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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. 15-20m also makes a big difference on what we can spend this year in terms of the fair play regs letting him go for nothing next year see's us not only loose out on the fee but on the financial breathing room to bring someone else in.
  2. Shin pads are compulsory for all players, are you sure he wasn’t following the ridiculous current trend of using ones that are too small for a five year old? Much like the cutting of holes in socks they need to be banned!
  3. Would have been nice to get something out of it, but put in a decent performance didn’t get massively thrashed and hopefully it will be the trigger for fixing the goalkeeper situation! Plenty to be optimistic about for the rest of the season with the window still open.
  4. Both have problems but an uncontrolled shrinking population with our current population demographic would be significantly more problematic than our current slowly growing one. Houses and other facilities can be built a workforce to care for and financially support our population cannot be, robots and AI aren’t that good. Not to mention our entire financial system is built on growth. Long term global populations are due to decline which will take careful planning and management of the transition and amusingly potentially western countries ‘fighting’ over migrants. I do find your posting style amusing, nit pick one line from long posts and ignore the posts that correct your errors, classic and predictable.
  5. The uk population has grown by 0.6% per year on average over the last 10 years which isn’t beyond the ability of a functioning government to plan for. Migration has kept the age demographic of the UK roughly stable despite the boomer generation entering retirement and a birth rate below replacement levels. Take migration out of the equation and the UK population likely goes into decline and with an ageing population that is an economic and social nightmare.
  6. Of course it does, foreign students play a huge part in keeping our universities afloat effectively subsidising the education of the native population. If you remove the foreign students you either increase fees substantially of increase higher education funding from general taxation a modern economy requires a high quality higher education system which needs to be paid for.
  7. The vast majority of migrants arrive on visas, those on students visas don’t get benefits and fund the UK’s higher education system. Those on work visas on the Brexit sun lite uplands points scheme arrive to work and start contributing from day one. So are we back to the tiny numbers arriving by boats? That should be processed quickly and fairly so they are either deported or integrated into society so they can start paying into the system.
  8. They are ‘safe’ the minute they leave the place where they are not safe, I fail to see your point? The international treaties we are signatories of say they can choose to pass through to another country before applying for asylum, this avoids neighbouring countries being over run during wars etc. even though most refugees do stop in neighbouring countries hence the vast number of Syrians in Turkey for example.
  9. That is a controlled decision by your government, small boat arrivals is less than 30k a year of which 30/40% should be deported after processing asylum applications. If you want to reduce legal migration ie the vast majority who arrive on visas as students or points based essential workers then you need to choose bettweeen the three options I’be explained and all the anti immigration people ignore! 1 stop reporting student arrivals as part of the net migration figures as most leave eventually so it just skews the number unnecessarily 2 reduce student visas this would then require either a significant increase in fee’s charged to domestic students or funding of higher education from general taxation (neither of which will be popular) 3 reduce the number of people arriving on essential worker visas and accept shortages in critical Industries and health care etc. Which do you want?
  10. So we should instantly close the boarders to all migrants, including students, doctors, nurses and care home workers? Who would you suggest fills the vacancies?
  11. Immigration isn’t ‘out of control’ it is almost fully in control of the elected government. Small boat arrivals/asylum seekers make up a tiny percentage of the people arriving in the UK it is just blown out of all proportion by right wing media coverage and politicians looking for a convenient other. The vast majority of immigrants arrive with either educational or work visas approved by the government because the first batch support our further education system and the second our economy and public services. As for why they want to come here, the simple answer is the vast majority don’t the UK takes a vanishingly small percentage of the worlds displaced people. Those that do want to come here often site language, friends/family and opportunity as reasons.
  12. Where did I say the current process doesn’t? The comment was in response to the implication that we shouldn’t process an asylum application from someone if France because ‘they are in France so they are safe’. Maybe read things twice before responding
  13. Now you’re just being deliberately obtuse, nobody within Afghanistan is going to be able to apply for asylum from within the boarders of that country but once they have fled to a third country they could if we chose permit them to apply for asylum in the UK at any British embassy and then if successful transport them to the UK. Name me a safe route to apply for asylum in the UK without first arriving on UK soil? They simply don’t exist outside of very short lived an specific measures ie Ukraine and Afghans who worked with the British. You know as well as I do that asylum seekers do not have to apply for asylum in the first country they arrive in a measure to stop neighbouring countries being overwhelmed so don’t play the ‘they are in France so they are safe’ nonsense card as it doesn’t align with our commitments under international treaty. The only way to decide if someone is pretending to be a refugee is to process their application something the last government effectively stopped doing and in the end even made illegal for small boat arrivals, hence the epic backlog. Finally as I said in my origional reply to your post the number of people arriving by small boat is a drop in the ocean if you are really serious about dropping the numbers you still need to choose one of my options to Achieve it but you seem to be ignoring that and delivering a load of waffle about Afghanistan having a terrible oppressive hostile government….
  14. That is exactly what I said, I was asked what routes could be opened to allow asylum applications abroad and gave some basic examples. Would people really pay smugglers stacks of cash and risk the crossing if they could just walk into the local embassy and apply? It is laughable that people are so hung up on the small numbers of people arriving in the UK by small boat yet don’t want to offer an alternative route to apply for asylum.
  15. Seems incredibly expensive when you dig into the costs a little, would be much cheaper to process people efficiently assimilate those entitled to asylum and deport those not.
  16. Loads of options, for those fleeing a country then they could apply for asylum at a UK embassy in a safe third country. They could apply online the options are only limited by your imagination or lack there of. If the main desire is the somewhat pathetic slogan ‘stop the boats’ then we could open asylum processing centres in France which the French government have previously said they would support. You didn’t see Ukrainians on small boats because we opened safe routes for them to come legally to the UK and apply for asylum, something we don’t have for people from other nations. None of which tackles the issue of high net migration which is fuelled by reporting students in the numbers and giving out large numbers of skilled worker visas which make up the vast majority of migrants. The options for which are not attractive as nobody will want to pay more tax to fund higher education, or higher prices for services impacted by labour shortages and nobody wants a more broken NHS. All this the country is full nonsense and we should stop all by essential migration is so laughably pathetic as the people screaming and throwing bricks fail to offer any realistic alternative. They got there way we left the EU and ended freedom of movement to be replaced by a points based migration system and still they aren’t happy!
  17. It seems the democrats ditching a senile old man has really highlight that Trump is an equally senile old man! Fortunately there is no chance of the republicans ditching him for someone vaguely competent they are too far invested in the cult of stupidity.
  18. Decent result for the blue few, Leeds will be there or there abouts at the seasons end. Maintain that level for the season and you’ll have a good one.
  19. You say yourself that the small boats are a tiny fraction of net migration to the UK so why would making it slightly easier suddenly mean we have double the level of migration? The vast majority of recent arrivals in the country have arrived with legitimate visas awarded either as essential workers under the points based system everyone said would fix migration or as students. So if we want to reduce migration numbers we have a few options! One stop including student arrivals in annual net migration figures as these people mostly go home few years later so including them is just waving a red ff at an angry bull. If that isn’t acceptable then we could reduce the number of foreign students but this would have a significant impact on university funding so we would either need to charge even more punitive student fees or increase higher education funding from general taxation neither of which will be popular! The final option is to reduce visas for migrant workers which would lead to a shortage of workers in many essential industries including the NHS. The choices are simple the small boats and migrants crammed into hotels are just a deliberate and convenient other for right wing politicians and their client media. Other countries process significantly more asylum seekers than we do a year and also reject a significantly larger portion. Oh and back on topic Yaxley Lennon is a total waste of oxygen he is a thug and a grifter who serves nobodies interests but his own and would complain about the night being dark if he could blame it on ‘others’ and pocket a couple of quid!
  20. Stewart is clearly done, if he was a horse they’d be ringing the bet to bring a gun. The mystery surrounding him currently is just weird/pathetic the club should just come Clean.
  21. If he is the best they have then Labour will be in power a while yet! A horrible little road of a man with less charisma than a month old lettuce and a record of corruption and failure as long as your arm!
  22. I found it odd that the rounds are all held across multiple races yet the final is a one off.
  23. Of course he said that in public as Baz was the best we had so destroying his confidence by telling everyone he was rubbish would hardly be good man management, none of us has any idea what he is saying behind the scenes and rightly so.
  24. He’s made a decent career for himself, never quite had what it takes to play at the highest level.
  25. We got the Delgado doctor back, he has a fisher price kids medical box and printed a certificate of achievement on twinkle! I assume he is uninsured as we signed a known crock!
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