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Avon Beach

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Everything posted by Avon Beach

  1. Reading what everyone's been saying, I think we can agree on one thing - we need more songs. Lack of chant variety may not be the only reason our vocal support has been average over the last few seasons, but it's definitely playing a part. And arguably it's the easiest thing to sort out.. we just need more people helping to start new songs. We have our 'anthem' (like Liverpool have YNWA and Hammers have Blowing Bubbles). But we need some other songs that are only sung by us. I think originality is key. After hearing a quiet yet promising rendition of the woolston ferry I was delighted. I tried to kick it off with a few mates against Norwich but to no avail. Those are the kind of songs we should be singing. And if only we could sing radio gaga for Mané... would be brilliant. I don't know why we can never get it properly going.
  2. But those 1% earning a huge amount happen to be made up of all the big bosses and CEOs of the country... and they are the ones creating wealth & jobs for the rest of us. And incidentally, they are the busiest people in the country.
  3. The thing is, inequality doesn't really mean much on its own. I'd rather we have most people in the country earning around £20 k, and some earning £100 k... than we all be equal and equally starving to death like the Russians were under Stalin. Theoretically, if we redistributed all wages equally, everyone would earn £27 k (the average uk wage). But it is only fair that extremely skilled jobs such as surgeons, or aircraft pilots for example, end up earning more than the average shopworker or receptionist or something.
  4. What's that coming over the hill, is it Mané Sadio Manééé To the tune of Monster by the Automatic
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