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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. they look alot more solid than anyone and Lancashire and the terrible full backs would make anyone look over worked in the middle.
  2. Did anyone ever get his football Manager stats?
  3. I love this web site, it's totally ridiculous apparently we either have to choose to be lowe luvies or lowe haters? When did we stop having the option of being fans, personally I couldn't give a damn who runs the club as long as it works, which clearly it isn't at the minute. Thats not to say I 'hate' Lowe I actually think in his time he's done alot of good for the club but he's not anymore so the time has come for him to step aside. Finally as far as the appointment of Jan goes I was in the lets see camp which quickly became the lets get him out of here camp and to be honest I would have had the same opinion wether or not Lowe appointed him or the fans elected him. Surely it's got to be time to drop all this lowe luvie and hater crap and just get on with supporting our club?
  4. He was awsome on champ Manager quite a few years back, now if only we could get Stefan Ishisaki to sort out our lack of a winger problem!
  5. I think were upto 88 players who've made league appearences for us since relegation we'll definately break 100 next season I would suspect.
  6. Anyone predict this after the Sheffield Wednesday game last year? I certainly never thought I'd see the day when he was welcomed as our club captain an impressive turn around!
  7. Nothing to do with cost, we would have a better atmospher in a smaller ground, empty seat don't sing and cheer. Why does everything with this club have to some down to one of two things these days the club was here long before the 'money' and 'lowe' issues and will still be here long after them. When will we be alowed to make comments without refference to 'money' or 'lowe'?
  8. I think the best decision would have been to build one with 10K less seats.
  9. I disagree, I was at Sheffield Utd for his first game back in the side this season and while he was clearly not match fit he gave his all for the cause and I can't remember ever thinking he wasn't commited to the club when he was on the pitch. He's been treated badly by the club from day one with that ridiculous signing on the pitch thing the his beloved Burley used him poorley and seeing him wasted at left back for the last season and a half has been a crying shame. Good Luck Rudi, shame it dodn't work out for you.
  10. I think if Kelvin was relegated to the reserves the revolt would be in the dressing room not just the stands. The team can survive with out Rudi but take Kelvin out and we'd be down already.
  11. Give me one example on the pitch? When I've seen him he's always looked one of our most commited players.
  12. Thats irrelevant round here, if your not the finished article at 17 then your not good enough to be an international mega star so ship out cause only galacticos are allowed in our mighty team.
  13. Reports last year when he was fined put him on about 5k a week so assuming his pay didn't drop in the summer which seem unlikely his yearly pay would be 260K plus the extra cost of NI contibutions for the club so that will cover a 'few hundred grand'. Fortunately (assuming we are only interested in making money on him) he's been out on loan for most of the season so we shouldn't have been paying his wages allthough I'm not sure how the Sheffield United contract would have worked with us having that 'striker' on loan at the same time.
  14. You miss the point, in order to get compensation from another team when they sign a youngster who's contract has expired then you must have offered them an extension that matched there previous terms. It is the common belief of alot of fans that we offered such a contract to dyer assuming that he would sign for another club like pompey who would then have to pay us the compensation as set by the tribunal. Sadly it appears at the time nobody made him a better offer so it signed the contract that we were obliged to have offered him leaving us with a player the club didn't want so he has been consistently shipped out on loan.
  15. Interestingly the Pele who did play for us seems to be rotting in west broms reserves, he's only made three first team appearences this season. Could he be the tackling midfielder we need? I'm sure West Brom would like to get him off the wage bill!
  16. I've read about his ankle injury, not read anywhere that he had torn his achilies. If it's true then I suspect he will never play again, a torn achilies is a career threatening injury on it's own without all his other problems.
  17. Blaming Strachan for the lack of youth is stupid, we hadn't had anything much from our accademy in years at that point with Oakley and Bridge being the exceptions. We had a few others who looked good briefly Basham I seem to remember scoring a couple of crackers, Kevin Gibbens looked like he might go on to better things and Monk looked like he might make a decent centre half however they all failed to make the grade here or anywhere else fo that matter. Before that you're going back several years to Shearer the Wallace brothers, benali and dodd. WGS was a legend and made us proud to be saints all that has followed has been an epic calamity that makes me loath to wear the shirt.
  18. I only want one thing a big thug to play in central midfield.
  19. Do we actually have any strikers left at reserve team level? I'm struggling to pick one out in that line up!
  20. Maybe this is why portaloo is still here, if we don't win a game for the next month then everyone will be desperate for us to go into admin and take the points deduction this season so we have a better chance next year. Lowe will then buy the club back from the admins for next to nothing and have total control without the need of Wilde etc.
  21. fookin ridiculous, what a waste of time! For the first time in my life I hope we get stuffed next time out maybe that will finally get rid of this useless nobody.
  22. what about Jim Brenan for left back?
  23. That was Noel Whelan, he had a habit of drinking to much and acting like a moron, nearly ended his career when he put his foot through a shop window and cut his ankle up on the shards.
  24. way to look on the brightside! we all know what will happen if we're 2 down but I for one hope we'll win this one and can't see the point in this depressing thread other than to let people have yet more shots at lowe?
  25. Who by all accounts offered to play for us for effecively nothing if we gave him one more year and cried his eyes out on his last lap of the gorund? Your very strange.
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