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Mr Dad

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Everything posted by Mr Dad

  1. Sung to the tune of 'A hunting we will go' His name's too long to sing, His name's too long to sing, Alex Oxlade Chamberlin, His name's too long to sing.
  2. Well what an absolutely spiffing signing. I was going to use a load of expletives as thats the way I am feeling about this. Didn't want them blanked out. He's at fit as a butchers dog. He never gives up on a dead ball. If he does give away a ball, he's straight in there trying to win it back. He has a good awareness of where his team mates are and shows intellegence. His quick thinking was demonstrated when he scored that goal on Tuesday. What a bargain! I'm glad he wants to be here because he has the ability to perform above L1 level and thats where we are heading.
  3. Mr Dad

    New Songs

    Do you mean to the tune of 'He plays down the left, He plays down the right'? I'm not sure the AOC line scans that well. Anyway, the long name bit seems a good idea in both of our suggestions. All we need is the Northam Operatic Chorus to try and get one of the songs going.
  4. Mr Dad

    New Songs

    To the tune of 'A hunting we will go' His name's too long to sing His name's too long to sing Alex Oxlade Chamberlin His name's too long to sing I can't remember if I read this here somewhere before. Apologies if I did! Its easy to remember, subtle, ironic quite amusing etc
  5. I can't remember where I heard it, TV or radio but AP was interviewed a week or so back. He said something along the lines of that he wan't panicking yet but after 10 games, you need to have scored a certain number of points to be in contention. He didn't specify that number. Our 10th league game is Bournemouth at home on Sat 2nd October. Lets see where we are after that game. Personally, I don't want to see him go but he does seem to have specified a benchmark against which our promotion chances should be judged. I was at the game by the way. Barnard did everything but score and impressed me. However, we need actual results rather than being 'unlucky' and 'we could have scored three'.
  6. Does anyone know what was going on in the concourse below Kingsland/Northam corner at the end of the match last night? The stewards/police/medics sealed off the stairway above the corner bar. They were directing all supporters across an empty row they evacuated towards the next stairwell further up the Kingsland stand. In the concourse itself, they had sealed off the bar area and there was what looked like a steward on a stetcher with what looked like a neck brace being attended to by medics. I hope the poor guy was OK? Anyone know anything?
  7. Better than sex Long Shot! Don't tell my wife I said that. Oops! run out of posts. I'd better sign up as a full member!!....
  8. Yes I will! We are season ticket holders an they've had plenty of disapointment at St Marys recently. It was a great day out. Far removed from the away games that I remember back in the 70/80's where it was in no way suitable for a child. By the way. We wereon the Saints travel coach and I can recommend it to anyone thinking of taking a young family to an away game
  9. I took my 2 young sons to their first away game. I was worried that we might lose. My realistic hope was that we would only lose 2-0. A dream was a draw. But a win!!! The three of us are still peeling ourselves off the ceiling. Also, it wasn't a fluke. That was a well deserved win. Great support from the saints away fans. An outsied observer might have wondered who were the home fans. We were definately singing louder and more often. Show me a Saints fan who said that they didnt have a great day out and I'll show you a liar!! CORY. Looking forward to the Plymouth game.
  10. James - stood there and froze every time he was under attack. Didn't chase the ball whe he should have done. Davis - With our defence as it as right now, we need a first rate goalkeeper. I think we have one in Kelvin. Pekhart - Deserves a full game. Was impressive against QPR and scored a good goal today. John - Not very effective. Most of the time just sttod there waiting for the ball to come to him. Needs to move into position more. Richard Wright - Got a good reception from the Saints fans. He played much better when he was playing for us thank f@@@. Lallana - Contributed a lot. Faded towards the end but he was great when he was on song earlier on. Dyer - Was a danger at times but Ipswich didn't take him very seriously and left him a lot of space which he didn't take advantage of. Still playing by/with himself rather than as part of the team. Surman - Hey, he scored by the way. Fans - Northam end kept OWTS going for a long time and contributed to an atmosphere which must have perked the team up in the second half. Midfield - some good 'total football' (what DOES that mean?). John wasn't there to finish off though as he has been in the past. Overall - Some good positives. But we keep saying that every match though. We really need some positive scorelines!
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