in terms of his football management and coaching skills, he has, throughout behaved with politeness, honour and dignity........and the world of football, and society in general would benefit by having more people who behave in this manner........I wish him well
This sort of story just keeps the pot boiling.......bet it doesn't happen today! lol
It will all be resolved one way or another in the next few days .........people need to be patient and let the man do his job........once someone takes over everyone will praise him for doing a great job..........impossible to please everyone!
Much more tyre kicking I would think.........thats about all it is!
Could still be weeks away.........oh well!
No change with rasiak then!!
Absolutely correct!........especially as one is costing a lot of money for sod all!
He owes us big time.........£8000pw for what?.......virtually non event so far.........if worth keeping he should renegotiate the whole thing, but in today's money oriented world I guess thats just a dream...........best just let him go asap and put it down to another poor signing with all the others that have conrtibuted to Saints being where they are today
Bet there is nothing new today , tomorrow or Monday........not quite sure what the definition of "rapidly" is when it comes to Saints...........seems the usual shambolic tyrekicking that will come to nothing as usual!
Expect the worst........it will probably happen....but anything else would be a major bonus!!
And guess what?.........sod all will come of it just like all the other tyre kickers that have wasted everyones time and dashed any semblance of hope!!
Overall too lightweight and regular underperformer.......he MAY come good elsewhere as most of Saints underperformers in the past few years have done at their new clubs........its called motivational management.......something sadly lacking at SMS since Strachan's days
Won't have any staff or players left either!!.....lol
He is/was simply awful..........there is a silver lining as the heading suggests!!
Frankly I would consider it all p*** and wind........there has been so much sensationalism in the past few weeks and total tyrekickers who have sought their moments of notoriety on the back of this crisis.........this is probably just another hopeless thread that will come to zilch......just like the rest of them!
Evens at best.......time is short......the possible points penalties make it less and less attractive........certainly wouldn't put money on it all working out well
Farcical ......just farcical........but it is Saints after all!
Totally agree that this whole sags seems very poorly dealt with all round.........but hey, its Saints, so it should be no surprise to anyone that it all fell apart!
Possibly the day the whole thing collapses........I agree!.........sad but I wouldn't hold out for anything positive today!!
Looks like its all fizzled out and oblivion beckons........oh well!