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Everything posted by popeandrew

  1. Thank you for your support for my petition. Please share it on Facebook, email etc. Andrew Pope
  2. Thank you for your support for my petition. I have posted this on a separate thread, so apologies for repeating. --- 600 people have signed the petition that I started a few weeks ago. https://www.change.org/p/chairman-ra...mary-s-stadium If you haven't signed it already, please sign and share. I've posted the response from the Chairman today. I was on BBC Radio Solent recently and the petition was on the front page of the Echo. Thanks for your support for Safe Standing - first ever in England will probably be at Shrewsbury Town in March 2018, unless another club beats them to it. I am trying to organise a demonstration of rail seats at St. Mary's. I first saw them in 2012 at a fans conference in London, and was converted. It's taken a long time for the national campaign to get to this stage, but I think we can get it trialled at St. Mary's. We just need a Premier League club to make a public statement of support. Let's hope it is Southampton. Best wishes, Councillor Andrew Pope
  3. 600 people have signed the petition that I started a few weeks ago. https://www.change.org/p/chairman-ralph-krueger-safe-standing-for-southampton-fans-at-st-mary-s-stadium If you haven't signed it already, please sign and share. I've posted the response from the Chairman today. I was on BBC Radio Solent recently and the petition was on the front page of the Echo. Thanks for your support for Safe Standing - first ever in England will probably be at Shrewsbury Town in March 2018, unless another club beats them to it. I am trying to organise a demonstration of rail seats at St. Mary's. I first saw them in 2012 at a fans conference in London, and was converted. It's taken a long time for the national campaign to get to this stage, but I think we can get it trialled at St. Mary's. We just need a Premier League club to make a public statement of support. Let's hope it is Southampton. Best wishes, Councillor Andrew Pope
  4. Yes, as stated on their own jobs website, and as per the Daily Echo article in November, they employed people below the living wage, and on zero hours contracts. For example, ticket office assistants. The club also contracts out catering and I've confirmed this is not living wage either. Original Daily Echo piece is here: http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/11604059.Saints_urged_to_pay_living_wage_to_staff_who_only_earn_fraction_of_millionaire_players/ I now have a response of sorts from the club. They don't appear to be very happy with my campaigning, and aren't giving me full and frank answers. I will be communicating the full response from the head of HR further via the media... but... SaintsWeb exclusive - the Board have considered the living wage at its July meeting.
  5. Hi everyone, I've been campaigning for the living wage at ALL 92 English clubs. I didn't want to post here until after the election so that I couldn't be accused of electioneering. As kindly pointed out on here, I did finally get a response from HR at the club. I announced in the Southampton City Council chamber that Saints are actively considering the living wage. They pledged to put it on the agenda of the Board this month (July 2015). It was reported in the Daily Echo. There was a previous piece in the Echo last year, and a piece I put in the Mirror nationally. All Premier League clubs pledged to pay a living wage, but not until the 2016-17 season. This is after Mr Scudamore being adamant that what clubs paid was nothing to do with the Premier League! Any help you can give to put pressure on the club, would be much appreciated. I am continuing the living wage campaign for all English clubs, with my organisation the Campaign for the Reform of Football (CRoiF). All the best, Councillor Andrew Pope
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