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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. It’s already stuck enough that Nigel Farage was repeating it the other day and then using it to support a ridiculous accusation that there is a significant problem with dodgy UK postal votes. Before you know it people will believe him (Much like Trump some people will believe anything he says) and start parroting it as truth left right and centre and it all adds together to undermine faith in democracy that is essential for it to function correctly.
  2. People are saying that that is a possibility not that it will definitely happen but that it is more likely under Trump than Biden.
  3. I don’t think it will be the end of elections but he could well make the transition even more sketchy than last time! imagine for a moment the morning of the 5th July and Rishi realising he has lost but instead of taking to the lecturn and graciously conceding defeat (which is what he will do more or less) announcing that the election was stolen with made up votes, that he in fact won and that he intends to take legal action to prove that and calling on his supporters to rise up. He would still get moved on but the damage you do with prominent politicians undermining democracy like this is palpable.
  4. So there we go it is totally different to our governments planned one way ticket to Rwanda. Which is hideously flawed anyway as it covers about 300 (less than 1% of the yearly arrivals) small boat arrivals a year going to Rwanda with an as yet unknown number being sent in the opposite direction.
  5. That’s fine you hand wave away his anti democratic behaviour, fingers crossed the system remains strong enough to resist him. Which as you say it likely will but I suspect it won’t be for lack of him trying to undermine it!
  6. Guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one when the government essential passes a law telling the Supreme Court they got it wrong and nothing else then that isn’t separation of powers that is the government attempting to undermine the independent decision of the court.
  7. As far as I can see yes.
  8. They are not deporting people who have arrived on their shores who they have an obligation under international treaties to process for asylum. It is totally different maybe as it’s voluntary for starters and run by the UNHCR!
  9. I think I must bot be being clear, our Supreme Court cannot be considered independent if a government enacts legislation to force it to accept a position it ruled against.
  10. No they pay into a scheme that relocates vulnerable potential asylum seekers from Lybia to Rwanda. None of those individuals have arrived in the EU and to claim asylum a totally different proposal to the UK scheme. Carry on making yourself look silly.
  11. No serious politician in the UK said the brexit vote or Boris winning was a fix, or blamed made up postal votes etc etc. Conflating people not being happy with the outcome with the actions Trump took after the last US election is part of the reason he gets away with such ludicrous behaviour.
  12. Well he did try to overturn the result of the last election, insight an attempted insurrection and still to this day refuses to accept the legitimate result of a democratic process.... Hopefully the US courts etc are too strong/sensible to allow him to do anything really stupid but I wouldn't bet against him trying to remain longer than he is allowed.
  13. The Supreme Court didn’t undermine the government they used available evidence and found that Rwanda wasn’t a safe country to send refugees too. The job of the Supreme Court isn’t to support the government it is to rule impartially on cases that come before it. I think the government are attempting to undermine the Supreme Court by declaring Rwanda safe by act of parliament when the Supreme Court said it wasn’t and I’ve yet to see any evidence to the contrary. I'm happy to debate that point in good faith, but equally if you don't want to that's your choice.
  14. Come on explain it then honestly I’m happy to be convinced you are not wasting your time just explain it….
  15. Explain away go on I’m listening and ready to be convinced!
  16. More importantly how is Biden so decrepit that he didn’t point out that you cannot abort a baby after it is born that would be a simple case of murder and carry a life sentence or the death penalty in some states!
  17. The Supreme Court found that Rwanda was not a safe place to send refugees, the government then passed legislation telling the Supreme Court that Rwanda is a safe country to send refugees to. How is that anything other than direct government intervention in a SC finding?
  18. Which countries would these be?
  19. Except when the government of the day passes legislation forcing the SC to accept a position that isn’t true say for example that a country in Africa is a safe place to send refugees…. Then the SC clearly isn’t independent and has been told by the government what to do. Something not true of the ECHR.
  20. This makes no sense, he is one of our most consistent players it’s just a shame that he is consistently pants. Besides that dead rubber against Liverpool he’s never shown up, if he was good one game bad the next I’d say you had a point but he’s just bad every time he is on the pitch.
  21. Must have put steel rods in his gloves to prevent flappy wrist syndrome!
  22. Surely no team would get away with signing an above market rate sponsorship deal with a company also owned and run by the same people who own the club, that sounds suspiciously like financial doping to me….🤣
  23. Just give each driver one of the Brexit unicorns the sunny uplands of freedom and sovereignty are awash with the beasts!
  24. Gunn is dire he has the softest hands of any keeper in professional football
  25. I don’t really get that role at all man or woman it’s just utterly pointless we have a commentator and a summariser both of whom could have watched the replay and said pen and a red such a waste of time and money having another voice that adds nothing.
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