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Everything posted by tommi

  1. Finally, thank you - I happily (along with nickn) pointed this out months ago, only to be shot down by the resident insolvency experts.
  2. tommi

    Cortese V Lowe

    I think you have hit the nail on the head - football is all about opinions, it seems chairmen, players, managers et al are included in this now. I'd disagree that the honeymoon is over though and I also disagree that he is only here for a bonus. You don't move your family to foreign country on a whim or leave an extremely well paid job as a banker to have a go at being a football chairman. Time will tell, I think we need to cut him some slack for a while longer. People in power have to make decisions that not everyone will like - after all, It's not a popularity contest
  3. tommi

    Cortese V Lowe

    When said Chairman convinced a Swiss billionaire to save our football club from extinction 12 months ago and the embarked on an improvement program to get us back to where we as fans believe we belong (the promised land!) In all seriousness though he is certainly not immune but I think we have to give him some credit and time to prove himself - the same argument for keeping Pardew on I guess?
  4. tommi

    Cortese V Lowe

    Why the witch hunt? Finally we get someone to lead the club, make tough decisions, improve every aspect from playing staff to facilities and you tossers on here are still not happy?? What do you want? Sometimes the attitude of people on here beggar belief. Unhappy when we were borderline going out of business and now unhappy when we enter our most exciting period since the early 80's
  5. Agreed... Neil MCcann ?? Quantity over quality, a fatal mistake
  6. Ormerod ram his fecking arse of for us, fair play to him. Real shame for Dave Jones though, such a top bloke.
  7. The planned solution to me is very much based upon incoming investment. I can't see any other way without that it would be sustainable.
  8. Sounds silly I know but if we stay down for one more season, develop and enhance that winning mentality we will be in a better place to challenge in the championship. Next season I fully expect us to turn a number of the draws from this season into wins. With a strong winning mentality who knows where we can go. Look at the number of teams who have completed back to back promotions, with a settled squad, another year of development I think it's possible..
  9. Strangely mate after being here a week already I just want to get home for the weekend to see the kids (and wife!) Vegas is great to share with someone but not so much fun on your own (and working) :-)
  10. I'm stuck in Vegas, supposed to be flying home this afternoon. No fun at all. A sensible decision though, I'd rather a couple of days delay than a tragedy of some sort.
  11. I couldn't have put it better myself. Bang on.
  12. Sorry the topic of this thread is so sad but I cannot stop laughing at it. Pure TSW tragedy, seriousness, desperation and comedy all rolled into one. Stu, Dune and Denzil - you crack me up. How people on here have the audacity to take you seriously is beyond me. Keep up the good work!
  13. Fonte was fantastic, Harding did very well at right back. Not a good performance but 4-1 and we never got out of second gear. We'll need a few wins like that away on Tuesday night next season if we are to go up as Champions :-) Great day out though even if it is a Mickey Mouse cup!! COYRssss
  14. Top man, a lovely gesture - I'm tempted to bid for the ticket even though I have mine already!
  15. They did and then they allowed the double diffuser which negated all of the work the overtaking group did....! Typical F1
  16. Top post, agree 100% The minority are proven correct again.
  17. I'm with Nick all the way here, if they are not liquidated then they have 'got away with it' -9, relegation, a few years in the championship and possibly lower it's nothing to them, a drop in the ocean with all things considered. PFC should not exist in it's current guise but as far as I can see they will be playing at Wembley in the next few weeks, continue to fullfill thier premier league fixtures and continue to exist going forwards. I'd say they have more than got away with it. Perhaps it's you who needs to get a 'kin grip?
  18. Enjoyed Saturday, gutted I didn't make more of an effort to get there tonight. Well done lads, amazing what playing your best players in a settled side can achieve!
  19. This thread has restored my faith in the board!! With some of the recent posts about performances and players I was beginning to wonder if anyone had ever seen proper football before, let alone played it. Now though, I can sit happily behind my computer, content in the knowledge that at least a dozen of my fellow Innernet friends know something about the beautiful game! Thank you one and all (you know who you are!)
  20. The boy is class and was outstanding again today.
  21. Lol, no, I don't think so. I was asking a genuine question. Sorry, but from where I'm sitting, Pompey will still be playing at the weekend, and 99.9% sure they will still be playing and fulfilling their Premiership fixtures until the end of the season. I'd love to be proven wrong, but on this occasion I think I will allow common sense to prevail. Nothing in the world of business is black and white, if it were, Pompey would have been liquidated 2 or 3 weeks ago. Instead, they have the support of the premier league, FIFA, some extremely dodgy administration laws and probably some of the best financial/legal brains in the land. Money talks. Even when you don't have any. We live in the real world.
  22. Glad to see all the experts are still on this thread telling us what's going to happen to the Skates. Has anyone got anything right yet?? Have they gone bust, are they liquidated? hahaha, not a chance... :-)
  23. John Terry is a ****. Bridgey now misses out on ever young footballers dream to represent his country at the world cup because of his 'best mate' ****ging his Mrs. **** off Terry you dirty ****.
  24. Bad pitch, my arse. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. No more excuses.
  25. I have been very critical over the last few weeks but today, we were fantastic and I'm very proud to be a saint again! Once all the dust settles, Pompey players, staff and fans alike know they were second best for 70 minutes today. If we can play like this every week until the end of the season, the playoffs are reachable. Hey, and we're still goi g to Wembley!!! COYR
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