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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. How many have gone on to achieve great things after leaving saints? Boufal went on to an average spell at Angers and is now rotting in the middle east Carillo was garbage before we signed him and has maintained that level ever since including a spell in China Lemina has by contrast actually done ok, bit of a jouneyman but has played at a decent level, hardly set the world on fire and still seems to have the same crappy attitude that plagued his time at Saints. He frustrates me massively because I think if he had his head screwed on properly he would be playing for a top 6 team but he just doesn't want it enough.
  2. Good bit of business and done early enough so he can come in and be ready for the start of the season. Definitely improves the forward line.
  3. Any time when she is leader will likely extend the wilderness years by another cycle. She lack any centrist appeal and there simple are not enough votes that far right wing to win her a general election. I’m all for her succeeding Badenoch or Patel after they loose the next election.
  4. And they are allowed to limp in on crutches swear blind it’s just a knock and they will be back in a couple of weeks! I’m hoping the doc who signed off Delgado is long retired and that the one who signed of Stewart has been struck off by the GMC!
  5. The clubs board and the leagues financial fair play enforcer!
  6. Nice blast from the past, sadly at 40+ years of age and having been retired for over a decade I'm not sure he's got the legs for top flight football anymore! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruud_Knol More importantly has Rudi Skacel signed yet? are we still looking at that Spanish winger and has Rupert completed negotiations with Bierhoff yet? Those were the days of real summer transfer rumours!
  7. Reminds me way too much of the Delgado fiasco! I hope he comes good but I certainly don’t expect him to!
  8. Some strikers take a while to find the premier league groove even though they are clearly the best in the Championship, hopefully Arma's confidence from last year combined with his previous experience and hopefully the side playing well will see him deliver. If we could get 10-15 league goals out of him that would go a long way to keeping us up.
  9. It's like the old days when we signed Federico 'The Torpedo' Arias who was apparently the only player in Argentina at the time worth signing! https://www.skysports.com/football/news/2254420/saints-confirm-arias-arrival
  10. I think he did his shoulder again and he hardly played all season.
  11. Probably means they are really wanting £30m, I can't see us playing up in that money league this summer even though it seems bare minimum for a decent player these days.
  12. His shoulder seems to be a serious concern which must be massively frustrating to both him and the club, I'd like to see him given another chance he looked pretty decent even in our terrible relegation season and if by some miracle he stays fit he could be the best centre back at the club.
  13. I don’t disagree that we should look at the best healthcare systems in Europe for inspiration in how to fund and improve the NHS but and it’s a big one if we want the NHS to be comparable to the best then however we fund it we will have to spend more money on it as all the evidence says it is underfunded and understaffed. The over management and easy efficiency savings are a bit of a myth so there is no easy solution! https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o929
  14. The last PM left his hand picked unelected Foreign Secretary on a D-Day beach a few weeks ago and you are worried about something that might embarrass us on the international stage? I could list all the other times a Tory politician mad us look stupid on an international level in the last 14 years but it would take to long at least give the new guys a chance.
  15. You can't just drop that one liner and run, your going to have to say what should replace it and how/why it would be better after the change?
  16. Interesting how Nige didn't mention it while gaming the system by pulling 300 MP's from key seats to help Boris achieve a Majority. I've backed electoral reform for years and voted in favour of it last time we got a say, it' just funny to see the right wing parites and media suddenly moaning now the shoe is on the other foot!
  17. Sadly after 3 seasons with his feet up in the MLS I suspect he is even further past he prime than he was when spurs ditched him! Another who’s bank balance did better from leaving saints than his career did! Celtic were a great feeder club for us back then got a couple of gems!
  18. National insurance is a total misnomer and it doesn’t fund the NHS directly it is just stealth general taxation that makes income tax appear lower and gives a tax break to rich people with large unearned incomes! You can play the waste and overspend card as often as you like it will never trump the fact we don’t spend enough if we want a leading health service you can fund it anyway you like and makes as many savings as you like it still needs loads more money to be on a par with the best in the world. private healthcare is a tricky one as in the UK it only covers certain things it won’t for example pay to scrape you off the road, rush you to hospital and save your life after you get hit by a car! I do agree that private health care has a part to play in a balance but it can’t simply be allowed to hoover up the easy work and leave the complex less profitable stuff in the hands of the NHS or let the NHS pick up the cost of treatments gone wrong.
  19. Celebrity death match style please
  20. This is a good comparison of healthcare spending between European countries and shows the shortfall really clearly. The Scandinavian countries have generally excellent healthcare and fun it mostly from a tax funded insurance system with some cost sharing Germany again has a great system they fund it through compulsory insurance based on income levels. I would agree there is room for a discussion on how we fund the NHS but what can't be questioned is that it is underfunded by a significant amount and if we want it to be better we have to spend more on it where ever the money comes from. Drives me mad to see people saying we just need to cut the waste, or the managers or the xxx when the numbers say we don't fund it inline with comparable countries.
  21. And incredibly on Friday morning could be leader of the opposition!
  22. Because our spending on healthcare is well behind that of similar countries who shock horror have better healthcare services. It really isn’t rocket science if you want the NHS to be world beating it needs to at least get close to world beating money!
  23. Text from the actual bill, that as far as I can see is directly instructing the court that is can’t find Rwanda to be generally unsafe, from where I’m sat that is the government interfering with the finding of the Supreme Court and attempting to prevent them making the same decision again simply because they didn’t like it. Maybe it’s different interpretations but that legislation is awful. Enabling Parliament to confirm that, with the new treaty, Rwanda is safe. Requiring decision makers and courts and tribunals to treat Rwanda as generally safe, when making decisions, or hearing claims about decisions relating to the removal of a person to Rwanda. Preventing domestic courts and tribunals from hearing cases or granting interim remedies on matters relating only to general safety of Rwanda.
  24. His dad was our record signing for quite a while maybe we should chuck City £30m just for the future pub quiz question!
  25. Nothing about his career to date says he has what it takes to make it in the prem his goal return when on loan in the championship has been abysmal I just can’t get exited about a player who got 8 goals in 31 games last year.
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