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The Pope

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Everything posted by The Pope

  1. Thankyou sir, you were our saviour. We exist because of your actions. You will forever be a Saint. Sincere condolences to your family at this difficult time. God bless.
  2. Do I take it 19C, that you are the illegitimate son of Mother Teresa and Ghandi and have the absolute right to sit in judgement of others and my nephews in particular. Why is it that you feel you have to bless us all with your views of the world. Most of us are not interested in what you think, but I feel that you have again achieved your aim which seems to be the constant winding up of all and sundry. I for one choose to ignore you in the future.
  3. I meant Alan Pardew Surely?
  4. You meant Alan Pardue Surely?
  5. I would like to add my heartfelt thanks to Mr Wotte for his efforts, hardwork, dignity, professionalism and loyalty through what has been the most difficult of circumstances in the history of this great club. To keep praising young players who were so obviously out of their depth, trying to inspire them to achieve the impossible when both of your hands have been tied behind your back by the ineptitude of the directors, is a position that none of us would envy. I wish you every success in your next appointment, your loyalty will be an asset to any future employer and the fans will be able to see for themselves that you are indeed a man of honour. My sincere best wishes and good luck.
  6. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4482287.EXCLUSIVE__Davis_staying_at_Saints/ If what is posted here on the Echo website is true, then surely it must go to Kelvin Davis?
  7. Fantastic news!!! Thank you Sir, you have rescued a fine club and I'm sure there are thousands of us who will be there at your 1st game who'll make your ears bleed with the roar of thanks!!! COYR!!
  8. That's not going to happen yet!
  9. We have to assume that the guy who was charged with finding a buyer, carrying out due diligence and entering into an exclusivity period did in fact see proof of funds, just as you would expect MLT to have seen proof of funds. What I am saying is that we have to trust the judgement of MLT and be patient. I ask again, would any of us have spent over a million on "tyre kicking"?
  10. I think we have to assume that MLT is no fool and would have checked as far as was possible before giving his name to this bid. If this goes t*ts up, MLT looses a fair amount of credibility and respect.
  11. As can be seen, I don't post very often but like many others have visited this site many, many times a day over the past few months. We have a legend in MLT who has ALWAYS had the good of the club at heart, who has stepped up to the line and is prepared to put his good name and reputation behind this bid. Do some of you really believe that he would risk that good name and reputation on some far fetched bid from a "tyre kicker" and a "mummies boy"? For f**ks sake have some patience people and stop the wild conspiracy theories and hype which are now becoming common place here on these pages. If it's going to happen, it will. NOTHING anyone of us does can affect that. Tony's message stated that he was going to do something about the wage situation and try to ensure the staff are paid. Give the bloke a chance! Would any of us have stumped up in excess of a million quid if we weren't serious about buying the club?
  12. Thankyou good sir!
  13. Well, that's that then ...Utterly speechless!
  14. Speechless!
  15. Don't let me read any more rubbish about getting behind the lads because I'm sick of watching them, sick of listening to them and sick of looking for the final score. The team that I love and have supported all my life (over fifty years) is going to the dogs. When are we going to get something to put the smile back on our faces? How much longer do we have to put up with this rubbish? At this rate, next year I'll be able to walk up the road and watch the local derby at Bournemouth, because to be honest I have more faith that Bournemouth will survive than I do my beloved Saints!
  16. Just been on the BBC website, this has to be the quote of the season... Southampton coach Jan Poortvliet: "Maybe it was because we were on television and the pressure affected the players". Dear oh dear oh dear!
  17. Thanks for that! 50 years old, supported the club all my life and basically it's my fault and the fault of all the other life-long supporters who want better for their club than the position we now find ourselves in. If only you had pointed this out weeks ago, I for one would have stopped supporting the Saints in the absolute hope that it would all turn around for the club I love. So everyone, if you'll accept my sincere apologies for the current state SFC are in and the fact that I've forced Championship football and an ever-increasing list of false dawns and horizons upon you all, I'll immediately start looking for something tall to leap off. P.S. If next week the manager once again states that he's really proud of his boys but that we were unlucky not to win, it won't be my fault...O.K?
  18. "should've got a point", "ref didn't help our cause", "deserved a better result than this"... Whilst I fully understand the we need to keep upbeat about it and for fear of stating the bl**dy obvious, losing ain't good enough! Is there anyone else out there who like me are beside themselves at the current state and position of the club we love or am I just being too pessimistic? I'm sick of seeing my beloved team at the wrong end of the Championship and seeing the same old lines being spouted by management week after week about how well we played and how it's all going to come good. For f*cks sake stop telling me how good you all are and show me and all of the other long-suffering fans how good you are! (and if you could do it until the end of the season too, we'll all be well happy!)
  19. I've been watching and supporting this team nearly all of my life. At the age of 50, surely I deserve to see better than my beloved Southampton festering at the bottom of the Championship? At this rate, the next local derby game will be against Bournemouth. Where is the consistancy, the drive, the passion? Come on Saints, give back something to the supporters... please.
  20. Complete, absolute and utter rubbish! Walked out last week and turned off this week. Think i'll start watching bashley.
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