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  1. I think this is a good decision. With Flynn Downes not available for too much of the time, more options in the middle of the park will be welcomed- it is hardly as if Aribo has been great… SC struggled with some of the thousand RM instructions last year, but does have the physical capabilities that are going to be needed now. I am hopeful the IJ will be given a run as manager, in which case, it is better that he fully understands the capabilities of all of the members of the squad, and is able to integrate them into his team
  2. There look to be rumours of bids having been accepted for KS. Anyone know anything more about this? He is in the same boat as Mara for me. Potential is there, but it is not happening at Southampton
  3. I know absolutely nothing, with this being pure speculation… I presume that there is some kind of internal ‘loan fee’ that is being paid by the other SR clubs, but these (like the majority of other loan fees) are not being made public. There must also have been some kind of fee for the permanent transfer of Lis. Is there opportunity to help ‘balance the books’ through this movement of funds? This could then help fall foul of the authorities?
  4. Georgia looking great, especially the keeper. Potentially some bargains to be had?
  5. https://theathletic.com/live-blogs/transfer-news-deadline-day-latest-updates/Xx2FTZkPU2Lo/QEelcaGCuLV8/ Does this allow Genk to use some kind of similar deal to bring back TP? I am no way ITK…
  6. Ideally, it would be get a T-P for twice the price…
  7. What did he do to stand out? Likely to be a starter pretty soon?
  8. With one cb definitely gone, and another seemingly on the way out (possibly with another couple following), is it likely that the next incoming player will be a cb too? which potential players have there been rumours about? The younger ball playing kid (I’ve forgotten his name) sounds like it would be a coup if the club could pull it off…
  9. This might depend on the ability to ‘get him up to speed’. He is such a tall man that I’m not sure he will ever have the fitness or mobility needed for a retention based system… He could offer an alternative approach, but I can’t see the side being one to get the ball out wide to cross into the box. Are there any direct sides that need a goal scorer?
  10. RM was appointed 5 weeks ago today… a. What does everyone think regarding progress with implementing a new style and developing the squad? I feel that there has been definite progress in terms of patterns of play, but he (RM), and everyone else would have hoped for there to have been more player movement at this stage. The side still feel like a temporary one as we wait for players to leave… b. Doesn’t this make a mockery of the lack of progress made during the World Cup mid season break? I can’t remember how many weeks players had between the appointment of Jones, and the first game, but I can remember the result being a shambles. What a waste…
  11. To me, it sounds like RM is well aware of this. As others have said, before new players can be recruited, we need to move some on…
  12. Scoring a lot of goals would be good to watch though. It has been a while…
  13. Might Aribo be someone who looks better using the new, possession based approach? (Knowing that he couldn’t look much worse than a lot of last season’s performances…)
  14. https://twitter.com/southamptonfc/status/1678825505988964370?s=46&t=ESjYeidejMA4NjYUr0sDMg looks like he has signed…
  15. With Mount having moved, and Rice on his way for big bucks, there will be a lot of cash about. I hope that the club hold out for £50m, accepting that it is likely to be a structured deal over at least 3 years +… it would still be a good investment.
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