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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. Would love to read this thread alongside the one after last seasons game at Wednesday! His distribution was typically awful today and he should not be wearing the captains armband ad he is unable to influence the team where it matters.
  2. Try ringing this number and asking? 0845 6889288 it's not rocket science.
  3. If we don't pay the football debt in full we don't start next season, those is the rules.
  4. If we owe them money still it's been outstanding for well over a year as Best hasn't been our player in that long, this to me suggests your spouting rubish.
  5. We'll never sell out the away end at hilsborough, nobody does. Worse case scenario is we sell out the initial allocation but they will have plenty available on the day, hell they could even open both tiers if necessary!
  6. Why do we start the same threads every day for three months?
  7. Well blow me I nearly forgot we were a football club and it turns out that we are competing in some meaningless bottom of the table clash or something this evening, Here's hoping the boys will be able to get better focused away from home and bag us three much needed points 1-0 saints! COYR
  8. Who cares? Whats done is done why can we not just stop picking over the bones and debating the what ifs etc. Look to the future and move on.
  9. They are paying us peanuts, it works out at less than 5K a week so effectively they are funding one decent player.
  10. Read all the other 100 threads on the subject you answers are there!
  11. Your personal health and saftey, taking musical instruments to footy matches be they drums, trumpets or what ever should be punished by said instrument being inserted where the sun don't shine.
  12. The 30 Million figure isn't relevant it's more like 6 million as the stadium loan is secured on the asset and givn decent support from the fans and a little understanding from AVIVA can be serviced by the club in what ever form it goes forward. Every little helps to chip away at the overdraft and make it easier for someone to buy the club.
  13. If we dropped the St Marys it could work, much like Arsenals Emirates Stadium might not be worth much but for a couple of hundred K I wouldn't mind us playing at the Flybe Arena or even the Durex dump provided they stump up some readies.
  14. There resignation would have been a total waste of time as they would still have been lurking with the shares that they ridiculously over valued. I bet you Lowe wishes he'd sold the lot after Wilde came to power the first time, the joy of 20-20 hindsight!
  15. I like him but thats certainly stretching the truth, the wage bill condemed us to this fate and I can't see how he would have reduced it enough.
  16. Honestly, who cares? It's in the past it's not going to change anything Lowe and Wilde are gone lets stop raking over the corpse and move on hopefully into a bright new era.
  17. The influs of cash will indeed go to the PLC but this isn't necessarily the doom and gloom option some are portraying, Every penny of extra money goes towards reducing the debt making it easier and cheaper for a potential buyer. I also think we do need to demonstrate that the support is still here the attendences this season have been dire and I think 3 massive attendences will send the message that the fans at least still care and that many were staying away while Lowe was still here, the same can be said of any other purchase.
  18. Good ridance to the stupid farm, hopefully another pointless non-football distraction gone along with the ex-board I'm sick of hearing about it and can't remember the last time it lashed in a hat-trick!
  19. It is entirely owned by SLH PLC, it is an asset of the holding company.
  20. I think it would be a nice gesture if they said in the event of a sell out they would waive say 25% of there salary for the week in question, encourages the fans to show up and shows solidarity. It won't happen though.
  21. a1ex2001

    Jackson Farm

    Exactly, there are only three assets we should be interested in the Football Club, The Stadium and Staplewood in that order with the club being a massive priority. I couldn't care less who make money out of some farm I'm a footy fan not a property developer fan.
  22. Thanks saved me some typing, if people are going to get on there soap boxes about somehting a little research may help.
  23. The premiership was a new league and not a rebranding. Next thing you'll be talking about north south splits and how passing the ball is a hideous new invention thats ruining the game.
  24. The Saints, Red and White quaters ala the origional St Marys Team, Who knows
  25. Division 1 and Division 3 no longer exist along with Divisions 2 and 4, please keep up at the back.
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