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Mr Dad

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Everything posted by Mr Dad

  1. Apologies for this thread. Too many bank holiday beers. Very embarassed now!
  2. I'm very proud about the home support for Southampton FC! Ususaly, we can hear the cheers for a goal at St Marys. Yesterday/today, couldn't hear anything in Shirley for the 'Shake That' concert thing! Well done Northam and the other stands!
  3. I'm verry happy! When manager made those subs I thought 'Why the hell is he taking those players off?'. I guess that's why he's the manager and not me. Great tatical substitutions Ralph!
  4. Thanks for telling us jawillwill! I didn't know about this. Have donatedas much as I can afford. I agree that his efforts have been poorly supported especially by premier league players wbut he never gives up!!! What a graet guy.
  5. I never thought I'd be happy for Chelsea to win (v Cardiff). Not strictly on topic for this thread I know but I have drunk a few beers and I'm sure a few others on here might have had the same disingenuous thought.
  6. Cheers ZB. I eventually got hold of SM admins. You have to joing Mania FB group then an admin helps you. I'm up and running again.
  7. Yes, I tried that ZB but no response. I'll try again. Thanks for your interest.
  8. My sportsmania subscription lapsed for a few days. I renewed using the new credit card 'Shoppy' option. Much easier than bitcoin or so I thought. The payment has been taken. The forum says that to activate the subscription, I need to post in the Shoppy thread saying 'Admin, I have renewed with shoppy, please PM me with my activation details'. The problem is that because I don't have an active subscription, SM has disabled my ability to reply to threads. Chicken and egg situation! Any SM subscribers here that can advize me what to do?
  9. Is sportsmania working for anyone? I haven't tried it for a couple of weeks but it was oK.
  10. Mr Dad

    Nathan Redmond

    Agree 100% here plus a few further good points above. Remember the slating he was getting here last season? Well, he has certainly turned it around. I agree that that he must have taken all criticism on board and done something about it. Exciting play AND he looks a though he is enjoying football again. Makes himself available in attacking places and backs up to help defence. What a change! Cheers Nathan! The rest of them have improved leaps an bounds too.
  11. Thanks for that! I got the new password from your suggested links and followed this to install add-on v4.0.0 http://maniahd.rocks/payments/page/kodiinstallation The instructions are correct even if you ALREADY have add-on installed. Basically, you install it AGAIN. The new add-on has a few of the old features missing/under development such as maintenance tools. I was able to watch football again though. No chance of watching football if you don't reinstall the add-on. I was on a temporary add-on before which didn't automatically upgrade itself. I think the new (4.0.0) should auto-upgrade.
  12. No, not working! I'm trying some of the tips below. But I've already missed the first half! No football working at all!
  13. Agree! Maya is as loyal!!!!! I read his book. There were rumours on this board about Chinese owner not wanting Japanese players but I hope it's not true! He's been our captain and always gives 100%. I don't understand why he is out of favour. He admits occasional f ups in his book but explains in his book how he trains to avoid the same mistakes.
  14. I'm back with Sportsmania again. I dropped it before the end of last season after the unreliability and bitcoin problems. Someone on here, it might have been Batman, said it was working again so I went through the bitcoin pain and resubscribed. For me, its back to its former glory and apart from a couple of 5 second buffering freezes, it's been fine. I've got a 6 month subscription and so far, I'm happy. I've got a Raspberry Pi running Kodi connected to my 60inch TV and although it's not as good as Sky Sports (when Saints is showing) it's definitely watchable and quality/audio are good. Oh, and does anyone know why the streaming thread was closed? That used to be useful!
  15. IP = Internet Protocol (Short for TCP/IP which is transmission control protocol/internet protocol) TV = Television Most people who use the term IPTV probably don't know what it means so you are not alone! Basically, it means that instead of viewing TV programmes by connecting your TV to an aerial, cable or satellite dish etc, you receive the programmes over the internet. In addition to viewing web pages etc etc, its also possible to stream live or recorded programmes (including football matches) over the internet. There are standard ways of doing this and I'm sure you have seen moving video on your PC eg BBC website. There are also non-standard ways to send audio/video over the internet which may require special software or hardware to watch it. IPTV is not just limited to a windows PC. You can buy specialist hardware such as Raspberry Pi, Firestick etc which is aimed mainly at delivering IPTV to your TV set rather than having the whole range of capabilities (keyboard/mouse/hard drive etc). Basically, its watching TV over the internet by connecting to your modem/router etc. Hope that helps
  16. I agree with your analysis. I was expecting BMG to score more but once they were 3 up, there seemed little point in them going for more and they subbed a few players to give them match time but they looked like they couldn't be bothered and sat back. That gave us a chance to attack but yet again, Yoshida looked like the only player capable of scoring but he did miss a good chance. But hey, he's a defender remember? Anyway, I'll be watching in the hope that the 'exciting play' we are promised from MH comes off. I don't want to lose the faith based on this FRIENDLY game.
  17. BMG has this well under control. Would expect to see us concede more goals
  18. Hey, that's a useful reference site! I'm sure that'll be useful during the forthcoming season. Thanks for sharing!
  19. That happened to me once at the end of April. Johnnyboy posted a link from flawless showing that they were having problems with the payment system. The problem soon resolved itself so keep trying. I think it took one day to resolve last time. See streaming thread which is always very helpful. Ah! I see further up the thread that Johnnyboy is already on the case. He's the flawless expert so will be able to help you better than I can.
  20. Clear, professional statement from Crouch. Respect to him!
  21. Belated thanks Sam! I was working away in Amsterdam and the f1livegp stream worked well in my hotel over wifi. Cheers!
  22. Thanks Johnnyboy! I gave up with Flawless after I read your reply. I'm on plan B which is ripple.is on PC - Good so far
  23. I've got a problem with Flawless. I normally buy a 48 hours pass on the flawless hosting website on my Home PC. Then I put the emailed password into Kodi device connected to main TV. Today, the website is not letting me buy a 48-hour pass. Only 'credits' are available for £50 upwards. I've upgraded as Art suggests on the Kodi but I can't buy a pass.
  24. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Unbeatable-Mind-Maya-Yoshida/dp/0008289336/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524853265&sr=8-1&keywords=maya+yoshida Got to be worth a punt for a tenner? I've just ordered one.
  25. Thanks Polaroid! Thats working for me on PC. Anyone else having problems with Flawless?
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