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Everything posted by tommi

  1. Dramatic over reaction as usual then? Yeah we didn't play particularly well but if we took the 3 or 4 decent chances in the 20 or so second half minutes we dominated everyone would be talking about the play offs again.... We are still creating, the lads are looking more organised and with a bit of consistency and a little bit of luck we'll be fine.
  2. You really are a clueless ****. When a club goes into administration more often than not (approx 70% I believe) are sold by the administrators back to the incumbent chairman! So, if we go into administration we'll be asset stripped, dead cert relegated, -15 or possibly more points and then quite probably bought back by Lowe for a minimal outlay. So you see, administration is not an option. We'll not if you truly are a 'Southampton fan'.
  3. You're deluded mate, you either love Lowe and are in his pocket or you blame him for everythng that is wrong with the world today. There's no middle ground or room for reasonable debate/opinion on this i'm afraid... ;-) This board is officially full of absolutely clueless sheep (******s) Bring back the good old days on the saintslist and even saintsforever in it's early years. FFS people, wake up to the reality of the situation we are in, please.
  4. Rain would certainly make it interesting............! Strategy also looks interesting, what price Hamilton and Kimi stopping earlyish????
  5. Champions League football in 2 seasons, 7 trophies and a 65000 seater stadium......... Top post by the way, I agree 100% with everything you have said. Far to sensible to be posting on here.
  6. tommi

    Japanese F1 GP

    There seems to be some kind of witch hunt around Hamilton at the moment - and for the life of me I really can't see why. Yeah, i'm not his biggest fan, but some of the comments in the last few days have been damn near slanderous. The boy is so talented every single team in the pit lane would have him in their car at a moments notice... so some of the comments coming from senior sources in F1 astound me..... ...for that fact, I hope Lewis wins the Championship and shoves the comments back down their throats!
  7. Some interesting comments on here.... I hope you guys have filled in the fans survey? http://www.ingf1racingmagazinefansurvey.com/
  8. Yeah he does have a point but does it require starting many new threads, all saying the same thing?? The extreme reactions when we win or lose on here make me laugh, it's one extreme or another, no happy medium...!
  9. Really? thanks! I think you need to learn how to spell, read and write however that's not the point here........below is a little bit of text to help you clarify your opening statement: A little bit straight from the horse's mouth (not comparable) Positive straight from the horse's mouth Comparative not comparable Superlative none (absolute) (idiomatic) Directly from the source; firsthand Normally i'm not nearly this pedantic but your idiotic reponses deserve a reply. Sorry If it seems that i'm picking on you, I'm not; over the last 18 months users on this board have been hanging on every word of posts by people like you, only to end up dissapointed.
  10. erm, read your 1st post, it's there in black and white. oh and by the way, I don't remember branding anything you have posted as nonsense, users are more than able to come to their own conclusions. (just read all the posts in this thread!) One last thing - thanks, I do feel honoured.... xxx
  11. No Shearer in the photo?? I thought you said you heard it straight from the horses mouth?? :-)
  12. Yes they do. Yes it does.
  13. Why do you have to be looking forward to a fantastic season under Lowe and Wilde? Why can you not be looking forward to a fantastic season, watching young, home grown players who are passionate about our club?? If only some of the fans were as passionate about supporting our teams as they are supporting their personal vendettas with Mr Lowe and Mr Wilde........ With regards to your south point - with a statement like that, your very very strong friends are obviously not that strong then. Thanks for the clarification though, enjoy your season.
  14. Talk is cheap (as we have seen before many, many times) please pass on this message - either put up or shut up and stop trying to derail the club at every turn.... Did anyone else notice how nicely pre-season was going, how settled the club seemed to be (considering the circumstances) and how little information was leaking from the club...suddenly a few days before the season is about to begin and we start to hear whispers of takeovers etc IF these very very strong people are in anyway behinid this i'm not entirely sure they have the clubs best interests at heart. All IMHO
  15. My thoughts exactly - I just had £10 at 55/1....
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