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Everything posted by a1ex2001

  1. Plus points for Di Canio: 1. He's not Harry 2. He's not Harry 3. He's not Harry Negatives: 1. He's a muppet 2. He's a facist 3. He's totally unproven So on the ballance of arguments the only way he should get the job is if it's a toss up bettween him and Harry.
  2. he took off Lallana, Lambert and Puch all in the same 4 minute spell after which we failed to hold the ball up and offered no threat allowing them to trample all over us those substitutions were ridiculous.
  3. Terrible substitutions, taking off all our best performers against man u for example was simply stupid. Picking players out of position, Jay Rod is not a winger, Mayuka is not a lone centre forward and none of our centre backs are left backs. Leaving Lambert out, he's our most likel goal scorer so having him on he bench is dumb. Chopping and changing the keeper, I agree Davies had to go but then he needed to stick with Gazzinga who was doing fine not drop him and replace him with the unfit polish nut job. Sadly the sooner the manager goes the better he has not learned from his mistakes this year he just keeps repeating them and trotting out the same old excuses and above all that he hasn't made any effort to make us hard to beat since it became aparent we leak goals down the wings, we need to shore things up and make it difficult to beat us then the points will come which will give us the confidence to attack.
  4. Whats the number for making my pledge to the muppets trying to buy Pompey? Seriously I'd rather own 0.1% of that crap hole than have Harry back at St Mary's, if it's true I hope we loose every game and are relegated by the end of January anything to hasten his departure from the club I'd rather be back in League 1 with a team full of kids than support that scumbag. For those that think it's just emotive ranting I say that football needs to be about more than winning at all costs and I'd much rather be a fan of a decent, morally upstanding club than any associated with the brown paper bag man.
  5. As long as we are playing 4-3-3 then the wingers cannot be expected to provide a huge amount of cover for the full backs, their number one priority is to join the attack and not leave our lone central forward isolated. If we were playing a traditional 4-4-2 then their role changes and they would be expected to provide much more cover. The simple truth is we don't have the personel to play the formation we are, the back four simply isn't strong enough and we are not good enough going forward to play like Keegans Newcastle and back ourselves to out score the oposition. Sadly Adkins seems as set on the 4-4-3 as he is on making ridiculous blunders in player selections and substitutions, no other side in the world would leave out Lambert for Jay Rod or subsitiute their most effective players everytime they get a lead.
  6. Easy to forget just how good he was for us back then, he must have been a nightmare to play against big, stong and reasonably quick, decent of either foot, great in the air and could score from anywhere. Love watching the teams of that era great to see players like Marsden and Fernandes at their best setting up the big guy, that really was a golden era for saints.
  7. Far too good for that level and will demand massive wages so sounds ideal for Pompey with 'the smallest budget in the league' honest!
  8. Don't think you'd want my numbers they would only be half right (assuming Boruc does start on the weekend)!
  9. Boruc will start tonight and if he plays ok will keep his place for Sturday, it's harsh on the young lad but in goal in a season like this experience wins it for me. Gazza's time will come and I'm sure he is aware of that.
  10. What a joke, the whole situation would be laughable if it wasn't so desperately sad and costing the tax payer, small businesses and charities a fortune. I can't believe that either the financial or footballing institutions in this country can allow such a farce but clearly it does so we will have another two years of Chiny robbing and asset stripping before once again putting the club into admin to dodge the massive debts he's run up. It's predictable rinse and repeat and those that could stop it are just sitting back and watching.
  11. Would take Boruc tomorrow.
  12. or the new owner of pfc?
  13. Nobody keeps players against their will, if we get offered 25 million for any of our players and they want to go they will be quickly shipped out and replaced. It's much more dificult to get rid of a player the club doesn't want just look at the Forecast, Forte and last season Puncheon situations!
  14. He won't get a chance to sulk if anyone offers us £25 million he'll be out the door before he gets a chance, lets be realistic.
  15. Quite right too, they deserve all the stick thrown at them while they are making such a mockery of the footballing and financial authorities. I'm sick of hearing about their struggle to field a team and how amazing they are doing on such a small budget and I'm chocking on the smoke and blinded by the glare in the mirrors that seems to hide their antics from everyone including the gutter press that is normally all over such things. I just hope they hurry up and fold so the pheonix team can start planning for season 2013/14 and leave all this poison behind.
  16. Absolutely hate it and to have to listen to Wednesday, United and Rotherham fans take the mick is too much.
  17. Your crediting hims with a sense of propriety which he has already demonstrated he lacks in abundance, somehting happens to people when they get involved in that club!
  18. Can I pay it in installments over the next 5 years with the first payment due in 3 years time I promise that I will not miss a single payment* *in the first three years
  19. That oddly would appear to be the case but as with all things the FA has the final say and there is awlays a clause in the rules to give them flexibility.
  20. I could pretend to be shocked about the bankcrupt club that is meandering towards financial melt down signing yet more players but I won't bother I#ve rather gotten used to them making it up as they go along hopefully all these players are just eating a bigger hole into the bottom of the empty money sack that is currently being used to fund the club.
  21. a1ex2001


    or loaning them out which would seem highly possible for a few on the fringe.
  22. It's all subjective and saints all time keeper is particularly difficult as there are so many outstanding candidates it could have been any of five and Neimi would always be right up there he was absolutely out of the top draw.
  23. This thread is reminding me of the build up to the signing of Rudi Skace so I fully expect him to be paraded on the pitch to formally sign his contract this weekend before turning out to not be the saviour but just a decent footballer.
  24. You miss the point the football league hve know al along whats going on and have turned a blind eye, I only hope one day we find out why! Pompey don't they just fill the available spaces with players they can't afford!
  25. More likely there is very little money to pay the non-contract players (lets no kid ourselves they are playing for free even if it's just the classic 'expenses' line) so rather than waste it on the worthless trophy game they have saved it for the league game. I'll be mighty hacked off if they get away with putting out a decent(ish) side made up of non-contract players as it makes a total mockery of the transfer embargo, but then everything they do makes a mockery of some rule or other these days.
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