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Mr Dad

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Everything posted by Mr Dad

  1. Agree Batman! He was my MOM contender but it cost me as my son predicted FF so I lost the bet.
  2. Have you all seen Sadio's interview? Some have said that he struggles a little bit with English but he came across very well. Very humble and rates the team more than himself and a good word about the fans. What a nice guy!
  3. I've now got Sky Fibre broadband 40Mbps and a Raspberry Pi running XBMC. I paid approx £3 on SportsnationHd for a one day pass and it was absolutely perfect.
  4. Have Saints fas been buying any of his products? I'm tempted by the helmet cams for bicycles. Is his stuff as good as the competition?
  5. I would contact them first and explain that you are over from New York. Sometimes, they sell out of popular letters/numbers so its best to warn them so they keep yours in reserve.
  6. Art recommended this company a while ago. He said it was good: http://www.windowspremiumkey.com/
  7. mcjwills - thanks for suggestion. I'll try overclocking when I next watch a stream
  8. a) It was carp b) I couldn't understand a word the announcer was saying c) A free Garmin satnav to a random season ticket holder would be better publicity for Garmin d) Get a better PA system. Arsenal's is good. Get one of those!
  9. That is truly an amazing photo! I was at the game and I don't understand how you catured a photo like that! Respect!!! Anyway, what a great game. If I were a gambling man, I would have get on us to get slaughtered But that was a fantastic effort. We werewithout many of our main players. JWP and Harison Reed were not boys in our team. They were men! I'm very happy with our prospects in the future with JWP and HR!!
  10. LS I just tried sportsnationhd on my TV. I clicked on internet icon, typed in the sportsnation URL http://sportsnationhd.tv/ There's no live streams playing right now but I went to on demand/football and selected the saints/ManU link. Its now playing! I scrolled down and pressed the small full screen icon at the bottom and it looks OK actually! The game is playing in full screen on my 60inch LG and its very watchable. I don't know how that method would work on a real live stream but its worth a try. A one day subscription to sports nation is $4 (£2.63) so it might be worth a punt for you. There are no free streams playing right now. Even if there were, you still have to set up an account on sportsnation. Its probably easier to subscribe on your PC as typing is much easier. But type in the same username/password on the TV and you should see the menus. Make sure that if you are logging in twice (TV and PC) that both devices are on the same home network. For example, if you log on from your mobile phone and on your TV, you will probably get banned as you are only allowed to use one ip address. Your phone and home network will have different ip addresses if you use your phones data allowance. I'm going to watch Saints/Sheffield tonight but I'll probably use the raspberry pi. If it fails on your TV, you can always watch it on your PC. I don't know whats been upgraded (LGTV or sportsnationhd) but when I tried the same thing a while back, it didn't work. Thats why I started this thread. I think its worth trying. Oh, if you have a slow connection, tell any children, husband, wife etc not to use the internet while you are watching the game. If you have sky fibre, bt infinity etc you should be OK BTW, after approx 20 mins, my TV web browser crashed. A grumpy face was shown on a black screen. I had to power off TV and start again with password etc to get the on demand game running again.
  11. My LG TV is older and wouldn't play streams directly. You could try it on yours.. Assuming that the TV is connected to the internet (my TV has a wireless connection to my home router). You could try the TVs web browser goto http://sportsnationhd.tv/ and try the streams on there. There is sometimes a free wrestling stream playing which you could try.
  12. Thanks Tractor and everyone else who threw in help/suggestions. I'm now running a Raspberry Pi on SportsNation HD and I'm very happy with it. My son has learnt quite a bit about real computing and the sort of thing a real programmer might do. Here's a link to SNHD if you need one... http://sportsnationhd.tv/ I go to all home games so I just get the one day or one week subscription when aways are on. It saves a lot of hassle searching for unrelaible free streams with dodgy popups. EG I watched Burnley/Saints for £2.63. Shame about the result though. Here are the notes I took as I was building the RPi. Its not a crystal clear step-by-step guide but it might help someone. On pc install extraputty http://www.extraputty.com/download.php on pc install Vnc viewer http://www.realvnc.com/download/viewer/ Set router to assign fixed, easy to remember ip address to RP eg Plug NOOB micro sd card into RP board. Put feet on case Put RP in case On RP, plugin mouse, keyboard, hdmi TV, wifi adapter Plugin power supply Select RaspianBMC option Wait a few minutes for install to complete Goto programs raspberry pi settings Change network mode to wireless Scan networks and select your home wireless network Enter wifi key and click OK RP will reboot a few times and install updates – takes approx. 10 minutes Run putty on RP ip address Select locale en GB utf-8 utf-8 To run VNC (its very slow) Unplug hdmi connector otherwise its very very slow Or in system settings, set video resolution to 720x480p Run putty on RP ip address Reboot Run putty on RP ip address Service vnc start Start vnc viewer on RP ip address:5900 I had limited success with vnc viewer but I’m sure I could have got it working if I had persisted. wget http://sportsnationhd.tv/plugin.video.sportsnationhdtv1.4b.zip On RPi, go to video/addons/install from zipfile/home folder Improve wireless connection eg.. On wireless router set ‘n’ only On wireless router, kick everybody off except the Rpi Move RPi so it has best line of sight view of the wireless router To find mac address of WiPi, use putty to ssh into the RPi (user pi, password raspberry) and type ifconfig or iwconfig. You might need to add the interface name of the wipi eg wlan0 My internet connection is 6mbits/sec which sometimes struggles on an HD feed but is usually watchable
  13. Thats a bloody good spec Blakey! I could slag it off but that would only be out of jealousy! I'm trying to think what I could say against it but I can't think of anything. I'd be very happy with one of those.
  14. Hi Tractor_Saint I tried PM but it said you weren't accepting PMs. I tried email via the Saints Web interface but I don't know if it got to you. I now have my RPi and its just a matter of finding time to set it up. I'm going to try my best to get Serviio etc set up myself but if I get really stuck, I might contact you on here. Batman... TS says it works really well. When I set my RP up, I'm going to write down everything I did so it might be useful to others on here.
  15. Thanks Tractor_Saint! That was my first thought. I did have Serviio running on PC but I couldn't find anything on the LG 60LA740V wich showed any signs of showing live streams. The SmartShare app was able to 'see' my PC and display photos etc but I couldn't see any evidence of being able to connect to a web page showing live streams. The TV manual does say it supports DNLA. http://www.lg.com/uk/tvs/lg-60LA740V/technical-specifications Cheers! BTW. It seems off topic here but what a great win Shane Long gave us today and Victor was as solid as a rock!
  16. Done! There's about ten votes to make and most of them I just guessed! The important vote is Morgan though. I wish I'd voted for Henry Winter but maybe I did as I can't remember my random guesses.
  17. I've got my RP ordered. I'm looking forward to trying all the things hutch and others have suggested. I'm an embedded linux software programmer by profession so it should be straightforward for me. I'm also looking forward to introducing my sons to the RP as it will expose them to real computing where you have to do stuff yourself rather than just looking stuff up on google and coresponding with friends vi facebook etc. I think there is an easier way to backup the RP SDHC card. Yes, I will probably do the same as hutch but that might not suit everybody. If you remove the card from the PR, you can back it up to a file on your windows PC eg using tools such as win32disk imager. You have to shut down the RP, remove the card, plug the card into your windows PC and back it up there. Then if everything goes belly up on on the PR, you can restore the card from your PC. You must remember to take regular backups then you can restore the card to an image when it was last working. See the following link for example... http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=239331 The only downside is that you have to shut down the RP and swap the card back and forth between the RP/PC but that might not be a problem for most people who will probably switch off the RPi when they are not using it anyway. Thanks to hutch for getting involved in this thread as he has given people (including me) a few ideas they might not have thought of. The thread has diverted a little from my original intention but thats turned out to be a good thing. It turns out that the easiest way for me to show streamed sports on my TV would have been to buy a 10 meter HDMI cable as I have since discovered that my PC has an HDMI out port! I could connect the non-jittering video from my PC directly to the TV. However, hutch's idea is a lot more intersting AND my sons will learn alot from the project. So, Leicester tomorrow at home which we will see at St Mary's then a break for 2 weeks That'll give me plenty of time to get things sorted for the Aston Villa away game. I'm going to wrie everthing I do in a document in case its useful for others on this board but I can't see a way of posting documents on here. Best regardsto all!
  18. Here's the link http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/raspberry-pi-model-b-512-mb-mainboard-n52dv I'm going to try one of these as its a kit with everything in for a good price.. http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=SC13488 plus a wifi dongle as its inconvenient to trail a network cable across to the TV. Hutch says that once the wifi device is registered, you can control the device remotely with SSH/telnet etc. http://cpc.farnell.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?sku=SC12761
  19. Retro gaming!!! - Now you have got me interested Hutch! I think a Raspberry Pi is essential for my children's education so I'll get one. There's an XBMC add-on downloadable from sportsnationHD site. I suspect that you place it in the correct place in the directory structure and maybe modify a config file but I don't know until I try. The download consists of jpg and xml files etc I'll keep a record of exactly what I did to get everything up and running as it might be useful for others on here. There are good tutorials if you use google on how to set up a RP eg http://mymediaexperience.com/raspberry-pi-xbmc-with-raspbmc/ I tried my laptop directly wired to router and it wasn't any better than wirelessly connected. Also, jitter on TV screen is exactly the same as the litter on the laptop screen so I guess that means its the laptop video card that's responsible for the jitter. Jitter isn't nearly so bad on my Desktop PC which does have a good graphics card. I'll be amazed if the Raspberry is any better but its a fun project so I'm not too worried.
  20. RS Components has the new model for £24 http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/processor-microcontroller-development-kits/8111284/ Which distribution are you using Hutch. One of these? http://http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
  21. The laptop is quite a good one Lenovo T440 Windows 7 64 bit 8G RAM Intel Core i5-4300U@1.90GHz 2.5GHz 250GB solid state disk drive According to system properties Thats almost as good as my home desktop PC Home PC is directly connected to router with hard wired cable I expect the graphics card on the PC is much better than on laptop so maybe thats explains the better quality video on PC? Maybe the jitter looks worse because its on 60" TV? I've got a 10m ethernet cable now so I'll try a direct connection to home router in the next couple of days and compare with wireless Thanks for your continuing interest SA!
  22. An update... I tried laptop with Display Port to HDMI adapter then HDMI cable from adapter to spare HDMI input on TV. Laptop was wireless connected to router. It worked fine. A little more jittery than the main PC but maybe that's the wireless connection. I'm going to try a long ethernet cable from laptop to router to eliminate wireless interference and speed problems but even without, the stream is watchable on TV. The good thing is that its all easily cleared up after the match so extra cables are only temporary. Thanks for suggestions! I think I might still try Hutch's Raspberry Pi as a backup though as that sounds a fun project for me to get involved with my sons.
  23. 3 good options there -thanks! I also have a laptop so I could get a display port to HDMI adapter and use SA's suggestion. Google Chromecast - I wasn't aware of that device but it looks interesting CS. Seems straightforward. A Raspberry Pi! You know I have always fancied one of those but I know Mrs D would exercise the matrimonial veto. However, should one of my sons request one for 'educational purposes', I think he'll encounter very little resistance from me. No prizes for guessing what his first project would be. Cheers Hutch, what a good idea. I'd still be interested in solutions which don't involve additional hardware if anyone happens to read this but thanks for the suggestions so far.
  24. Cheers Art! I've just bought my old laptop from work. They gave me a W7 disk which will expire in 1 month and I'll have to get my own key. Your recommendation looks good!
  25. Hi, I hope someone might know the answer to this.... Before I start, let me say that I attend all home games and a few aways. I can't afford to take my 2 boys to ALL away games so we watch some on streams on PC. I was recommended to SportsNationHD on the main forum and its proved to be reliable and reasonable quality. I can watch the stream on our home PC no problem. I'm looking for a way to watch it on our Smart TV, an LG 60LA740V. Logging on to SportsNationHD on the TV web browser doesn't work. I can sign in and see the main web page but when I click on the links for streams, the video doesn't play. Maybe the TV browser is too primative and doesn't have the right codecs? I've done a lot of searching on google but can't seem to find what I need to know. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms? I'm hoping someone here will know as it seems to me to be something people on here would have tried. I've got serviio installed on PC and on the TV, I can use LG Smart Share to view videos etc already stored on the PC. What I am looking for is a way to transfer the live streams I am watching on our PC to the LG TV. Searches on google have been frustrating. I know I could connect a DVI/HDMI cable from PC to TV but its quite a distance and wife doesn't like cables. It would be a 10m cable approx from PC to TV. I have had plenty of hits on how to show PC stored photos/movies etc but that isn't what I want to do. So, I'm watching sportsnationhd on PC. How do I get the live stream to be displayed on the TV. TV - LG 60LA740V PC - Windows 8.1 64 bit, Intel i5 2.5GHz processor, 8GB RAM Cheers
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