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  1. A Bombay Burger had them a few times when working in Mumbai. It’s spicy mashed potato deep fried served in a bread roll topped off with some Tarka Dhal. Splendid stuff.
  2. The Liger is just a poor mans Tigon.
  3. Plums

    Get a life...!

    I knew i saw a nipple in that Neutrogena advert!!! i think there should be more use of nipples in advertising!!
  4. My only mistake is when he asked the Question "any fruit or vegeatbles?" i replied with saying a pound of apples and a punnet of strawberries please, i thought it was funny, he didn't and that was that.
  5. The worse one i have seen is ***** V Guy... ***** wins. WTF is that about. Once again the car was driven by a massivly overweight munter.
  6. I travel to Thailand and Asia all the time and i have never had a serious problem with any of the customs officers, although give an Asian person a official looking uniform and they do seem to get a bit over officious ( i once got hit with a billy club for repeatedly standing over the white line at a sky train syation) Always smile and be friendly, learn how to say hello and thank you in Thai and that always shows you are at least making a bit if an effort. Saying that i once got into quite a serious situation when i over stayed a visa in Thailand, but i'm sure that wont apply to you. The first time i went to Oz i had some funny ***** customs guy who was originaly from Soton, thought it would be funny to give me a bit of a grilling. Another time i made a bit of a joke with one of the customs guy, he didn't find it funny and spent the next 45 minutes pulling my backpack apart.
  7. 30%? i'm sure that is a drastic under estimation. Full of Fatties, what is it with women and that belly below the belly? Still i was in Samoa recently and i have never seen so many Fatties, still i kept my anti fattie comments to myself. It's never very clever to upset a 6ft 4 20 stone woman.
  8. I can tell you the funniest thing i have heard all day was a Scummer friend of mine forcasting ADMINISTRATION for you guys. Made me laugh out loud.
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